Chapter 502

Turning around, she saw Tian Feifei, sitting on the sofa with a downcast face, looking at him hesitantly.

"What do you want to say?" Ouyang Mingchen walked over to her and asked with his arms around her.

"I was thinking... oh, forget it, I don't want to talk about it." Tian Feifei sighed, and stood up with her arms around her belly. Now that her belly is big, it is really inconvenient to do anything.

"What's the matter, halfway through, what can't you tell me." Ouyang Mingchen supported her elbow from behind and helped her stand up.

"It's really hard to say now, let's wait for a while, I'm not sure."

"You mean Lin Anna?"

"Is there anyone else but her, or let her stay here first, and leave after her injury recovers."

The two were about to go upstairs, Tian Feifei just leaned on Ouyang Mingchen's chest, turned and looked at him, "Why didn't you leave? Did I say something wrong?"

Ouyang Mingchen didn't make a sound. In fact, what good does Tian Feifei do to her? Lin Anna is not related to her, so she won't get any benefit, and it is more likely to cause a lot of trouble.


It's for him, everything is for him, just because he is the person on the cusp of her heart, so the people and things related to him become important.

Ouyang Mingchen just looked at her so firmly, as if he wanted to see the depths of her soul.

"What's the matter, is there something dirty on my face?" Tian Feifei reached out to touch her face as she said.

But Ouyang Mingchen tightly held his hand in mid-air, "Honey, have I ever told you that I love you?"

Tian Feifei's face turned red all of a sudden, and she quickly looked around, but fortunately, there was no one, and she gave him a coquettish look, "I'm an old couple, so it's not disgusting."

"Not nasty, I want to tell you forever."

Tian Feifei's tears were about to fall, how could she be able to get Ouyang Mingchen's wholehearted love, "Mingchen, I'm afraid..."

"afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid, the happiness comes so violently, I will soon use up my good luck..."

"Fool, what are you thinking." Ouyang Mingchen knocked on her forehead lightly, "No, I will love you forever, I promise."

Tian Feifei just laughed, but didn't speak, what to say, the best luck in her life, the best time is engraved here, on the man in front of her.

Ouyang Mingchen supported her, and walked upstairs slowly, "The due date is almost here, I'll ask someone to prepare everything that needs to be prepared..."

"What, you arranged it again? I still want to buy it myself."

" wife, you can say whatever you want, just buy whatever you want, I'll ask someone to prepare a secondary card for you."

"Secondary card? Do you mean unlimited?" Tian Feifei interrupted him funny.

After a while of silence, Ouyang Mingchen looked embarrassed, well, he admitted that he really has a lot of money, isn't it the most direct expression of caring for his wife to give money to embarrassment.

"That Lin Anna..."

"Hey, you can figure it out, you have the final say on this family..." The voice gradually disappeared at the corner of the second floor, the sweetness was still echoing, neither of them knew that there was a strong voice not far away. The haze is approaching.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I was wrong, and I dare not do it again!" Lin Anna, who was only ten years old, curled up in the corner, looking at her furious mother in horror.

"I'm sorry? Then who should I say sorry to? Look at the messy friends you have made with me. I told you that you are a rich lady and cannot make friends with poor people. Can't you understand?"

A slap came without warning, and Lin Ana subconsciously blocked it with her arm, but this action irritated Lin Hui even more.

There was another burst of punches and kicks, "I told you to block, but you still dare to block you, see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Mom, please! I know I was wrong!" Lin Anna unconsciously repeated the words of begging for mercy. Even though she knew that such begging for mercy would not work at all, she kept repeating it.

"Anna! Anna! Wake up!" Tian Feifei sat on the edge of the bed, pushing Lin Anna's shoulder hard, trying to wake her up.

The fever has subsided, but Lin Anna is still in a coma, and she keeps waving her hands, obviously having a nightmare.

Tian Feifei grabbed her hand, and the sleeve slipped down, revealing bruised and purple scars, very shocked.

"Little Tang, are you sure the doctor said it's all right?"

After a few times of waking her up, Tian Feifei couldn't help but turned back to greet the maid beside her worriedly. Why did the situation still look so bad?

"Yes, ma'am, the doctor said that as long as the fever subsides, it's fine. If she's like this, she must have dreamed about something bad." The little maid replied obediently.

"Bad thing..." Tian Feifei said, turning her head to look at Lin Anna, who was sleeping very restlessly. She was so terrified even in her dreams, so one can imagine what kind of abuse she suffered in real life.

"Ah, she's awake." Seeing Lin Anna's eyes blinking, the maid exclaimed in surprise.

Sure enough, after the initial hazy light, Lin Anna struggled to open her eyes, staring at the ceiling in a daze.The memory stays on last night, Ouyang Mingchen took Tian Feifei and left resolutely.

Too bad, what about later, how will she explain to her mother now.

Sitting up suddenly, turned over and wanted to get out of bed, no, she was going to find Ouyang Mingchen, how could she sleep again.

"Hey, where are you going?" Tian Feifei grabbed Lin Anna with sharp eyes and quick hands. Why does this child seem a little unconscious.

Hearing someone calling her, Lin Anna turned around slowly, Tian Feifei?Why is she here?
Her mind was like a mess, and she couldn't react. Lin Anna looked around and realized that it was an unfamiliar environment, not her own room. Where is she?
Stiff all over, Tian Feifei dragged her back to the bed to lie down again, and carefully covered her with the quilt.

"Where am I?" Lin Ana asked with difficulty, and when she opened her mouth to speak, she realized that her throat was so painful as if it had been run over by sand, and her voice was hoarse and not like her own.

"Drink your saliva first, you passed out at my door last night." Tian Feifei signaled the little maid to help her get up to drink water, and said angrily, it is really troublesome to come to the door just sitting at home.

"You saved me?"

"Otherwise?" Tian Feifei leaned on the soft cushion next to the bed without any image, posing in a pose, trying to make herself more comfortable.

"Also, don't save it, it's not so serious, I'm just afraid of trouble, why did you faint at my door."

"So, you accept me?" Lin Anna's face showed joy.

"Stop, I didn't say that, you better, leave as soon as you're done, I don't welcome you here." Although Tian Feifei had decided to help this poor girl, Tian Feifei just didn't want to accept her so cheaply , who made her treat Ouyang Mingchen that way before.

"Sister-in-law..." The joy soon dissipated, and Lin Anna felt that her heart had sunk to the bottom.

"Don't call me sister-in-law. My husband doesn't even admit he's your brother. How can I bear such a heavy title."

The brilliance on Lin An's face sank little by little, it still can't work, she has tried her best, is this still the end?What should she do.

"However, you can call me sister." Tian Feifei added casually after changing the subject.

The look in his eyes lit up, Lin Anna couldn't believe what he heard.A lot of complicated emotions came up all of a sudden, she covered her mouth in disbelief, tears rolled in her eyes.

"It's just a title. Is it necessary to be so moved?" Tian Feifei couldn't help being in a good mood when she saw that her words had such a great effect. Look, she said, time should not be wasted on hatred, everyone should look forward right or not.

Lin Anna was speechless, but nodded desperately.

"Then, let me say it first. Don't be too happy. I just represent myself, not my husband. Moreover, it's just a title and has no practical significance. Don't think too much about it. Yes, let me warn you first, if your mother has any disadvantages for Mingchen..."

Tian Feifei smiled and didn't continue talking, presumably Lin Anna already understood what she meant.

Of course she understood what it meant, but that was enough, everything had to be done slowly.

"Do you still want to go back to your mother's place?" Tian Feifei looked at Lin An's exposed half of her arm when she said this.

Lin Anna followed her gaze and instantly understood why Tian Feifei's attitude towards her had changed so much.

In fact, after being abused by her mother for so many years, she really didn't hate her. Perhaps, the more things she can't get, the more precious she is. She desperately longs for Lin Hui's love and her praise.

Even if it hurts others, I don't care.Lin Anna looked at Tian Feifei's concerned eyes, and her eyes gradually dimmed.I'm sorry, Tian Feifei, I'm destined to disappoint you.

Her face was gloomy, but Tian Feifei thought she was sad when she thought about Lin Hui again, and said comfortingly, "Forget it, let's get well first. You just had a fever last night and your body is still weak. Get well first, and the rest talk later."

"Xiao Tang, look at her. I'm going to sleep for a while. I haven't done anything this early in the morning. Why do I always feel so tired?" Seeing Lin Anna lying down again with the help of the maid, Only then did Tian Feifei return to her room with peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, Tian Feifei finished her walk in the garden and came to the empty restaurant, she couldn't help feeling depressed, Ouyang Mingchen always had endless work, she knew it, of course she couldn't blame him, but the huge table, It is lonely to eat alone.

"Xiao Tang, is Lin Anna still sleeping?"

"Well, it's probably because the medicine contains sleeping ingredients, and I've been sleeping since I took the medicine at noon." Xiao Tang was now transferred by the housekeeper to take care of Tian Feifei, and stayed by her side all day, just in case something might go wrong.

"Go and wake her up to eat with me." Tian Feifei sat down at the dining table, looking at the table full of dishes, "Do you want to eat fish today? Mmm, I like it."

"As long as the wife likes it." The housekeeper waited aside, hearing this, he couldn't help showing a subtle smile.

(End of this chapter)

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