Chapter 501

But it didn't work, Ouyang Mingchen just felt annoyed, sticking it on the car like this, even if he wanted to drive away.

The driver understood his temper and tried hard to pull Lin Anna away.

"What is this doing?"

Hearing this voice, Ouyang Mingchen was startled, and opened the car window to look out. It was indeed Tian Feifei, who had seen this scene at the entrance a long time ago, and came out with an umbrella.

Quickly opened the car door and went down, walked over to help Tian Feifei, "Why did you come out, it's raining so hard, go back to the house."

Looking up at the old housekeeper and maid who were following behind with umbrellas, "How do you do things, how do you let your wife come out in the rain. You don't want to do it, do you?"

"Morning morning!" Tian Feifei scolded him softly, "Don't blame them, I saw your car parked outside without any movement, so I ignored their obstruction and had to come out to have a look. Did something happen? "

"Nothing, go in quickly." Ouyang Mingchen hugged her and wanted to walk towards the big house.

"Sister-in-law, please be fair. I know that you are the most important in my brother's heart. Please persuade my brother, please?"

But there was nothing to cover up, Lin Anna had already broken away from the driver and rushed towards Tian Feifei.

Ouyang Mingchen quickly turned around and protected Tian Feifei behind him, "What do you want to do, you haven't learned your lesson yet, have you?"

"Brother, are you really so hard-hearted? I'm your real sister, don't you care about family affection at all?" Lin Anna hugged Ouyang Mingchen's thigh and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with me? When my mother was about to give birth to me, did you ask me for my opinion? Did you ask me if I would like to shed the blood of Ouyang's family? Why should all this be counted on my head , let me bear it?"

"Then I can't do anything. You can only go back and ask your mother how greedy she is. Hmph, it sounds nice. For love, I think she is doing it for money." Ouyang Mingchen said, motioning the driver to pull Lin Ana open.

The eyes are full of disgust. There is really a daughter for every kind of mother.With such a woman, what good education can be expected from her.

"No, brother, you misunderstood, you really misunderstood..." Lin Anna wanted to say something else, but Ouyang Mingchen was thinking about Tian Feifei who was pregnant, and didn't want to entangle her at all, so he took advantage of the driver to pull away. In her neutral position, she was about to leave with Tian Feifei in her arms.

Who knew that Lin Anna hugged Tian Feifei's thigh unwillingly, "Sister-in-law, no, sister! I know, you also have a younger sister, so why are you so cruel? If you see your sister being treated like this , What would you think, what would the child in your stomach think when he saw his father so cold-blooded?"

But before she finished speaking, she was really pulled away this time, Ouyang Mingchen looked at the crazy Lin Anna coldly, "Don't worry about her, let her quarrel outside, she is tired of arguing, naturally will go."

After finishing speaking, he ignored it, and carefully supported Tian Feifei, full of affection, he was really a different person from just now.

Tian Feifei forced a smile and walked in without saying a word. Obviously, Lin Anna's words caused ripples in her heart.That's right, if Tian Xiaoxiao was the one who got caught in the rain outside, would she be able to do the same and just ignore her?
"Morning morning..." Tian Feifei said softly.

"What's wrong? Did you catch a cold? Look at you, you won't be good when I'm not around. What if it's raining." Ouyang Mingchen put the back of his hand on Tian Feifei's forehead, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"No, tomorrow morning, I will feel uncomfortable, but it's not because of the rain."

Ouyang Mingchen's face darkened, "Don't worry about that woman outside."

"But she is your sister after all."

"Who said it, can anyone prove it?" Ouyang Mingchen said angrily because his good mood was offended.In fact, how could he not know whether it was true or not? As early as when Lin Hui came to the door, he had asked someone to test Lin Anna's DNA, and it was indeed his sister.

Otherwise, how could he find a hotel for them.But this also further proves his father's infidelity, doesn't he? He really feels worthless for his mother, which is why he was unwilling to accept them in the first place.

What's more, their performance afterwards disappointed him too much. It was obvious that they were here to grab property. It's funny, does this property have anything to do with them?This is also the most fundamental reason why he is so cold-blooded.

"Morning..." Knowing that he was speaking angrily, Tian Feifei didn't argue with him, and leaned softly on his chest, "Look, it's raining so hard outside, let her come in for a night, When the rain stops tomorrow, just tell her not to leave."

"Feifei, alas, you are too soft-hearted, do you think she will go away obediently tomorrow?" Ouyang Mingchen said lazily as he lifted her hair and wrapped it behind her ears.

"This is my home. If I want to drive someone away, can't I drive away? I don't think she will leave tonight, so let's do a good deed and accumulate virtue for our children, isn't it?"

As Tian Feifei said, she took Ouyang Mingchen's hand and put it on her stomach, as if she heard the conversation between the two, the child in her belly kicked Tian Feifei in the stomach as if responding.

The two looked at each other in surprise, and Ouyang Mingchen cried out in joy, "Honey, he's kicking me, he's moving!"

"Fool!" Tian Feifei smiled and looked at Ouyang Mingchen who had instantly turned into a child. Really, even a small thing could make him happy like this, which shows that he really loves her so much.

"Morrow morning, look, even the baby agrees with what I said, why don't you let her come in for one night, and I'll drive her away tomorrow morning, so as not to upset you."

"Feifei!" Ouyang Mingchen looked at her eyes full of tenderness, couldn't say any more words of rejection, and finally sighed, "Forget it, you can ask the housekeeper to ask her to come in, but you can't go up to the second floor to disturb you, Just live in the guest room on the first floor..."

"Really? I knew my heart would be better tomorrow morning." Tian Feifei smiled and was about to tell the housekeeper, but the housekeeper rushed upstairs in a hurry.

Panting, "Sir, Miss Tian, ​​she fainted outside!"

Tian Feifei frowned, maybe it was because of the rain, it would have been nice if she had come in earlier, but nothing serious would happen, "Housekeeper, call the family doctor and ask him to come over." .Maybe it's a fever."

"Hey, okay, I'll go right away." The butler responded repeatedly and retreated.

"Wait!" Ouyang Mingchen called to stop the housekeeper.

Tian Feifei looked at him, thinking that he had repented, "You promised me just now."

"Fool, I will definitely do what I promised you. I asked the housekeeper to bring people in first."

"That's right, go quickly." With the approval, Tian Feifei hastily ordered the housekeeper to bring Lin Anna in.

"I'll go down and have a look too." After saying that, he left, but was grabbed by Ouyang Mingchen.

"Why are you a pregnant woman joining in the fun? I'll just go."

"Oh, tomorrow morning, I'm bored at home all day, don't you let me take a look, I promise, I won't be hurt by her, okay? I'm just a pregnant woman, not a disabled person..."

Seeing Ouyang Mingchen staring at her, Tian Feifei quickly covered her mouth, knowing that she had said something wrong, she simply took his arm and pulled him away.

Ouyang Mingchen shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to let her go. In front of Tian Feifei, no amount of persistence turned into soft fingers.

In the living room, the driver had already brought in Lin Anna who had fainted, and stood by the side dripping wet, not knowing how to place her.

Ouyang Mingchen also suspected that she was pretending to be fainted, and only after seeing it did she know that she really fainted.Weakly resting on the driver's wrists, his head drooped, revealing a pale face.

In fact, this face is somewhat similar to his, and probably both of them have inherited their father's appearance, and with just a quick glance, they can still be seen as brother and sister.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Mingchen's heart also softened, and he quickly called the maid to help get Lin Anna to the bathroom of the guest room, put hot water in the bathtub, and put Lin Anna in to clean it up.

Lin Anna didn't wake up during the whole process, and followed the maid's handling of her unconsciously.

Tian Feifei was forbidden to go in to help, so she could only wait outside and worry about it. After finally waiting for the family doctor to come, she was about to go in, but was stopped by Ouyang Mingchen.

"What if she has germs and infects you? Don't be self-willed, she's almost a mother..."

"Okay." Thinking about what Ouyang Mingchen said was right, Tian Feifei stopped insisting, and snuggled up with him on the sofa in the living room, waiting for the family doctor to come out.

About 10 minutes later, the family doctor finally came out. Ouyang Mingchen found that he was really nervous all the time, but he didn't want to make it too obvious. Fortunately, Tian Feifei was impatient and stood up, facing the family doctor. As he walked, he followed the trend.

"Doctor, how is she? Is she awake?"

"I've already given her a drip, but she hasn't woken up yet, and she should be able to wake up when the fever subsides."

"Do you have a high fever?"

"Well, it's 41 degrees, it's very dangerous. Fortunately, it's in time, and it hasn't burned into pneumonia yet."

"If I knew it, I would have let her in earlier. It has been raining for too long." Tian Feifei said with some annoyance, watching the doctor put away the reading glasses, as if hesitating to say something.

Tian Feifei had sharp eyes and asked, "What's the matter, is there any question?"

"Yes, ma'am, the girl inside seems to have been abused for a long time. I can see that she has many old injuries and a few new injuries, which seem to have been repaired in a few days." The doctor shook his head and sighed.

"Really, who is so cruel, who hits such a heavy hand, how does such a thin girl endure it?"

Tian Feifei didn't expect to hear such an answer, she was stunned, and turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen with a shocked expression.

The two of them looked at each other, their faces darkened, who else could be there, besides Lin Hui, is there anyone else?
"Okay, it's time for me to go back. I've told the housekeeper about the medicine I take and the physical cooling method. There will be a maid to help me. Mr. Liu, you don't have to worry too much." After the doctor finished speaking, he bowed and prepared to leave.

"Well, okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Ouyang Mingchen called the driver and sent the doctor home.

(End of this chapter)

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