Chapter 510

You have to believe in Ouyang Mingchen, there is a reason for everything now.You have gone through so much wind and rain, you won't doubt each other because of such a trivial matter.

So many disturbing thoughts were jumbled into a ball in Tian Feifei's mind, like a ball of thread under a kitten's paw, and she couldn't figure it out.

When everything was quiet outside, Tian Feifei went to the closet to pick out a coat.Because during the confinement period, the clothes are mainly loose and comfortable. Looking at the bloated figure that has not recovered in the mirror, I wonder, is it because of this?
The shelf life of that man's love is too short.

Reluctantly found a dress that seemed to be in good spirits, Tian Feifei sneaked out while the people outside were not paying attention.

I took a taxi to the Liu's Building, and the building looked the same. Tian Feifei stood at the entrance of the building, looking up at the highest floor, just in time to see the dark sky, and suppressed herself, suddenly feeling ominous.

Tian Feifei shook her head, trying to make herself forget this feeling.

Stepping into the building, the reception lady at the front desk showed surprise when she saw her, but she quickly covered it up, as if she was afraid that she would notice something strange, and smiled unnaturally at her, "Ma'am, you are here Ah, let me inform you, it will be soon, just wait a moment."

"What kind of notification do I need?" Tian Feifei snapped off the phone number that the front desk lady wanted to call upstairs, "You dare to call and try."

Getting more and more flustered, he walked towards the president's exclusive elevator and went directly to the 58th floor.

The elevator opened, and the secretary's room was outside, and it was the same as before. The secretaries were the same secretaries. When they saw her coming, they all got up and greeted her graciously.

Tian Feifei didn't want to greet them, so she pushed open the heavy carved door of the CEO's office.The door opened, and there was no boundless spring inside as she imagined.

Ouyang Mingchen was working behind a large desk, and when he saw her coming, he almost lost his temper again. Can't this woman be a peace of mind.Confinement, running around, never seen such a restless woman.

"Why are you here again, where is Xuanxuan?" Ouyang Mingchen put down the Parker pen.

"There is a confinement wife with me. Do you still remember that you have a son? What do you mean come again? I have been here many times. If you don't come to see me, I will take the initiative to come and see you, my young master." Tian Feifei looked around, the sofa was full of official documents and information books, it seemed that this time was really busy.

But he still didn't feel relieved, and sat down in a clean place, looking like he planned to have a long talk.

Ouyang Mingchen frowned slightly, why did he speak like this, with a gun and a stick, "I'm sorry, Feifei, I've been really busy recently, and I ignored you and Xuanxuan, but you came here to Xingshi to ask for help, don't you Do you think it's too serious?"

"Seriously? Ouyang Mingchen, do you mean I'm going too far?" Tian Feifei's tone became serious.

"That's not what I meant." Ouyang Mingchen rubbed his eyebrows, "Feifei, I don't want to quarrel with you, I'm really busy, can we talk about it when we go home?"

"Go home? Where? You left me alone in the hospital for so long, and now you want to bring me home?" Tian Feifei became more and more anxious as she spoke. In fact, she didn't want to be so tense, but look at Ouyang Ming morning attitude.

Not only didn't reflect on it, but blamed her for being ignorant. How ignorant is she?

"Feifei, don't be angry, your body is important." Ouyang Mingchen said, but he didn't get up, and he didn't intend to comfort her. He was just perfunctory, as if he was very impatient and wanted to send her away.

Tian Feifei suddenly felt aggrieved, what happened? Nothing happened to them, why did Ouyang Mingchen's attitude towards her suddenly change so much.

Isn't it just meddling in his sister's affairs? If you really feel that you have meddled too much and meddled in his housework, but she is now his wife and the mother of his child, so I can't take care of this little thing what.

Just thinking about it, the expression on his face changed, and he was so wronged that water dripped out.

Ouyang Mingchen watched from afar, and his heart softened, and he came over and hugged her, "Feifei, is confinement too boring, but you have to persevere even if you are bored, it's all for your health, people It is said that the health of a woman in the second half of her life depends on the short 30 days of confinement."

"What, what age is it now, thanks to the fact that you are still a person who has studied abroad, why are you so superstitious, you are old-fashioned, really old-fashioned." In Ouyang Mingchen's generous arms, being hugged by him, even if It was more than half of my anger gone.

Tian Feifei pouted and said coquettishly.

"Yes, yes, I am old-fashioned. My wife, you just have to be wronged for a while, and you have to get over it no matter how painful it is." Ouyang Mingchen stroked Tian Feifei's hair again and again, as if comforting a temper tantrum little child.

"Tomorrow morning, I won't be able to stay in the hospital, okay? Isn't it the same when I go home?" Tian Feifei took the opportunity to talk about the conditions.

"That can't be done. I have made an appointment with the doctor, and I have planned all the courses. I am thinking about your health, so you should be obedient." Ouyang Mingchen said, looking at his watch.

Just as Tian Feifei wanted to show her thoughtfulness and understanding, she decided not to worry about it, so she went home, when the intercom phone on Ouyang Mingchen's desk rang.

The words of farewell had to be kept in her mouth, Tian Feifei smiled at him and motioned him to answer the phone.

Ouyang Mingchen walked over and pressed the speakerphone, Linda's voice came in, "President Ouyang, lawyer Li is here."

Ouyang Mingchen looked up at Tian Feifei, paused, and said, "Tell him to wait for me in the lounge."

Tian Feifei found an excuse now, and stood up, "Since you have guests, I'll go back first."

"Well, okay, I'll ask the driver to take you."

"No need, I came by taxi, and I asked the master to wait outside the building. I haven't paid the fare yet, so I will pay it later." Tian Feifei walked over to him and put her arms around him, putting her gorgeous red lips together. up.

Ouyang Mingchen turned his face away, but the kiss that was intended to be on his lips landed on his face.

Tian Feifei's expression darkened again, she still smiled calmly, and left Ouyang Mingchen's embrace, "Then you can do your work first, I won't bother you."

After going out, after greeting several women in the secretary's office, Tian Feifei took the elevator downstairs, but there was no so-called taxi driver downstairs waiting for her.

There are many chairs for people to rest in the lobby on the first floor. Tian Feifei found a sofa chair and sat quietly.

But quietness is just a performance, no one can see how restless Tian Feifei is now.She was waiting anxiously, waiting for fate to pronounce her sentence.

Half an hour later, Lawyer Li came out of the elevator.

Tian Feifei knows Lawyer Li. She is glad that she used to work for Ouyang Mingchen. She knows that Lawyer Li has served Liu's enterprises since her grandmother's generation, but now he hardly cares about the affairs of Liu's shopping malls. What is the reason for appearing in Liu's.

Tian Feifei was waiting for this reason, she wanted to know whether what was waiting for her was joy or sadness.

Standing up quietly, with full strength, when Lawyer Li approached, he slammed into him, knocking off the briefcase in Lawyer Li's hand, and dropped a full glass of water on the way on the briefcase.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, look at me, what have you done so recklessly?" Tian Feifei yelled angrily, as if it was real.

Without stopping, he quickly opened the briefcase and tore apart the stack of documents, "I'm sorry, look, it's all wet for you, I'll wipe it for you. I have paper towels here to absorb the water. Let's see if we can fix it."

The eyes scanned quickly, and keywords jumped into her eyes one by one. Gradually, her heart became cold, but the smile on her face became wider and more exaggerated. She was afraid that if she didn't maintain such a fake smile, she would Cried out on the spot.

"It's okay, Mrs. Liu, why are you here?" Attorney Li packed up the documents in a panic, afraid of being seen by Tian Feifei.Looking carefully at her expression, it seems that she didn't see the reaction clearly?
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Here, the documents are all here. They're all packed, but they're all wet. Don't worry." Tian Feifei handed a stack of documents to Lawyer Li.

"Didn't you see it?" Lawyer Li still couldn't help asking.

"See what? Are there any important documents?"

"Oh, no, it's fine if you didn't see it." Lawyer Li waved his hands again and again.

What's wrong with her, she can still act as if nothing happened, and finish the scene calmly.

See, even Lawyer Li was deceived by her, thinking that she hadn't been seen. In fact, the key points that should be seen have been deeply engraved in her mind in just a few minutes.

This is the truth, it's ridiculous that she lived in the fairy tale she wove and deceived herself for so long, now, it's time to wake up from the dream.

Tian Feifei wanted to laugh out loud, at her innocence, at her madness.

False, all of these, it turns out, is just a fake, just a play.

Tian Feifei walked out in a daze. She even forgot to answer when Lawyer Li asked her if she wanted to give her a ride.

It cracked like a mask and shattered all over the ground. Tian Feifei stood by the roadside, stupidly forgetting to react.

It was clearly written in black and white. It turns out that grandma's will is here, and this is grandma's real will.

Look at what is written on it, Ouyang Mingchen must marry Tian Feifei and give birth to a child in order to obtain all the inheritance rights of the Liu family.

Grandma, why are you bothering? People say that twisted melons are not sweet.

Now she knows that it's not only not sweet, it's so bitter that it's hard to swallow.

It turned out that this was the reason, the reason why her personality completely changed after giving birth to a child.Everything is hypocrisy, Ouyang Mingchen, you are really the best actor, your acting is so real, I really think you love me, it hurts me so much that you lied to me.

But, didn't you get everything, why didn't you tell me directly, as long as you tell me, I won't be begging you for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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