Chapter 503

While speaking, Lin Anna had already arrived at the dining room, and stood at the door, but did not come in, and only called out timidly, "Sister."

Tian Feifei couldn't help but think of the capable Lin Anna she saw at the company's dinner party, but it's only been a few days, but the change has been so great.

He waved to her, "Come in, what are you doing standing there?"

Lin Anna hesitated for a while, and then walked to Tian Feifei's side. The housekeeper opened a stool, Lin Anna said thank you, and sat down quietly.

"Look, do you still like these dishes?" Tian Feifei smiled and put a plate of green vegetables in front of her, "But you just caught a cold, so it's good to eat light."

Lin Anna nodded, looking at a table full of dishes, the dining table was made of mahogany, maybe someone could not afford this table after working for a lifetime, like her.

In fact, she wishes to be ordinary, and she doesn't want to be a strong woman. She just wants to find a good man who is down-to-earth and live an ordinary life, but the reality does not allow it. Instead, she read marketing under her mother's expectation.

After entering the Liu family, starting from the youngest employee, the happiest time is when the salary is paid every month, but my mother doesn't care about the money at all, and keeps telling her that the whole Liu family should be hers, even if it is not the whole, then At least half as well.

"Why are you in a daze? Eat quickly." Tian Feifei urged, busy to pick up food for Lin Anna in a good mood, the feeling of taking care of others was much better than being taken care of.

"Mr. Liu, you are back."

"Mingchen!" Tian Feifei turned around in surprise, and she saw Ouyang Mingchen coming in from the entrance and handing the coat to the maid.

Lin Anna stood up awkwardly, her mouth moved, but she didn't say "Brother" in the end.

Ouyang Mingchen was not surprised to see her here. He just walked behind Tian Feifei, kissed her forehead, then squatted down, and touched her bulging belly, "Is baby doing well today? Do you want to know?" dad?"

"I think about it, mom has already thought about it, and my baby must have thought about it too." Tian Feifei smiled at the corner of her mouth, and took Ouyang Mingchen's hand, "Why did you come back so early today?"

"Why, you don't want to see me? Then I'll go to work overtime and come back." Ouyang Mingchen showed the appearance of a little wife, and was about to go out.

"Oh, I'm afraid of you, come on, come on, give mom a hug."

Lin Anna looked at the two people who were teasing as if no one was watching, neither stood nor sat, so she could only look at the dishes on the table, as if it was something worth studying.

"Okay, stop making trouble, eat quickly, I'm so hungry."

Hearing what my wife said, of course Ouyang Mingchen didn't dare to delay, so he quickly pulled out the chair and sat next to Tian Feifei.

"Anna, sit down too, don't be so restrained, and you're not an outsider." Tian Feifei looked at Lin Anna and said lightly.

Lin Anna was startled, and looked up at Ouyang Mingchen, but he just quietly picked up the fishbone for Tian Feifei, what does this mean?Not an outsider?accepted her?
Lin Anna ate the meal quietly, carefully counting the rice grains in the bowl.When he was about to finish eating, Ouyang Mingchen wiped his hands with a warm towel, folded them squarely, and placed them on the table.


Suddenly being called, Lin Anna raised her head and looked at Ouyang Mingchen. He had a calm face, but Tian Feifei looked at him with interest, looking forward to what he would say next.

"You just stay here temporarily. Feifei is about to give birth. You can help her a little bit by being by her side. How I treat you in the future depends on your performance."


Lin An's bright heart sank again, "But what?"

"As for your mother, Lin Hui, I have asked someone to take back the hotel room you were staying in, and warned her never to set foot in this city."

Tian Feifei looked at him, this person did so many things in one day.He also said that he didn't care about it, but it turned out that he didn't care about it again, after all, there was that blood relationship.

"Actually, my mother..."

Lin Anna was just about to speak, but Ouyang Mingchen stopped her by raising her hand, "Don't say anything more about Lin Hui. You can't change the nature of a person. If you still want to stay here If you stay at home, don't become like your mother."

"Mingchen, you are so serious." Tian Feifei couldn't help frowning, and used her fingers to press the folds between his brows, "This is ugly."

The naughty hand was caught, Ouyang Mingchen said seriously, "I'm just worried that you will be hurt."

"Morning..." Tian Feifei stared at him for a long time, then said with choked up voice, "I won't, I will protect myself and I will protect you too."

"Fool, let me do the job of protecting you." After speaking, she tapped her nose, "crybaby, little white rabbit."

"Hey, two, can you listen to me..." Lin Anna, who couldn't stand the two nasty people, finally spoke out, showing her first smile in a few days. Although a little shy, it made her pale face smile. Instantly became lively.

"I said, you two, will I definitely hurt you? Just make a decision on your own?" Lin Ana looked at the two dissatisfied, and even gave Ouyang Mingchen a bold look. Is it her brother? He doubted her so much.

"It's better to be like that." Ouyang Mingchen's tone was not much relaxed, but he could still be serious, and he really hoped that the decision he made now was right.

The matter of Lin Anna was decided in this way.Of course Tian Feifei is happy to have a companion by her side, just like suddenly having a younger sister who can talk to her.Even when you go shopping and buy clothes, someone can give you an opinion, right?

After getting along with her, she found out that Lin Anna was not as aggressive as she had shown before, but a well-behaved and submissive girl who was easy to satisfy, which made Tian Feifei even more grateful that she helped Ouyang Mingchen make this decision.

"Sister-in-law, look at these shoes, they are really cute." In the baby store, Lin Anna picked up a pair of pink and blue baby shoes, and excitedly held them in front of Tian Feifei.

"Yes, yes, they are all so cute. You have said it many times. How can you, an unmarried girl, be more interested in these things than a pregnant woman like me?"

Although the baby's things at home have piled up two rooms, Tian Feifei just can't refrain from buying things for the child, and now adding Lin Anna, who loves children so much, it's even more out of control.

"It's really cute." Lin Anna reluctantly put down her little shoes, and went to look at the small bowl on the side.

"Okay, hurry up and find a man to marry you off, and give birth to yourself."

"No, sister-in-law." Lin Ana hurried over to take her arm, leaning on her shoulder like a little girl, "I want to be with you, so I don't want you to be such a good sister-in-law, but go fooling around with stinky men .”

Lin Anna and Tian Xiaoxiao are about the same age, but they have never had the chance to get close to Xiaoxiao. On the contrary, Lin Anna, who has not been together for a long time, is more clingy.

"Fool, you are going to get married sooner or later, why don't you stay by my side and be an old aunt."

"Old aunt is old aunt, right? Brother, call aunt quickly. If you are with aunt, I don't want to get married." Lin Anna squatted down and spoke to Tian Feifei's stomach.

"You know it's my younger brother again?" You're such a poor-mouthed guy, knowing that he wants a son, let's try to coax her in a different way.

"Sister-in-law, your stomach is so sharp, anyone with a discerning eye can see it." Lin Anna straightened up, and suddenly thought of a question, "Sister-in-law, why didn't you take a look?"

"What are you looking at?" Tian Feifei answered casually, and suddenly realized that she was asking about the gender of the child. Actually, this is really a trivial matter for Ouyang Mingchen.

But she was afraid. Although Ouyang Mingchen always comforted her and liked daughters more, she wanted a son just because her grandma had expected Ouyang's family to have a descendant.

"What's the matter, did I say the wrong thing?" Lin Ana couldn't help asking timidly when she saw her complexion.

"It's okay, I just thought of your grandma. By the way, I'll take you to worship grandma another day." After speaking, he looked at Lin Anna's face again, "Are you still blaming grandma?"

Lin Anna shook her head, "Why should I hate her, I have never seen her before."

Maybe it's really because the difference is too big, Tian Feifei always feels weird in her heart, but she can't explain why, just when the store manager came to ask her if she had picked something, the question was shelved.

Tian Feifei took out her credit card to pay the bill, and everything was delivered directly from the store to her home.When going out this time, only Lin Anna was with her, and she happened to be able to drive, so she didn't let the driver follow her.

"Okay, let's go eat."

"Sister-in-law, shall we go back?" Lin Anna looked at her in embarrassment, Tian Feifei's due date was coming soon, she didn't want to face Ouyang Mingchen's frightening face afterward. .

Even if it's not for fear of being scolded, it's really for safety's sake.

"Why, I, a pregnant woman, didn't complain that I was tired, so you were tired?"

"No, sister-in-law, don't you look at your belly, it's about to give birth, and you're still so energetic."

"Didn't you hear what the doctor said last time when I went to the obstetric examination? It's just that I need to move more to help me give birth. Of course I have to listen to the doctor." Tian Feifei said strongly. In fact, she also knows that running around is not good. Lah, it's just that I suddenly want to eat desserts on Dongjie.


"Don't worry, dawdle for a while, maybe we'll all go home after eating." Tian Feifei couldn't help but pull Lin An to leave.

"Where is my delay, I can't do without worrying about you. Wrong, I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about my little nephew." Afraid of falling her, Lin Ana didn't struggle too hard, letting her pull , go outside.

The two walked to the side of the road, Lin Anna found a bench, and helped Tian Feifei to sit down, "Sister-in-law, please sit here for a while, I will go to the underground parking lot to drive the car out. Don't go anywhere, Just wait here for me."

"Yeah, you go, I'll wait for you here, and take a break by the way." Tian Feifei waved to her impatiently, how could she be like Ouyang Mingchen, like an old lady, meddling with her? A premature child.

(End of this chapter)

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