Chapter 509

"Where is Wang Jian? When you went to inquire about Lin Anna, I was not idle. I just made a phone call and asked a skillful question, and I got out of the way. Go, Lin Hui lives in There." Tian Feifei patted her stunned sister and urged her to go quickly.

What else can Tian Xiaoxiao say, he can only say yes and do it.

After feeding the child, although Ouyang Mingchen said that formula milk is okay, but if his own child can be fed, it is better to breastfeed him, and it was delayed for another half an hour. He told the servants not to disturb her and needed to rest.Tian Feifei waited until the outside was quiet, changed her clothes, and went out quietly.

I took a taxi at the side door of the hospital, and it took four to ten minutes to drive to the psychiatric sanatorium in the outskirts.

After getting out of the car, the hospitals in the suburbs looked deserted, surrounded by tall city walls, and inside the walls was another world.

Tian Feifei raised her neck and looked at the blue sky. After staying in the hospital for a long time, she forgot what fresh air is like.

"Sister, sister-in-law!" Two shouts came from afar, Tian Feifei recovered and looked at the two of them.

Lin Ana lost a lot of weight, and gauze was still wrapped around her neck. Recalling Lin Ana's decision that day, Tian Feifei became more determined that she was right to do so.

Touching it with his hand, he asked pitifully, "Does it still hurt?"

Lin Anna shook her head, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that mother would be like that, is the child safe?"

"Stupid child, what did you say I'm sorry, it's not what you want." Tian Feifei took her hand, afraid that she would be upset, "The child is fine, I will show you some other day, her name is Xuanxuan, it was taken by grandma name."

"En." Lin Anna nodded vigorously.

"Oh, okay, stop talking." Tian Xiaoxiao looked anxiously at the side, "Can't I go back and talk about what I have to say? It's more important to get down to business. Who knows if I have noticed that you are missing now."

"Yes, Anna, what's the matter later, let's go see your mother first." Tian Feifei patted her hand and led the two inside.

The meeting guests were arranged in one of the meeting rooms, leaving a doctor and two nurses to accompany them, for fear that Lin Hui would suddenly get sick and hurt someone.

Lin Hui couldn't recognize anyone anymore. She hugged a dilapidated doll all day long and called Anna. Seeing her daughter committing suicide in front of her, Lin Hui was deeply shocked and subconsciously didn't want to believe this fact. .

She closed herself off, and her memory only stayed at the time when Lin Anna was just born. Perhaps, Lin Hui was the happiest at that time. She was young and beautiful, and she had just given birth to a child. The days of glory.

"Mom, I'm Anna, look at me!" Lin Anna looked at her expectantly, hoping that she would suddenly wake up and recognize herself.

"Anna, is Anna hungry? Mommy give you milk, okay?"

But Lin Hui turned a deaf ear, hugging the doll with a dull expression, everything around her no longer had anything to do with her.

Lin Anna's tears rolled down, stubbornly refusing to fall, "Mom, look at me, I'm Anna, and I'm right here."

Lin Anna grabbed Lin Hui's hand and touched her face.

Lin Hui wanted to pull back in fear, "No, you are not my Anna, my Anna is here, don't try to lie to me."

"Mom! Please be sober, look at me." Lin Anna finally couldn't help crying bitterly in despair.Lie on Lin Hui's body, violently trying to shake her awake.

"Go away, don't try to snatch my child!" Lin Hui curled up in fear, holding the doll tightly in her arms, trembling constantly.

"Anna! Anna, calm down." Tian Feifei looked sad, but she could only pull Lin Anna away.

"Yes, Ms. Tian, ​​calm down, you will only make the patient's condition worse. You can't rush this kind of thing, you have to take your time." The doctor comforted Lin Hui while persuading him softly.

"Sister-in-law, what should I do." Lin Anna hugged Tian Feifei, crying so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Tian Xiaoxiao was also watching sadly, what's the matter, she was originally destined to be a rich lady, but she became an orphan, without even a home.I couldn't help walking over to hug Lin Anna, "Anna, don't be sad, don't you still have a brother?"

"Yes, Anna, your brother doesn't recognize you, I recognize you, and my sister is also your sister. In this way, you have sisters and sisters, and you are not alone."

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Mingchen's voice sounded at the door, "You are very generous. You don't sit on confinement and come here. You have leisure time."

"Mingchen, you came so fast." Tian Feifei let go of Lin Anna, covered her indistinctly behind her, and stood up smiling.

"Not yet!" Ouyang Mingchen didn't even raise his eyebrows, his expression was serious, and he looked very angry.

"Isn't this here?" Tian Feifei walked over to hug Ouyang Mingchen's waist in a fawning manner, "Mingchen, you came faster than I thought."

"Brother-in-law..." Tian Xiaoxiao called out timidly, but was frightened into silence by Ouyang Mingchen's stern glance.

"Xiaoxiao, you are very good at sharing worries for brother-in-law." The voice was sinister.

"Oh, look at what you said, this is all my sister's idea, I have persuaded her." Tian Xiaoxiao hurriedly put aside the relationship, jokingly, even if the sky falls, let the taller person do it.And she believed that he would not really do anything to his sister.

"I'll settle the score with you later." Ouyang Mingchen didn't even look at Lin Hui over there, and waved behind him, "Take Lin Anna away."

"Tomorrow morning, where are you going to take Anna?" Tian Feifei opened her hand and stopped the person behind her.

"Take it to a place where you can never find it again." Ouyang Mingchen pulled Tian Feifei into his arms and shouted at Wang Jian, "Don't take it away!"

"Mingchen! She is your sister!" Tian Feifei couldn't help crying out, being bound in her arms and unable to break free.

"I know! If it wasn't because she is my sister, do you think you can still see her now! Don't say any more, and take everything away with me. "

If Tian Feifei had only heard of Ouyang Mingchen's ruthlessness before, and it was just a rumor, then she really saw it today.Ouyang Mingchen exuded anger all over his body, like an angry lion.The raging anger ignited the surroundings, and Tian Feifei felt as if she had fallen into the boundless Abi Hell, and the anger scorched her whole body.

It was burned to ashes, drifted in the air, and finally settled down, returning to a dead silence.

What's wrong with her.

It has been two days since he was brought back, Ouyang Mingchen never showed up again, Tian Xiaoxiao was sent back, and there was no one to talk to.Tian Feifei couldn't help but reflect, did she really do something wrong?

But if this scar is not smoothed out, it will follow Ouyang Mingchen like a shadow for the rest of his life.

"Mrs. Liu, please lift your right leg." The physical doctor woke up Tian Feifei, who was in deep thought, and continued to massage.

"Is Mrs. Liu in a bad mood? You can tell me about it." Keeping the mother in a good mood is also part of postpartum care, the doctor said responsibly.

"What's the use of telling you? There's been such a commotion, and it's still like this. I really can't think of a good way." Tian Feifei said in a moody way, really wanting to give up, but her stubborn temper Come up, challenging Ouyang Mingchen's authority again and again.

The last time I saw Lin Anna, she tossed a good girl like that, what else could be enough.

The children don't even come to see what is going on!

"Doctor Xu, where is my phone number?"

Because she is afraid that radiation will harm her children, Tian Feifei doesn't even use her phone now.

"Who is Madam Liu calling?" Dr. Xu's hand paused.

"Here for your boss, let's see what he's up to." Tian Feifei answered casually without noticing Dr. Xu's strangeness.

"Mr. Liu just called in the morning, saying that he will be very busy recently, and told us to take good care of my wife." Dr. Xu did not dare to look up at Tian Feifei's expression, and said with a guilty conscience.

"That's it, okay then." As if believing what Dr. Xu said, Tian Feifei didn't pursue it further, and lay lazily on the sofa, "I'm tired, you go down first."

"Okay, Mrs. Liu." Dr. Xu was already on pins and needles, but when he heard this, he looked happy as if he had heard the amnesty order, and he got up and went out.

Tian Feifei said behind her, "Close the door for me, I'll sleep for a while."

"Okay." Dr. Xu stepped back and closed the door softly.

As soon as the door clicked, Tian Feifei turned over, sat up from the sofa quickly, walked to the door on tiptoe, put her ears on it, and frowned.

There was a weak intermittent voice outside the door, Tian Feifei didn't dare to speak out, for fear of missing a word.

"Well, yes...Mr. Liu, yes, I don't know,...Okay, I will continue to be careful not to hide it from her..." Dr. Xu's voice gradually faded away.

In shock, Tian Feifei couldn't believe what she heard.

It turned out that her faint unease and worry were real, and she really didn't want to think about it, but recently she always felt something was wrong.

Ouyang Mingchen, who loves her and children so much, doesn't even show up. Even if he is angry, how can he be so angry that he doesn't even watch the children?Can you really bear it?Ouyang Mingchen is not such a person, so this is not right.

Dr. Xu usually speaks cautiously to himself, far beyond the attitude of a doctor. Even if he is worried that she is Mrs. Liu, it is too abnormal, especially now, he is even more hesitant. Even if she is careless, she knows something is wrong. It's also not right to hide it.

Tian Feifei wondered if she had postpartum depression, but after reading some books, she didn't say that it was just such a symptom.

Negating one by one, the final conclusion is that Ouyang Mingchen and the people around him have something to hide from him.

Why can't she call her husband? Even the call is relayed by someone else. Is this normal?

The call just now confirmed my guess. Tian Feifei took a deep breath and trembled uncontrollably. She couldn't be angry. Tian Feifei, you have to calm down. Everything is just speculation now, so don't mess yourself up.

(End of this chapter)

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