Chapter 505

"Mom, listen to my advice, don't do this again." Lin Anna shouted anxiously.

Tian Feifei protected her stomach and took two steps back. She underestimated Lin Hui's madness, she shouldn't have come here so recklessly, but she couldn't just watch Lin Anna being bullied.

Tian Feifei shouted loudly from behind, "Lin Hui, I advise you to stop. I have already called someone to come. If you do this again, I will ask someone to lock you up in a lunatic asylum."

"Mom, let's go!" Lin Anna panicked when she heard Tian Feifei say that, and while struggling, she approached Lin Hui and whispered in her ear, "Go first, hide first, I'll find you, Wednesday, behind the old hotel."

"Tian Feifei! It's you, you bitch, I don't know what you said to Ouyang Mingchen, so that he doesn't even recognize his own sister, you are a wolf! You will die!" Lin Hui gave up so easily, She screamed, desperately trying to break free from Lynn's shackles.

Even if she risked her life, she would die with Tian Feifei.

Lin Anna saw her plan and knew that she couldn't persuade her to leave. She turned around and shouted at Tian Feifei who was not far away, "Sister-in-law, you go first, leave me alone, the child is important."

Tian Feifei felt suffocated, "I won't let her hurt me, and likewise, I won't let her hurt you." Picking up the phone tightly in her hand, it was only 5 minutes away from the call just now. Did you pick it up?

"Let me go!" Lin Hui kicked Lin Anna's stomach fiercely. Lin Anna was in pain, so she had to let go, but within two seconds, Lin Hui had already broken free from her, and quickly chased Tian Feifei .

Tian Feifei yelled for help, turned around and ran to the elevator, this damn shopping mall, why doesn't there even have a security guard in the underground parking lot, she asked Ouyang Mingchen to collect it tomorrow, her mind was thinking in a mess, but her feet didn't stop.

Lin Ana chased after her, and she was about to catch up, but she tripped over her messy footsteps. When she fell, she took advantage of the situation and hugged Lin Hui's ankle, but she didn't dare to let go anymore.

"Mom, I beg you, let's go." Lin Anna lay on the ground, looking up at Lin Hui and crying.

"Let go, damn girl, didn't you hear me telling you to let go?" Lin Hui tried hard to push her away, but it was useless.

Tian Feifei ran a few steps, stopped not far away, bent her body slightly to pant, her stomach ached a little, she put her arms around her stomach and stroked it gently, trying to relieve the pain.

Seeing that Lin Anna couldn't be kicked anymore, Lin Hui simply bent down and broke it with her fingers, pinching and twisting with sharp nails.

Just when Lin Anna was about to lose her strength, a loud car sound came from the entrance, followed by at least ten black off-road vehicles.

Sharp brakes sounded one after another, and when Lin Anna was in a daze, a group of well-trained men in black got out of the car and ran straight towards her.

Lin Hui was also frightened by this posture, and forgot to react in a daze. Lin Anna was the first to recover, let go of Lin Hui's hand, and shouted at her, "Mom, run!"

Lin Hui just woke up like a dream, leaving Lin Anna behind, and ran away in a panic.

But it was too late, the entire parking lot was filled with people in black clothes, and the leader was Wang Jian.

Tian Feifei finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the faint pain in her stomach gradually spread from her lower abdomen, and she couldn't help but groan out in pain.

It was this sound that made Lin Hui, who had nowhere to escape, a flash of inspiration. She turned back from the other end, rushed to Tian Feifei's side unexpectedly, strangled her neck with her arms, and took out the small knife that had been in her bag for a long time. , with a ferocious smile, "Don't come here at all, I will kill anyone who wants to come here!"

Everyone was stunned by this sudden change. No one thought how Lin Hui, who had nowhere to escape, ran to Tian Feifei so quickly.

Wang Jian couldn't help blaming himself for being too careless, and Tian Feifei was in so much pain that she didn't even have the strength to stand up. !"

This cry made everyone nervous, and Wang Jian's forehead even oozes sweat. It's over, if he can't solve it properly this time, Ouyang Mingchen will kill him.

He winked at his subordinates, and gradually approached Lin Hui, forming a shrinking encirclement.At the same time, it also implied that if something really happened, they would not hesitate to kill them.

Lin Anna stood beside Wang Jian, of course she knew what his eyes meant.No, no matter how she treats her, she is still her mother. If she dies, she will be alone.

Lin Anna snatched a knife from the man in black next to her, put it on her neck, and yelled at Lin Hui, "Mom! Let Tian Feifei go quickly, or I will have to die in your arms before."


The two cried out at the same time. Unlike Tian Feifei's worries, Lin Hui was shocked. She really didn't expect that her only daughter would stand by outsiders at this time.

"Mom, it's still too late for you to let go, I beg you as a daughter." Lin Anna put in a little effort, and the knife mark went in a little more, and faint bloodstains could already be seen.

"Lin Anna! What are you doing! Are you crazy?" Tian Feifei roared anxiously, and then ouched again, her stomach really hurt, but Lin Anna just distracted her, and she no longer felt so painful.

With such a roar, it hurt my stomach, and I reminded Tian Feifei again.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you want to die or not. I only want Tian Feifei to die now!" Lin Hui pulled Tian Feifei and took two steps back. Tian Feifei staggered and backed up.

"Mom! Are you really disregarding your daughter's life?" Lin Ana said sadly, the strength in her hands was a little bit stronger, and the blood was pressed on her neck, and the blood slowly condensed and slid down the knife edge. It was shocking to see.

Lin Hui was stunned, looking at her daughter's crying face, it was true, she was really disappointed with her mother, that's why she committed self-mutilation.

"Mom...Mom..." A painful cry came from ancient times. The little girl deep in my memory was entangled with me. The sweet and soft baby called me for the first time. I was so touched by such tenderness. Already forgotten?
Has been tormented by so many years gone?
"Mom!" Accompanied by a hoarse cry, Lin Ana's hand holding the knife ruthlessly pulled over...

"Lin Anna!" Tian Feifei couldn't care less, pushed Lin Hui away, and ran towards Lin Anna's limp body.

Lin Hui stood there blankly, holding Tian Feifei abducted in her hand, everything seemed to be in a dream, hazy and unreal.

Someone rushed up and surrounded him, and someone rushed over to hug Tian Feifei.Lin An's lifeless body was limp on the ground, and her eyes were reddened by the gushing blood in the chaotic footsteps.

Lin Hui finally pushed away the crowd surrounding her like crazy, and ran towards Lin Anna. She fell on the ground and didn't feel any pain. She got up and continued running, "Anna, my Anna!"

But the crowd separated them, getting farther and farther away, Lin Hui uttered a shrill cry, "No!" I don't know whether it was remorse or unwillingness.

But it didn't help, soon, Wang Jian took her away, and the parking lot was quiet, as if what happened just now had never happened, returning to dead silence.

In the hospital, Tian Feifei screamed, "Ouyang Mingchen, I hate you!"

The one who was scolded seemed more painful than the one who gave birth, "Doctor, can't you think of a way?"

"Um, Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu is already using the painless delivery method, which has relieved most of the pain. This... there is no way to give birth." The doctor peeked at Ouyang Mingchen's ashen face, and couldn't help Wiping the sweat off his brow.

The nurse wiped Tian Feifei's sweat by the side, but saw that the towel changed by the doctor was even wetter. Yes, who can keep calm in the face of Ouyang Mingchen's anger?
"Baby, bear with it, you'll be out soon!" Ouyang Mingchen, who came from the company to the hospital wearing sterile clothes, held Tian Feifei tightly with one hand, comforting her constantly.

"Morning morning, it really hurts!" Tian Feifei stopped cursing and looked at him pitifully.

Ouyang Mingchen felt that his heart was going to be broken, but there was nothing he could do except that his hand was bruised and purple by Tian Feifei's pinch.

"I don't want to have a baby anymore, okay?" Tian Feifei was already incoherent in pain, and just wanted to say something to forget the pain.

"Okay, don't give birth, we won't give birth after giving birth, okay?"

"No, what if it's my daughter?"

"I can't control that much, I'll have a ligation later!" Ouyang Mingchen squeezed Tian Feifei's hand and said as if swearing.

"Ah!" Tian Feifei cried out in pain, and waited for the pain to pass before asking, "How is Anna?"

Ouyang Mingchen frowned and didn't want to answer. A wrong decision of his own almost killed Tian Feifei and the child in her belly. He would never forgive himself for being soft-hearted for a while.

"What's the matter?" Tian Feifei asked again without getting an answer.

"I can't die, I'm in the ward on the fourth floor." Ouyang Mingchen replied angrily.

"Tomorrow morning, if Lin Anna didn't sacrifice her life to save me, you wouldn't be able to see me." Tian Feifei breathed rhythmically to relieve the pain.

"That's what she should do. It is because of this that I saved her, otherwise I would not care about her life." Ouyang Mingchen was discussing the European development plan with the board of directors in the office when he heard the call from Wang Jian. Phone, smashed the phone in anger, and hurried to the hospital.

"Mingchen, don't you think that Anna is very pitiful when she meets that kind of mother?" Tian Feifei frowned, thinking that Lin Anna was forced to save her by death, she couldn't help feeling pity and gratitude to her.

"I'm angry at myself. I didn't cut the weeds and root out the roots. I let Lin Hui take advantage of it and almost killed you and the baby. I shouldn't say that Lin Anna, a time bomb, is placed by your side. I know you are such a fragile person... "

Tian Feifei was unhappy hearing this, and stood up suddenly, "Who do you say is a weak person, is it me? When did I, Tian Feifei, become weak?"

(End of this chapter)

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