Chapter 504

"I'm fast." Lin An said over there, turning her head frequently anxiously, watching Tian Feifei wave to her, took out the keys from her bag, and took the elevator down to drive.

If it wasn't for the bad air in the underground parking lot, it would be inconvenient for Tian Feifei to come down, she really wouldn't want to leave her a pregnant woman by the side of the road.

In the empty underground parking lot, there wasn't even a patrolling security guard, and the incandescent lights illuminated the whole circle pale. Lin Anna panicked and couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Walking to the Mercedes-Benz, this car was used by Ouyang Mingchen for her.From the morning after he decided to let her stay, when Ouyang Mingchen went out, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned back to the restaurant again.

The two women were eating breakfast, Tian Feifei took half a mouthful of milk in her mouth, and after swallowing, she asked, "What did you forget?"

Ouyang Mingchen went straight to Lin Anna, "Do you have a driver's license? I seem to have seen you drive a company car before."

"Yes." Lin Anna didn't know why, so she could only answer honestly.

Ouyang Mingchen lowered his head and found a bunch of keys from his bag, "You can use this car in the garage, and ask the housekeeper for the gas card. If Feifei wants to go out in the future, you can give it to her."

"Oh." Tian Feifei looked at the key in her hand and replied lightly.

He is really rich. There are four cars in the garage. In fact, Ouyang Mingchen is considered a low-key person. The cars he drives are not very ostentatious, as long as they are comfortable and perform well.

But despite this, the cheapest car in the garage is the one she drives now, and it costs 200 million.

Pulling back her thoughts, Lin Anna finally found the key in the big bag, got it in her hand and was about to open the door, when someone knocked on her shoulder unexpectedly.

Lin An was startled, the key dropped to the ground, she turned her head abruptly, and saw Lin Hui's ferocious face appearing in front of her eyes like a nightmare.

"Mom!" Lin Anna cried out.

Suddenly remembered what Ouyang Mingchen said, and quickly looked around. Fortunately, there was no one in the parking lot, so he quickly pushed and pulled Lin Hui to hide in the corner.

"You damn girl, do you still remember that I'm your mother!" Lin Hui greeted her with a slap in the face before she could gain a firm footing, but Lin Ana couldn't dodge it in time, so she could only slam her against her.

"No, Mom, listen to me." Lin Anna covered her swollen face, eager to explain.

"No? It's not what? What's the matter, you've climbed onto the big fish Ouyang Mingchen, and you're going to throw the old lady aside, right? The old lady is not blind, the car you're driving belongs to Ouyang Mingchen, right?"

"Yes." Lin Anna just had time to answer two words

"Yes!" Lin Hui screamed, "Hey! Liu Song, look at your wonderful daughter. I pulled her up with shit and urine. Is it easy for me? I, now I have money, I don’t want to be a mother, hey, why is my life so hard.”

Lin Hui was crying, beating her chest and stamping her feet, crying and crying, and she sat down on the ground as soon as her feet gave up.

"Mom, keep your voice down." Lin Anna looked around anxiously, afraid that someone would appear suddenly.

"Yes! Now that you are rich, you can tell me what to do. Tell me to keep my voice down. I don't want to. I just want the whole world to know what you Lin An are."

"No, Mom. Didn't Ouyang Mingchen tell you not to appear in this city?"

"What's the matter, someone backed you up and told you that my old lady is not afraid of him, so you call him, you bitch, I'll see how capable you are if you eat the inside out."

The more Lin Hui said, the more angry she became. Why should she, Lin An, eat and drink hot food, live in a villa, go in and out of the car, and buy things in high-end boutiques, but she, Lin Hui, is like a street mouse, hiding and hiding all day long. I have eaten a full day, but I have not slept a peaceful night.

Lin Hui gritted her silver teeth with hatred, got up from the ground, rushed to Lin Anna and grabbed her hair, "You bitch, I'm having a hard time, and you don't even want to have a good life."

"Mom, mom, let go, please, listen to me." Lin Anna was ripped off as if her entire scalp was about to be ripped off, but she never fought back, but kept begging for mercy.

"What else do you have to say, the facts are all in front of you." Lin Hui punched and kicked, as if what she punched was not her daughter, but an inanimate object, without mercy.

Lin Ana was hit hard by the raindrops of fists, and after finally waiting for Lin Hui to take a breath, she finally regained her strength and grabbed her hand, "Mom, stop beating, listen to me first. "

"Okay, let's see what you can come up with." Lin Hui also had enough, and stood with her hands on her hips, panting.

"Mom, Ouyang Mingchen, if we fight him hard, we won't get any good."

Lin Hui didn't say anything, and fought against Ouyang Mingchen several times, but she didn't get any benefits, and instead fell into this situation.

Lin Anna carefully looked at her mother's face, and then said, "So I thought, if it's hard, can I be soft, first get his trust, and talk about property later, after all, people's hearts are made of flesh. There is also this blood relationship."

Hearing this, Lin Hui became furious again, "That means you are related to him by blood, what relationship do I have with him, Lin Anna, do you want to leave me alone and enjoy the glory and wealth?"

"Of course not." Lin Anna quickly denied, "Mom, as long as I have a good life, I will definitely have yours. I will never be ungrateful."

"Hmph, who believes it?"

"Then how can you trust me?" Lin Anna said helplessly, "I swear, okay?"

"Okay, you swear, if you break your oath, you, Lin An, will be a servant and prostitute for life and death, and you will die a bad death."

Lin Anna's heart has never been so sad. Is this still her mother?Which mother in this world would curse her daughter like this, she wondered, was she really born by her?

"What's the matter? Don't dare to say it anymore? Lin Anna, don't face me with that crying face. You are still embarrassed to cry. I should be the one who should cry. How did I come here after so many days? You go find a way, once you go out, there will be no news, and you will leave me alone, ouch, why is my life so hard!"

"Mom..." Lin Anna's words choked with sobs, "Stop talking, I swear, I, Lin Anna, swear, I will never abandon my mother, if I break my oath, I will definitely... definitely..."

"Say it, why not?" Lin Hui had an almost crazy smile on his face.

"I will live be a maidservant and a whore, and I will die." In just two sentences, it took all the strength in her body, and Lin Ana suddenly felt powerless and lost the strength to persevere.

Lin Hui laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, this is my good daughter Lin Hui, okay, mom believes you. By the way, do you have any money?"

"Money? Oh, yes, Mom, I'll give it to you." Lin Anna said, and went to look through her bag.

As soon as the wallet was taken out of the satchel, Lin Hui snatched it, "Give it to me, you!"

He opened it eagerly, "That's all? Lin Anna, you are bluffing me, where did you hide the money? Hurry up and hand it over to me."

Speaking of snatching her bag and searching, Lin Ana grabbed Lin Hui's elbow, "Mom, I really only have this little thing, Ouyang Mingchen didn't give me money, and Tian Feifei bought me the money. "

"Don't fool me. I gave you all the cars and didn't give you the money. Do you think I'm stupid? Hurry up and hand it over, or I'll give you forever." Lin Hui emptied all the things in the bag On the ground, I rummaged through it, but really couldn't find any money, so I stood up and pointed at Lin Anna's nose and cursed viciously.

"Mom, I didn't lie to you. I will definitely give you money if I have money, but now Ouyang Mingchen doesn't fully believe in me. How could he give me money?" Lin Anna squatted down with red eyes. Go, I want to pick up everything on the ground and put it in the bag.

Of course Lin Hui thought it was just an excuse for her to avoid herself, so she held her back and refused to let her pick it up.

The two were chatting and chatting, but they didn't notice that Tian Feifei had already walked out of the elevator and slowly approached the two of them.

It turned out that Tian Feifei waited on the street for a long time but couldn't wait for Lin Anna to drive up. She was wondering if something happened, so she came down to take a look.

Unexpectedly, he really encountered trouble. From a distance, he heard Lin Hui shouting arrogantly, beating and scolding Lin Anna to hand over the money.

And Lin An, a girl who seemed so capable, let her bully her, she really couldn't fight back.

Tian Feifei was really angry when she saw it. Before, she thought that Ouyang Mingchen told her not to go too far in this city, but now she felt that it was really not enough.

To deal with such a woman, you can't read any emotion at all. Just look at how she treats her own daughter, and you can know how vicious her heart is.

Tian Feifei looked down and looked around. She didn't even have a handy weapon. Looking around, she suddenly saw her big belly.

I couldn't help but sighed, looking at her, she was so angry that she even forgot that she was a big belly woman.In this state, he can't fight her head-on, even if not for himself, but for the child in his stomach.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone from his bag and called Wang Jian. Although he couldn't say that something would happen, it's always good to be prepared.

After the phone call, Tian Feifei walked towards the two of them calmly, and she couldn't panic even if she wanted to, her stomach was so big.

Lin Ana turned her back to her, and didn't notice her coming, but Lin Hui's eyes were sharp, she pushed Lin Ana away, and ran towards Tian Feifei, shouting, "Another slut, just right, I'll join you today Cleaned up."

Lin Anna didn't know the reason, and when she turned around, she couldn't help being shocked, and hurried to the two of them, squeezing in between them before Lin Hui caught Tian Feifei.

At the same time, he grabbed Lin Hui's arm and shouted, "Mom! What are you going to do!"

"What am I doing, I want her to die! Eat the inside out, you will help her or not me!" Lin Hui waved her hands desperately, trying to break free from Lin Anna's grip.

Ke Linanna took into account the child in Tian Feifei's womb, and held onto her hand tightly. She knew that if Tian Feifei made a mistake, the two of them would not have to live.

(End of this chapter)

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