Chapter 512

Ouyang Mingchen's change of heart has become a fact, should she keep the title of Mrs. Liu, or let him go freely, and also let herself go?
Tian Feifei leaned against the car window and finally couldn't help crying.

But things were not as simple as she imagined. When the car stopped in the hospital parking lot, a large number of reporters swarmed up.

"Mrs. Liu, have you really lost your son, the heir to the Ouyang family?" Reporter A asked.

"Mrs. Liu, do you think this incident will hurt the relationship between your husband and wife?" Reporter B continued to ask, not to be outdone.

"Mrs. Liu, is it true to hear that Mr. Liu has decided to divorce?" Before she could catch her breath, she continued to ask questions.

"Mrs. Liu, does Mr. Liu really have a new love?"

"Mrs. Liu, who do you think should be responsible for losing the child this time?"

Tian Feifei was stunned, looking at the reporters who kept rushing towards her and surrounded her, she couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream.

If it was a dream, it could only be a nightmare.

"I'm sorry, please let me go." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

Tian Feifei was besieged in the middle, and anyone who saw her helpless look would have to shed tears of sympathy, let alone Chen Shaojun.

Originally, I just came to the hospital to visit a friend, but I didn't expect to see such a heart-wrenching scene.Hurry up and stride over, push aside the crowd, protect Tian Feifei's shoulders with his hands, and lead her out of the crowd of reporters like locusts.

Tian Feifei looked up at him, "Why are you?"

Chen Shaojun lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Let's talk later, get out of here first."

In the eyes of outsiders, especially in the eyes of a group of journalists who are afraid of chaos, such a picture is so gossip-like.

Tian Feifei buried her head in front of Chen Shaojun's chest, her shoulders were hugged, but she was struggling, she couldn't even move.

"President Ouyang, is there any special significance for you to appear here at this time?"

"President Ouyang, what is your relationship with Mrs. Liu?"

"President Ouyang, does this incident have anything to do with you? What do you think of President Ouyang's dismissal of a high-profile new love?"

A large group of reporters followed closely like brown sugar, and Tian Feifei looked at Chen Shaojun worriedly, but in the eyes of outsiders, this was undoubtedly another evidence of flirting.

Chen Shaojun also looked down at her, frowning tightly. He just saw Tian Feifei suffering here, his head got hot, and he rushed into the crowd without thinking about anything. He didn't expect to cause more trouble.

He simply pulled Tian Feifei to stand still, facing a group of troublemakers, "Everyone, please listen to me, I am here today to visit Ms. Pang Da of Xingchen International, she lives in the inpatient department upstairs, you can check Did I tell a lie?"

"As for Mrs. Liu, she and President Ouyang have always been friends of my Mrs. Chen. I just saw Mrs. Liu accepting the kindness of friends from the media here. I thought that she had just given birth and needed a lot of silence, so I wanted to say Come and go upstairs with her."

Chen Shaojun spoke neither humble nor overbearing, and looked at everyone, "As for Mrs. Liu's housework, it's inconvenient for Mrs. Chen to ask more questions. I don't know, friends from the media, are you satisfied with my answer?"

The well-organized words seemed to make the reporter unable to answer for a moment, and everyone surrounded them without moving. Chen Shaojun took the opportunity to help Tian Feifei out of the crowd and walked to the elevator.

Thinking of the scene just now, Tian Feifei was still a little scared. How did these people suddenly appear? Xuanxuan had only disappeared for a few hours, so why did they all come to ask her.

Moreover, she only knew about Ouyang Mingchen's new love. How did these people know?
The more Tian Feifei thought about it, the more weird she felt. It seemed that there was some mysterious vortex ahead, and she was drawn into it.

"What's the matter, what are you thinking?" In the elevator, Chen Shaojun stared at Tian Feifei's buried heart and asked, he must have frightened her just now.

"It's nothing, thank you, Shaojun." After Tian Feifei finished speaking, she realized that she was too preoccupied just now, and she was still stuck in Chen Shaojun's arms, so she quickly broke away gently.

Looking at his empty palm, Chen Shaojun couldn't help feeling sad for a while, but this feeling of melancholy was soon put aside, "Feifei, what happened, tell me, maybe I can help you."

Tian Feifei opened her mouth, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "It's okay, Young Master, don't worry about me, it's really okay."

Chen Shaojun sighed, "You, you are still so stubborn. I would rather carry everything on my shoulders than cry tired or suffer. Do you know that this makes my heart ache even more."

"Young Master..." Tian Feifei raised her head and asked her what to say. Her husband abandoned her, and the newborn child disappeared. Is there a more incompetent woman in this world than her.

Chen Shaojun looked at her seriously, Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei, do you know that I am willing to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire for you? I turned it down.

"Xuanxuan is gone..." Tian Feifei thought for a while, but still felt that she should ask Chen Shaojun for help, after all, she really couldn't think about it now.

"It's gone?" Chen Shaojun was startled, he thought it was the reporter's nonsense, but he didn't expect it to be true, "Why did he disappear? Does Ouyang Mingchen know?"

"I couldn't find Ouyang Mingchen. I went to see him once, and I didn't see Xuanxuan when I came back." At first, I thought it was just a simple way to take the child home, but now it's so serious, I really didn't expect it.

"You can't find Ouyang Mingchen..." Chen Shaojun looked at Tian Feifei, hesitating to speak, so the story of Ouyang Mingchen's new love was not just made up by the reporter. It's open.

"Okay, Feifei, don't think too much, I will help find Xuanxuan, do my best, I promise, okay, you trust me." Chen Shaojun took Tian Feifei's hand and squeezed it gently down.

"Yes." Tian Feifei nodded, "Thank you." Besides thank you, what else could she say.

There was a ding dong, but the elevator door opened at this moment. The two of them raised their heads at the same time, and saw a glamorous and heroic girl.

The girl looked at the clasped hands of the two, and smiled heartily, "Young Master, you said you came to see me, why didn't you tell me in advance when you brought friends."

Hearing this, both of them let go of their hands at the same time. With a calm face, Chen Shaojun led Tian Feifei out of the elevator and introduced each other, "Feifei, this is Pang Swift from Star International, Swift, this is from Ouyang Mingchen." Mrs. Tian Feifei."

"Yeah, childhood sweetheart." When she was introduced, Pang Yuyan made a V-shaped gesture and placed it on her chin, and moved her two beautiful eyebrows.

"Ah, you are Tian Feifei. I've heard of you a long time ago. I've always wanted to see what kind of person conquered the brightest star in the social world. When I saw you today, I finally I understand why." Pang Yuyan looked like a hearty girl at first glance, but when they met for the first time, they held Tian Feifei's arm familiarly.

Tian Feifei smiled wryly. If she had heard this before today, she might have been very happy, but hearing it now is undoubtedly the greatest irony.

"Yuyan, let's go in and talk. You scared Feifei." Chen Shaojun changed the topic, and brought two women into Pang Yuyan's ward.

"Yuyan, are you in good health, why did you come to the emergency room suddenly?"

"Oh, acute appendicitis, I can't die." Pang Yuyan waved her hand indifferently, her young and delicate face was full of energy, even though she had just undergone appendicitis surgery, she couldn't tell at all, she was still so energetic.

"Okay, I know you are an invincible superwoman, right?" Chen Shaojun rubbed her heart.

"Oh, my hairstyle was messed up by you. I'm not a superwoman. I'm very delicate, so I asked you to visit me." Pang Yuyan fiddled with her pretty short hair, pouted, not very happy talking.

The ward is very wide, it is a VIP ward, it looks like a hotel suite, not a ward.

Just now Chen Shaojun introduced her as Star International. Tian Feifei probably knows that it is a large-scale entertainment company, including movie models, music production and so on. She is also a rich or expensive young lady.

But seeing that Pang Yuyan is very forthright, without any pretentiousness of a rich lady, I couldn't help falling in love with her immediately.

"Okay, delicate superwoman, why don't you lie down on the hospital bed and run down?" Chen Shaojun naturally took her by the hand and brought her to the bed to lie down, and then naturally covered her with a quilt. The interaction looks familiar.

"I heard the lady nurse say that the parking lot is in a mess and that you are a hero saving the beauty. I am anxious and want to go and have a look." After Pang Yuyan finished speaking, she looked at Tian Feifei in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, don't mind what I have. Although the spirit of gossip is based on your pain, is gossip also human nature?"

Tian Feifei smiled, she is really a frank girl, "It's okay, I just didn't expect that one day I would be the content of other people's conversations, although this feels uncomfortable, but I can accept it."

"You, can't your energy be a little less vigorous?" Chen Shaojun pinched her nose vigorously.

Pang Yuyan pushed his hand away violently, gasping for breath, "You murdered me, how did I know that you would bring her to my place? I didn't do it on purpose. Why are you so cruel?"

After finishing speaking, she became a little unhappy, Pang Yuyan's emotions were all displayed on her face, like a child.

Chen Shaojun looked at her helplessly, touched her earballs, "Okay, I'm sorry, it was my fault, okay, sick people can still make troubles like this, so I have convinced you."

"Then invite me to dinner."

"Okay, okay, I invite you to eat. I'm still sick, so I'm thinking about eating."

Pang Yuyan was happy, and seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness just now, and looked at Tian Feifei, "I heard from those nurses... are the rumors true?"

"Swift!" Chen Shaojun shouted to stop her.

Pang Yuyan said aggrievedly, "I can't help it."

(End of this chapter)

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