Chapter 507

"By the way, I just heard my brother-in-law mention Lin Anna, who is Lin Anna, what happened?" Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of what his brother-in-law said, another purpose of coming to see his sister by himself is to let her Forget Lynn for a moment.

But she was very curious, so she temporarily forgot about her brother-in-law's advice. Besides, if she knew what was going on, wouldn't it be easier to solve it.

"What did your brother-in-law tell you?"

"He didn't say anything, he just mentioned, let me help you forget Lin Anna, I didn't say anything else, I was curious." Seeing Tian Feifei's dignified look, Tian Xiaoxiao became even more curious, But at the same time, I was uneasy, afraid that my curiosity would bring disaster.

"Xiaoxiao, can you help me?" Tian Feifei suddenly grabbed her sister's hand and said expectantly.

"It's okay to help, but what do you want me to do?"

Tian Feifei turned her head and saw that the yoga teacher had already left when Xiaoxiao came in, and the confinement wife was probably afraid of hindering the two sisters from talking, so there was no one there.

Tian Feifei's current confinement house is similar to a luxurious presidential suite, and she strives for comfort. Although she is not at home, it is as cozy as home, with some medical equipment. That's why Ouyang Mingchen thinks that Tian Feifei should stay here. Instead of going home to live.

Now there are only two sisters left in this yoga classroom. Tian Feifei got up cautiously and walked to the door. Sure enough, the yoga teacher and another nurse were waiting outside. Tian Feifei couldn't help but thank her for being cautious.

She waved at the two of them, "Go down first, today's yoga class will not be held, I want to talk to my sister."

"Okay, Mrs. Liu, then I'll go first and come back tomorrow." The yoga teacher with a good figure said and left.

But the little nurse is still there. Ouyang Mingchen has already explained that Mrs. Liu must keep someone by her side.

Tian Feifei bit her lip, "You wait for me outside, there are outsiders around when I don't like talking."

"This..." The little nurse looked distressed. Tian Feifei knew at a glance that it was Wang Jianqian. It's a choice, and even the eighth generation of the family's ancestors probably have investigated it clearly.

Although it was for her safety, Tian Feifei had the illusion that she was in jail. Thinking of this, she became more repulsive to this little nurse, and even her tone changed, and she became stricter, "Why are you still sticking here? Didn't you hear what I said?"

"Elder sister?" Tian Xiaoxiao pulled down her sleeves from behind. Why haven't I seen her for a few days, and her elder sister also imitated Mrs. Gui's tone of speech and put on a show.

Tian Feifei gave her a wink, and continued to get angry with the little nurse, "Why, do you want me to say it again? Ouyang Mingchen is your boss, so what I say doesn't count?"

"No, Mrs. Liu, I'll leave right away." Of course the little nurse knew that she wanted to listen to what the boss had to say, but if the lady boss was upset, she would say in front of the boss that her job would not be guaranteed. Whatever happens will do.

Seeing that her anger finally had some effect, Tian Feifei couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile, and pulled Tian Xiaoxiao into the room.

"Sister, why are you so angry?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly, her sister's temper was not like this before, she was so angry at irrelevant people.

"I'm not angry, can I scare her away. Your sister and I are the key protection objects now."

"That's because my brother-in-law cares about you. It's a good thing." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

"That's because you don't understand that your brother-in-law has reached the point of perversion. You only have to tie me around your waist with a rope and take me with you wherever you go." Tian Feifei said angrily.

"What happened?" Tian Xiaoxiao became more and more curious.

"Just Lin Ana, I'll only tell you about this, I didn't even tell Yang Die to her, after all, it's a matter of the previous generation of Ouyang's family, and the less people know about it, the better." Tian Feifei talked , It is really a sinful debt left by the previous generation.

"Who is Lin Anna, and what does it have to do with Ouyang's family?" Tian Xiaoxiao became more and more curious.

"Your brother-in-law and I only found out recently. It turns out that Liu Song, your brother-in-law's father, was not as good to the family as the rumors outside..."

"Has he had an affair?" Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help interjecting.

Tian Feifei glanced at her, really, she guessed so accurately.

As if seeing what she was thinking, Tian Xiaoxiao explained, "Oh, sister, this kind of thing is normal, isn't it that a man who has money doesn't mess around, let alone a big family like Ouyang's family, three It's normal to have wives and four concubines..."

Seeing Tian Feifei staring at her, she suddenly realized that she was speaking out loud, she quickly waved her hand, and said flatteringly, "Hey, of course my brother-in-law is an exception, who is my sister, of course I can subdue my husband. "

"Now is not the time to talk about me, you guessed right, Liu Song has a lover outside, and gave birth to a daughter, Lin Anna!"

"That's Ouyang Mingchen's younger sister, they are related by blood." Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help interjecting again, "Wow, this news is really explosive."

"That's why I lost my temper and told everyone outside to go away."

"What's the matter, is this woman coming back to recognize her relatives?"

"It's nothing to just recognize their relatives. After all, they are my younger sisters. Mingchen originally planned to accept them, but Lin Hui didn't expect..."

"Lin Hui? Who is it?" Tian Xiaoxiao caught an unfamiliar name sharply.

"It's Lin Anna's mother, Liu Song's lover. This woman is not simple. She didn't come here for any relatives. She wanted Liu's family property. In short, something happened, and nothing happened. After getting some benefits, Mingchen finally had someone drive her away, and she was never allowed to come back."

"And then..." Tian Xiaoxiao asked, there must be a follow-up, otherwise why would he take his sister so closely.

"Then we discovered that Lin Anna had been being abused by Lin Hui, so we took her in."

"Is Lin Anna the same kind of woman who sees money like Lin Hui?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course not, otherwise how would we take her in?"

"Then why doesn't brother-in-law even mention this name in front of you now?"

So Tian Feifei recounted what happened that day, and as soon as she finished, Tian Xiaoxiao stood up, "Sister, I think brother-in-law's decision is right, no matter what you want me to help you, if you want to help Lin Anna, I'm sorry."

"Sit down!" Tian Feifei pulled her excited sister, "Why are you like this? Lin Hui wanted to harm me, but Anna didn't."

"Sister!" Tian Xiaoxiao persuaded earnestly, "Let's not care whether Lin Anna has evil intentions or not. As far as she is concerned, she will only bring you disaster when she is by your side."

"What disaster can it bring? Now that Lin Hui is locked up in a mental hospital, and Lin Anna is injured again, can't I even go to see her?"

"Sister, why are you so confused, she, Lin An, is who you are, you just don't care if she is or not."

"Smile!" Tian Feifei stood up angrily, and looked down at her sister, "How can you talk like that, after all, she is your brother-in-law's sister, do you think he will feel better when something like this happens? "

"Okay, okay, sister, I was wrong, please don't be so excited?" Tian Xiaoxiao pulled her sister to sit down, afraid that she would get angry and hurt her body, anyway, let's comfort her first.

"You haven't seen Lin Anna. If you have seen her, you wouldn't say such a thing. You know, she is a little girl about your age. She is in danger. Don't even think about it. At that time, you That's how you treat me, as a sister, have I ever given up on you?"

"Oh, okay, it's on my head." Tian Xiaoxiao pulled her sister to act coquettishly.

"Smile, I just want to say that she is also our family, we can't be so selfish and live a good life on our own, if we can untie the knot between them, of course it is the best, what is better than family love It's precious."

When mentioning family love, Tian Xiaoxiao's eyes turned red all of a sudden. No one could understand the meaning of these two words better than her. Wasn't she also ignorant at the beginning, and didn't she also make her sister sad?
But it was family affection that allowed me to be a new person, and let me have a sister who loved her so much.

"Okay, sister, can't I say the wrong thing? You can tell me how you want me to help you. But I really can't guarantee that if I let my brother-in-law know, I will turn my head." Tian Xiao He said with a smile, shrinking his neck in fear, as if he had already thought of such a scene.

"Fool, with me here, what are you afraid of?" Seeing that her sister was finally willing to help her, Tian Feifei breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed her finger at her forehead.

"Lin Anna lives in this hospital, but I don't know where she lives. You can go and inquire about it, and then ask about the specific situation. You can go now, is half an hour enough?"

"It's that simple, I thought you wanted me to do something." Tian Xiaoxiao stood up mischievously, and bowed to her sister, "I promise to complete the task and come back to hand over the errand."

Tian Feifei patted her butt, "Don't be naughty, go quickly."

Ten minutes later, while Tian Feifei was waiting anxiously, Tian Xiaoxiao finally came back. She gulped down a large cup of water and wiped her mouth in a calm manner, "Sister, I've made inquiries."

"Then tell me."

"On the day Lin Anna came in, she seemed to be in shock due to excessive blood loss, but the rescue was timely and successful, and she woke up the next day. Now, there is basically no need to be hospitalized. But... I guess maybe It was her brother-in-law who forced her to be hospitalized."

Tian Feifei pursed her lips, "Have you seen her?"

"No, her side is much more strictly guarded than yours. You said you live in a cage, and her side can't even fly in. I only found out about it by asking the nurse, and that's all I know. " Tian Feifei asked curiously, "Sister, what are you going to do? Do you have a soft policy?"

(End of this chapter)

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