Chapter 506

As he spoke, he became angry, and was about to argue for himself, when he heard the nurse next to him shout excitedly, "Come out, come out, hurry up, Mrs. Liu!"

"What? Came out?" Tian Feifei forgot the dispute, poked her head to look at the baby, suddenly thought that Ouyang Mingchen was still here, and hurriedly pushed him, "Why are you still here, get out!"

"Why should I go out? I want to stay here with you." Ouyang Mingchen looked joyful and poked his head behind the nurse, wanting to see the baby who was about to be born.

"Who wants you to stay here, get out!" Tian Feifei's shrewdness returned at the critical moment.

Thinking of what I saw on the Internet before, if my husband watched his wife give birth, it might leave a psychological shadow.How could Ouyang Mingchen see this situation?

"But you will hurt. It won't hurt if I let you hold my hand."

"Who said I was in pain, ouch..." Tian Feifei groaned, but stubbornly pushed away Ouyang Mingchen's hand, "You're out, I don't want to see you."

Why is this person so incomprehensible?

"Feifei, don't be willful, please? Let me stay with you."

The doctors and nurses next to her looked embarrassed. Facing such a loving husband, they were really envious and jealous.But seeing Mrs. Liu's insistence on her face, one could tell that what she was thinking about was what most women were worried about.

So one of the doctors pushed Ouyang Mingchen out of the delivery room, "Okay, President Ouyang, please stay calm, we will take good care of Mrs. Liu and ensure the safety of mother and child. There is nothing interesting about this woman giving birth. You'd better go outside and wait."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the delivery room was closed in front of him.Ouyang Mingchen put his hands on his hips, and couldn't believe that he was turned away.

He raised his arm and was about to knock on the door when there was a loud cry of a baby.Ouyang Mingchen was overjoyed for a while, and immediately forgot about being rejected just now.

Turning around, he saw Wang Jian standing by his side. Ouyang Mingchen grabbed Wang Jian's arm, and his excitement was beyond words, "Wang Jian, did you hear me, I'm a father, I really am a father."

Wang Jian's arm was pinched in pain, and his face was twisted, "Yes, congratulations, President Ouyang."

The door of the delivery room was opened from the inside, and the doctor came out holding a tightly wrapped baby, and leaned in front of Ouyang Mingchen, "Congratulations, President Ouyang, he is a son."

The baby had just cried, and his face was still flushed. The small face the size of a palm looked so petite.

The doctor's arms are sore, and Ouyang Mingchen has not yet come to hug him, "President Ouyang?"

I saw Ouyang Mingchen's strange expression, he couldn't tell whether it was touched or surprised, but he was timid and didn't dare to hug him.

What a miraculous little life, this is his and Tian Feifei's child, the witness and continuation of their love.It was so small that he was afraid that he would hurt him if he exerted a little force.

Probably hungry, I put my fingers in my mouth to suck, but there was nothing after two clicks, and the child cried out with a wow.

Ouyang Mingchen looked at the doctor at a loss, and the doctor slowly put the baby into his hands, "Yes, like this, hold it with one hand, and the head with the other hand, because the baby's neck is No strength, yes, very good, President Ouyang has a lot of experience, just look at it."

Ouyang Mingchen grinned, happier than hearing any praise, "Really? Doctor, is it right for me to hug like this?" It suddenly occurred to me that I should have accompanied Tian Feifei to the pregnant woman school before, so I wouldn't So at a loss.

"Where's my wife? Can I go in?" Unlike the insistence just now, the new father Ouyang Mingchen suddenly became gentle.

"Of course, please come in." The doctor stepped aside, Ouyang Mingchen held the child and slowed down.

After the labor pain just now, Tian Feifei looked exhausted and rested on the bed.Seeing Ouyang Mingchen come in, he didn't even have the strength to get up, but just looked at him with a smile.

Ouyang Mingchen carefully placed the child next to the pillow, and gently brushed away Tian Feifei's sweaty hair, "Honey, look at our child, how beautiful it is."

Tian Feifei turned sideways and looked at the child with a happy expression. It's great. I heard from the doctor just now that he is a son.Grandma, your spirit in heaven must be protecting us, isn't it?
"Tomorrow morning, you haven't named the child yet. What should you call it?" After crying, the child seemed tired and fast asleep. His little hands were clenched and held in Tian Feifei's palms, full of tears. move.

"Look, Feifei, why did you forget? Grandma has already chosen a name. Her nickname is Xuanxuan, but her full name is Liu Zhenxuan."

"Xuanxuan, my Xuanxuan, look at mom, how could you forget such an important thing." Tian Feifei glared at Ouyang Mingchen, "It's all your dad, who caused mom to suffer, and the pain made her memory confused. "

"Thank you, wife." Ouyang Mingchen lowered his head and kissed Tian Feifei's forehead lightly. After the confusion just now, he really made a decision. From now on, he will never have another child. Seeing Tian Feifei's pain , how could he be willing to let her suffer again, and now that grandma's wish has been fulfilled, Feifei has no worries.

"Mingchen, am I ugly?" Without looking in the mirror, Tian Feifei knew how embarrassed she was now.

"Not ugly, you are the most beautiful mother and wife in my eyes."

"Hey, listen, Yang Die, it's really time for us to come. Isn't it rare to hear such words from the always indifferent president Ouyang?"

A playful voice sounded at the door, the two looked up and saw Ouyang Xing and Yang Die standing at the door, they didn't know how long they had been listening to them.

"Why are you here?" Ouyang Mingchen was in a good mood and didn't mind being the object of ridicule at all, so he stood up and looked at the two of them.

"It was Yang Die who said that it was time for Feifei to give birth. No, I was going to see Feifei at your home today, but the family said that I went out to the company in the morning, and I didn't answer your call, so I had to go to the company again and ask. The secretary just said that you have come to the hospital." Ouyang Xing explained, it was really a difficult day, he didn't expect something to happen, but luckily nothing serious happened.

"Yeah, what's the matter, I'm so worried." Yang Die broke free from Ouyang Xing's wrist, walked in front of Tian Feifei, and asked.

It looked like she was a little tired, and she couldn't see where she was hurt, but the secretary's office said that the president left in a hurry, and she began to feel uneasy from there, and finally she saw Tian Feifei, and she felt relieved.

"It's okay, it's just that my stomach hurts suddenly outside, this kid is anxious to come out." Tian Feifei smiled, not wanting outsiders to know about Ouyang Mingchen's sister, changed the subject, and hugged Liu Zhenxuan forward.

Sure enough, neither Yang Die nor Ouyang Xing asked any more questions, maybe because they saw that Tian Feifei didn't want to talk too much. In short, as she wished, she focused on the newborn child.

The doctor and nurse tidied up the delivery room and walked up to the few people who had a good chat, "President Ouyang, we are going to push Mrs. Liu to the confinement room. You see, why don't you talk later."

"Such an important matter, why didn't you say it earlier!" Ouyang Mingchen said unhappy, it was his first time being a father, how did he know what procedures to follow now.

"Morning morning!" Tian Feifei shouted to stop him, she didn't know what was so strange, there was nothing embarrassing about being found out, really, why lose your temper.

Ouyang Mingchen immediately leaned over, "Honey, I'm here, what do you want?"

"Let's change rooms, I'm so hungry, I want to eat."

"Okay, okay, I'll order someone to cook it right away, just tell me what you want to eat." Ouyang Mingchen immediately became a 24-year-old husband.

Tian Feifei winked at the doctor, who smiled knowingly.It seems that only Tian Feifei can take care of this big president who is in charge of the market.

Tian Feifei has lived in the VIP confinement hall for six days. Professional doctors and nurses tailor a nutrition and recovery plan for her every day, and the baby is also accompanied by a professional confinement lady.

Every day has been fulfilling, but it has been a few days, Ouyang Mingchen has never agreed to let Tian Feifei go to see Lin Anna, nor disclose her situation to her, this matter has always been in her heart , like a stab in the throat, don't spit out fast.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tian Feifei woke up from a nap, fed the baby, and under the guidance of the doctor, she did yoga training for postpartum body shaping.

Someone was whispering at the door, and after a while, I heard a clear and familiar voice, "Sister!"

Tian Feifei got up, and was delighted to see Tian Xiaoxiao appearing at the door of the room. She was dressed in a pink dress that made her refreshed and charming.

"Xiaoxiao! Why are you here!" Tian Feifei rushed over, hugged Xiaoxiao, and jumped up happily.

"Be careful, sister." Xiaoxiao quickly supported her sister and let her sit down on the sofa.

"It's okay, isn't it just to have a baby, look at you, don't get caught up in your brother-in-law's tricks, treat me like a national treasure." Tian Feifei said, stood up and turned around twice, "Look at me, isn't it good? .”

"Oh, sister!" Tian Xiaoxiao quickly grabbed her and sat down, "Just be obedient, don't let people worry about it, you are a pregnant woman, why are you so lively. Ah, yes, my little nephew."

"I just had milk, and my sister-in-law brought Xuanxuan to sleep. If you want to see it, I will ask my sister-in-law to bring Xuanxuan here."

"No need, don't disturb him to sleep, let's wait until he wakes up, sister, are you really not uncomfortable?" Tian Xiaoxiao still looked worried.

"It's all right, you haven't told me yet, why are you here?" Tian Feifei held her sister's hand and refused to let go. Since the last farewell, how long has it been since she saw her.

"It's my brother-in-law, he asked for leave for me, and I also behaved very well, so I was allowed to come out. I have three days of vacation." Tian Xiaoxiao flicked her pretty short hair, as if even her temperament changed.

Tian Xiaoxiao put his arms around his sister's arms, "Probably brother-in-law thought, at such an important moment, you hope to have relatives by your side, brother-in-law is really thoughtful, if I can meet someone as good as brother-in-law Enough."

"Yes, you are still so young, your fate will always come." Tian Feifei looked at her sister with relief, she really became more sensible, it seems that this incident is not a bad thing for Xiaoxiao's growth.

(End of this chapter)

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