Chapter 508

Seeing Tian Xiaoxiao's face obviously wanting to gossip, Tian Feifei slapped her face and slapped her away, "What picture is the child thinking about?"

"Hehe, isn't it?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked with a salivating face.

"It's your size, you don't even look at what's going on with your sister now."

Tian Xiaoxiao's eyes swept her sister's body from head to toe, shouting at her, she forgot that her sister is now a pregnant woman, she just gave birth, and it's not the right time to seduce her, "Sorry, I forgot."

"It doesn't matter. I'll see her first. Does she live on the seventh floor?" Tian Feifei walked out the door with a smile.

"Sister, I didn't hit you, you can't even get in the door." Tian Xiaoxiao lazily followed behind, saying without much hope.

"Hurry up, while the child is still sleeping, he should come to me later." Tian Feifei poked her head out, but there was no one outside the door, of course, she said not to disturb her, who has the guts.

The two secretly took the elevator up to the seventh floor, passed through the corridor, and just as soon as they turned a corner, Tian Feifei who was walking in front stopped abruptly. back.

"Sister, what are you doing? If you want to stop, you won't say anything. My nose hurts." Tian Xiaoxiao rubbed his nose and muttered softly.

Tian Feifei turned around, put her finger to her mouth, "Shh..." She gave her a glare and then leaned her head on the corner to look out.

The corridor was quiet, there was only one door, and there were two men in black standing at the door, one on the left and one on the right, probably this was the room where Lin Anna lived.

Tian Xiaoxiao's head popped out from above her sister, "Well, I'm right, I don't know what my brother-in-law thinks, why are you locked up in the hospital?"

"I think Mingchen just doesn't know how to deal with her for a while, after all, is it my sister?" Tian Feifei frowned, staring at the two men in black with piercing eyes.

"Sister, if you stare like this, you won't be able to leave. Have you thought of a way?"


"Who's there?" The voices of the two alarmed the guards, and one of them yelled towards the corner.

The two leaned their backs against the wall, holding their breath and staring at each other.The footsteps gradually approached, and Tian Feifei's palms were sweating nervously, and she pulled Tian Xiaoxiao to run down the stairs.

She ran to the third floor in one breath, and the voices gradually became louder, and Tian Feifei stopped, holding her knees with her hands and panting.

"Sister, why are you running? You scared me to death." Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't breathe, she leaned on the wall and couldn't straighten up.

"You can't scare the snake. When I watched it just now, I suddenly thought of a way. But before that, we have to borrow a set of clothes." No more rest, Tian Feifei took her confused sister and turned to the nurse. stand.

After a while, Tian Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a nurse's uniform, pulled the mask on his face uneasily, and the words came out vaguely, "Sister, are you sure that the China Merchants Bank will work."

"It doesn't matter, let's try it first." Tian Feifei adjusted her clothes, and the two took the elevator and ran to the seventh floor.

When Tian Feifei walked to the door, she was stopped. The man in black had no expression on his face, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Liu, no one can go in without the order from above."

"Get out of the way, do you know who I am, dare to talk to me like that!" Tian Feifei straightened her body with a bit of momentum.

"I'm sorry, but I still can't let you in." The man in black bent down respectfully, but his body remained motionless, guarding the door domineeringly.

"Are you sure? Why don't you call Wang Jian and ask Wang Jian before making a decision?" Tian Feifei got angry and poked one of them on the shoulder with her finger.

Is this person made of copper, why is it so hard, it hurt her hand so much.But his expression didn't change.

"Brother Wang has told you, especially Madam, you are especially not allowed to go in. The person inside will pose a threat to Madam, and the subordinates are only following orders. I hope Madam Liu will not embarrass us." The man in black gave a serious look, like an endorsement Plausible words.

"You..." Tian Feifei was so choked that she couldn't speak, she pointed at the tip of his nose, "Believe it or not, I fired you."

"Of course my subordinates believe it, but I still can't let you in..."

"You piece of wood, do you have any thoughts? Can you have some other vocabulary besides no, no?"

Tian Feifei was losing her temper with these two when a nurse pushing a medical cart walked towards them wearing a mask and was stopped at the door.

"Why did you get the injection so early today?" one of the men in black asked cautiously.

"Ahem, this is the doctor's explanation. If you have any questions, you can ask the doctor." Tian Xiaoxiao, who was dressed as a nurse, cleared her throat and said calmly.

"Wait." The man in black said, and was about to pull out the walkie-talkie to ask.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at her sister anxiously with a smile, and Tian Feifei was also anxious. With an idea, she waved her hand vigorously, and waved the walkie-talkie of the man in black to the ground, and stepped on it by the way, "You are so brave, you dare to ignore me, I'm talking to you, what's your attitude!"

As he spoke, he took two steps forward, pulling the collars of the two men in black and choking.Although the height is far from enough, it looks like a big cloth bag hanging in front of others, and the picture is very funny, but how can the two of them care so much now.

Tian Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to grab a man in black and shook him, "You should ask me clearly, I am still in a hurry to give injections to other patients, if you want to delay me, you will ask me if I get an injection West."

The two men in black were so noisy that they couldn't help it. Seeing that the walkie-talkie was also broken, it was only a little too early for the injection today, "Okay, okay, you go in first, I will open the door for you, get the injection quickly and come out. "

"Aren't you talking nonsense, what are you doing here if I can't come out after the injection, I'm so ridiculous, open the door quickly." Tian Xiaoxiao wore a mask, and only saw two eyes exposed outside. Da, now he stared angrily, and he could see black and white clearly.

One of the men in black opened the door, Tian Xiaoxiao dodged and pushed the car in.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tian Feifei's mouth, but she didn't show it. She still pulled the two men in black and talked about Liaozhai reluctantly.

After a while, the nurse came out again pushing the cart, "Is it ready?" the man in black asked.

The nurse buried her head, didn't lift it up, didn't make a sound, just nodded, and pushed the medical trolley into the elevator.

Tian Feifei watched the elevator go down, and then let go of the man in black's clothes, "Forget it, I can't tell you clearly, they are really a bunch of stupid heads."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, but within two steps, he stroked his head, bent his feet slightly, and leaned against the wall, "Oh, why is my head so dizzy?"

"Mrs. Liu, what's the matter with you?" The man in black was terrified, they couldn't bear this responsibility, and rushed over to help her.

"Ouch, I'm so dizzy." Tian Feifei grabbed one of them and yelled louder. She saw Tian Xiaoxiao, who had already changed her clothes, opened the door and walked out of the ward with sharp eyes, and pouted at her.

Tian Xiaoxiao hurriedly ran from behind, pretending to be surprised to support her, "Sister, what's wrong with you, I've been looking for you everywhere, why did you come here?"

"Xiaoxiao, you came just in time, help me back quickly, I'm going to be pissed off by these two people." Tian Feifei pressed her forehead, and pointed at the two men in black with her other hand.

Tian Xiaoxiao supported her, and looked at the two of them murderously, "You two! What did you do to my sister! I will tell my brother-in-law, and I will definitely not spare you."

"Miss Tian, ​​I'm wronged, we really didn't do anything." The two panicked and begged for mercy.

"Smile, don't talk to them anymore, let's go back quickly, ouch, my head is so dizzy." As he spoke, he leaned weakly on Tian Xiaoxiao's shoulder, grabbed her clothes with one hand, and even walked They couldn't walk steadily.

"Okay, sister, hold on, I'll help you back to your room, calm down first, you must be angry with these two ignorant people, don't be angry, you just gave birth , your body is important." Tian Xiaoxiao said while talking, looking back at the two of them.

The poor two people who didn't know what was going on really thought that something was wrong with Tian Feifei, and they were looking at the direction where the two disappeared in a daze.

After walking far away, Tian Feifei straightened up and asked anxiously, "Xiaoxiao, have you explained everything to Lin Anna clearly?"

"Make it clear, tell her to wait for me in the coffee shop outside, or how could she agree to change clothes with me and come out, I told her that you asked me to come, and she immediately agreed." Tian Xiaoxiao Talking with some complacency, thinking that it only took a few minutes to go in just now, it all depends on my own tongue.

"Well, that's good, smile, you go first later, take Lin Anna to this hospital, her mother is there, I want to go back to the room first, take a look at Xuanxuan, and then I will go there by myself Meet with you." Tian Feifei ordered with a clear mind.

"Sister, is there any need to panic? We can arrange Lin Anna in one place first, and then go to see her mother later, can't we?"

"Of course not, you have forgotten how strong Mingchen's ability to find someone is. Last time I only walked for a while, so I asked him to find him. What's more, he must know that we took Lin Anna away. So, we have to race against time and do everything now, and if he pursues it and does everything, what can he do with me."

Tian Feifei analyzed it in an orderly manner. This is called a policy and a countermeasure.You don't want me to interfere, but I want to take care of it, and see what you can do with me.

"Sister..." Tian Xiaoxiao looked at her, hesitating to speak.

"What's the matter, why are your eyes so strange?"

"Hehe, it's nothing." Tian Xiaoxiao smoothed his chest, thankful that he had changed his ways and did not continue to fight against Tian Feifei.A shrewd person who has stayed with Ouyang Mingchen for a long time, let alone a thoughtful and well-organized person.

"If there's nothing else, hurry up and act separately. Remember to bring clothes for Lin Anna to change. You can't always wear a nurse's uniform. This is the address. You can take a taxi." Tian Feifei took out a note from her bag and handed it to her.

Tian Xiaoxiao caught it, glanced at it, and asked her suspiciously, "Where did you get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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