Chapter 511

Who do you, Ouyang Mingchen, think of me? The more Tian Feifei thinks about it, the more angry she gets.

Just as she was thinking, a familiar car drove out of the underground garage and slowly drove past her.

Tian Feifei looked familiar, isn't this the car of Ouyang Mingchen?Just about to rush up to stop it, but was stunned.

The rear window of the car was not closed, and Ouyang Mingchen's handsome figure was inside, but he was smiling, a doting smile, a familiar smile, but now he was facing a strange woman beside him, a woman Tian Feifei had never seen before. woman.

The car drove slowly in front of her as if on purpose, and then roared away, leaving only the dust of determination.

Tian Feifei forgot to react, and only knew to walk mechanically, where to go?
Just walking numbly like this, I read a sentence before, it is faster to turn the face than to turn the book.It turns out that it is really fast, the shelf life of love is only a little bit, should she be lucky?At least I still get the love for this period of time.

Tian Feifei kept walking until her legs and feet became numb, so sore that she forgot it was her own feet.

Finally, her intuition took her back to the hospital, yes, she still has a baby, at least the baby is hers, and all she can take away, except for a broken heart, is Xuanxuan, her Xuanxuan .

But when she got to the hospital, Yuesao told her that Liu Zhenxuan had been carried back to the ancestral house of Ouyang's family.

"What!" Tian Feifei was shocked, and grabbed Yuesao by the collar, almost strangling her to death.

The confinement wife struggled desperately, Tian Feifei let go, "Who took him there?"

The confinement wife kept coughing, breathing fresh air, "The butler came to take it away, which is Mr. Liu's intention. Madam Liu, don't make things difficult for us, we are just obeying orders."

"Take it away?" Tian Feifei's face was pale. In fact, why bother to ask, a thoughtful person like Ouyang Mingchen will of course take precautions before they happen, regardless of whether he has read the document or not, what he should do Nothing will fall.

What a cruel heart, what a heartless person.

Tian Feifei wanted to die, but she was not reconciled, how could she just give up like this.

Letting go of confinement sister-in-law, Tian Feifei took a taxi to the ancestral house again, she must ask clearly face to face, even if she was a fool, someone must come to pronounce the sentence.

I was just in a hurry all the way, finally arrived at Ouyang's old house, and rang the doorbell desperately.

The housekeeper came to answer the door, seeing her, hesitated to open the door.Tian Feifei was about to lose her temper when a woman's voice came from the intercom, "Housekeeper, let her in."

Tian Feifei is numb and has no feeling now, no matter how many accidents there are, let her know at once, she can still bear this blow.

The door opened, and Tian Feifei rushed in like an angry little locomotive.There was no obstacle along the way, and Tian Feifei slowed down when she reached the tall living room.

I can't feel the breath of children here, and I don't know where they hid Xuanxuan.

In the luxurious living room, which used to be a place familiar to Tian Feifei, now, on the large sofa, another woman is sitting, the woman who appeared in Ouyang Mingchen's car, looking at her proudly as a hostess .

"Who are you?" Tian Feifei asked tremblingly, steadying her steps.

"Sit down, Mrs. Liu." Although she shouted like this, her words seemed to be that she was the hostess of this room.

Tian Feifei is also welcome, she also needs to sit down now, because the repeated blows have made her legs weak and unable to stand still.

The woman seemed to be about the same age as her, even in appearance, but in terms of temperament, she was a bit more ladylike, her hair was neatly coiled, and she was wearing a silk cheongsam, which made her figure even more beautiful.

The conservative sleeves extend past the elbows, but the exposed skin is as smooth as curdled fat, as silky as if soaked in milk.

Tian Feifei didn't want to admit that her temperament was significantly worse, so she just repeated the question just now, "Who are you?"

But Fang Buddha, who is familiar to women, has lived there for a long time, "Housekeeper, bring a glass of water to Mrs. Liu."

"I don't drink water."

"Trust me, you will need it." The woman persuaded gracefully, Tian Feifei couldn't help being immersed in her temperament, and forgot to refute.

But the tearing pain in her chest pulled her back to reality. Is this the kind of woman?A woman with noble temperament replaced her?Replaced the position on Ouyang Mingchen's heart?

Or, instead of the young wife of the Ouyang family?
Or, even Xuanxuan...

Tian Feifei didn't dare to think about it anymore, since she didn't want to answer, she just skipped the first question, "Where is Xuanxuan, where did you hide him?"

"Xuanxuan? Strange, isn't Xuanxuan your son, why did you ask me to come instead?" The woman took the ginseng tea handed over by the butler, and took a sip of it gracefully, but her eyes flashed, Ouyang Mingchen, look It's not easy to come to you as a lady. If you don't handle her, it will be troublesome.

Tian Feifei stood up quickly, it seemed that this woman had made up her mind to play Tai Chi with herself, and she couldn't find out why if she asked again, she might as well find it quickly by herself.

She got up and went upstairs, she couldn't believe it, she searched from room to room, but she still couldn't find it, and shouted loudly, "Xuanxuan! Xuanxuan!"

The child wakes up with a start, even if he is sleeping, he will cry if he wakes up.

But no, nothing, no crying of a child, no smell of milk, no trace of a child ever being there.

Tian Feifei searched the entire villa, rushed down impatiently, and grabbed the butler by the neckline, "Butler, where is my child? The confinement sister-in-law said you took her away and brought her back to the main house!"

"Ma'am, you are joking. Is it me that others said I carried away? Then this is a big crime, don't you think so?" Standing behind the woman, the butler seemed to be a little afraid of her, and even spoke respectfully. Yes, after he finished speaking, he glanced at the woman, for fear of being scolded for saying the wrong thing.

"Ah!" Tian Feifei wanted to scream, what kind of different dimension did she fall into, and why did everyone become like this, it was so strange and scary.

"Mrs. Liu, do you want to continue searching?" the woman asked elegantly and politely.

But it was this politeness that hurt Tian Feifei. Why, that damned bitch could feel at ease when she takes over other people's husbands.

Tian Feifei rushed up and slapped the woman with a lingering slap.

I only heard the steward's exclamation, "Ma'am!"

Tian Feifei stood there in a daze, lost?How did she do it, I couldn't see how she got out of the way at all, I just felt a gust of wind, and the person who was clearly in front of me suddenly ran to the other side of the sofa.

She just sat there, as if she was sitting there originally, drinking tea gracefully, "Oh, Mrs. Liu, you are really irritable. I persuade you with good intentions, how could you hurt someone?"

Seeing that she was intact, the housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief, came over and pulled Tian Feifei out, "Madam, you should go back first, the child is indeed not here."

After finishing speaking, he said to Tian Feifei in a very low voice, almost whispering, "Madam, please avoid it for a while, you won't get any benefits from her, take care of yourself, and keep Qingshan alive." Worry about no firewood."

Tian Feifei looked at the housekeeper. He had returned to his servile and coquettish appearance, and he was trying to drive her away responsibly. Could it be that she had hallucinations just now?
But she clearly heard the housekeeper's voice persuading her.

"I won't go! Why should I go? This is my home." Tian Feifei said angrily, throwing off the butler.

"Who says no, Mrs. Liu, I respect you very much. If you want to stay, you can stay. I have to go upstairs to change clothes. I will accompany Mr. Liu to the banquet later." The lady who was called Mrs. Rose The woman walked upstairs with a seductive body.

Tian Feifei walked over to stop her, "Wait, I don't allow you to go up, the above is our husband and wife's private place, you stop for me."

"Personal?" Rose covered her mouth, "Oh, then I really don't know, Mr. Liu has already given me a room, what should I do? Mrs. Liu, I have already moved in."

Tian Feifei's heart felt as if a knife had been pierced, but she held on tightly to the handrail of the stairs and stood in front of Rose, "I said, you are not allowed to go up!"

With a flash of light in Rose's eyes, she leaped over Tian Feifei's head with one hand on the railing, and stood on the top of the stairs, "Mrs. Liu, there is only a place I want to go, and there is no place I can't go. You and Mr. Liu's matter, you can solve it yourself, I don't have so much free time to play with you."

After speaking, he turned and went upstairs, leaving Tian Feifei with a slim back.

Tian Feifei clenched her hands into fists and squeezed them tightly. Yes, she could tell that this woman had sharp hands and feet and knew a little bit of martial arts. She would not be so stupid anymore, and she hoped to use force to solve it.

Suddenly remembering that the door of the study room was closed just now, she ran upstairs in three steps at a time, pounding on the door of the study room fiercely, "Ouyang Mingchen, I know you are inside, come out for me!"

The door of the study room is made of solid wood, thick and strong. Tian Feifei smashed it with her fist like this, how painful it must be, but she couldn't feel the pain at all. Desperation made her only remember this action, only one thought, to find Ouyang Mingchen , let him make it clear.

Even if you don't want her, even if the old man is not as good as the new man, you still have to give her an explanation.

He yelled until his voice became hoarse, his hands were swollen from beating, and the closed door was still closed, coldly rejecting her.Tian Feifei squatted down weakly and leaned against the door panel, like a lifeless rag doll.

"Madam, you should go back to the hospital. Mr. Liu is not at home." The housekeeper ran to pull her, and helped her down the stairs, "I'll ask the driver to take you back."

The car drove away slowly, and the curtain of the study room on the second floor was lifted. Ouyang Mingchen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at Tian Feifei's direction, and told Wang Jian who was following him, "Send more people, Protect her secretly."

"But, Mr. Liu, will this be too obvious and cause the other party to notice?"

Ouyang Mingchen pondered for a long time, "Then choose the smartest and most capable one, her safety is the most important."

Tian Feifei's chaotic thoughts couldn't figure out a clue, and she was arguing in her mind in a mess. Xuanxuan must have been hidden by them, how could she find it.

(End of this chapter)

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