Chapter 513

Tian Feifei's complexion changed, "Young Master, let's talk, I'll go back to the ward first, and then I'll ask Yuesao." She stood up as she spoke.

Chen Shaojun also left the bedside, "I'll go with you."

Pang Yuyan turned over and grabbed Chen Shaojun's sleeve, "It's only been a while. I want you to stay with me. I'm so bored by myself."

Tian Feifei looked around. Although the ward was large, it even made the desertedness of being alone.She knows a little about these rich second generations who were born with golden spoons. They seem to be beautiful, but they can't hide their loneliness.

"It's okay, Young Master, I can go alone." Tian Feifei said.

"No, I promised to help you, but if I don't ask about the situation, how can I help you?" After Chen Shaojun finished speaking, he turned to look at Pang Yuyan, "Good boy, you can read the magazine by yourself first, how about you go to the magazine?" Net for a while, I'll be back soon."

Pang Yuyan's eyes showed sorrow, "Don't always treat me like a child, I am not young anymore."

"Okay, okay, don't be a child." Chen Shaojun said perfunctorily, and led Tian Feifei out of the ward.

Tian Feifei turned her head to say goodbye to Pang Yuyan, but saw her staring straight at Chen Shaojun's back, with obvious disappointment on her face.He turned to look at the man next to him.

Why do people always fail to see the happiness around them, and always have to travel thousands of miles to find the blue bird in the distance.It seems that it is another unsolvable love problem, another love affair that is predestined but not enlightened.

But now that she has no resources, she really doesn't have the energy to take care of other people's affairs, so she just silently wrote it down in her heart, and when she finds Xuanxuan, she will learn how to be a matchmaker again.

Chen Shaojun didn't know what Tian Feifei was thinking, but he was only thinking about how to help her find Xuanxuan.

"Now we just have to ask the last person who saw Xuanxuan that day, and where to start." Chen Shaojun thought for a while, and said.

"Well, that's what I thought too. Let's ask that confinement wife first." As soon as the words fell, Tian Feifei stared at the messy room and was stunned.

The tidy confinement room seems to have just experienced a world melee, with things scattered everywhere, could it be patronized by thieves?Was turned upside down.

That's not right, Tian Feifei opened the cabinets and boxes, and there are many valuable things, not to steal things, and whoever steals things will steal to the hospital, what are they looking for?Turned so thoroughly?

Chen Shaojun was also stunned, "Feifei, I always feel that there is danger around you."

Tian Feifei nodded, he was just expressing his intuition.But who could it be?Ouyang Mingchen?Need to embarrass yourself?

Just thinking about it, but couldn't figure it out, an exclamation came from the door, "Oh my god, what's the matter." He rushed to Tian Feifei anxiously, and carefully checked her body, "Mrs. Liu, are you okay? , are you injured?" Thinking about going to report to Wang Jian later, it's not safe here anymore.

Tian Feifei looked at the strange little nurse, holding her nutritious meal in her hand, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm a nurse at the Confinement House."

"I know, I'm asking where are the doctors and nurses? Where's Mrs. Chen Yue?" Tian Feifei asked anxiously.

"Mrs. Liu, Dr. Xu has returned to his hometown. The other nurses have been transferred to other departments. Mrs. Chen Yue has resigned." The little nurse said carefully, thinking of Wang Jian's advice to her.

"All changed?" Tian Feifei sat down on the sofa all of a sudden, why did she feel more and more powerless.

"Feifei! Take heart." Chen Shaojun went to her and knelt down, held her arms and squeezed them, "The more this is the case, the more you have to cheer up. You can no longer rely on Ouyang Mingchen. Now, he has become Your enemy stole your child, but also controls your life, dominates public opinion, and portrays himself as a victim, just to make excuses for his empathy."

is that so?Tian Feifei raised her head blankly and looked at Chen Shaojun, who nodded affirmatively to her.

It turned out that this was the case, Tian Feifei smiled palely, and she repeatedly made excuses for him, wondering if there was any difficulty that she could not tell her.

It turned out not to be. It is said that the bystander knows clearly. In the eyes of the bystander, it turned out to be such a simple and obvious thing.

Maybe in her subconscious mind, she was still willing to believe in Ouyang Mingchen, thinking to luck that all of this was arranged, so it wasn't.

Tian Feifei finally couldn't help it, and cried while hugging her knees.Crying so helplessly, crying so thoroughly, I really lost, completely.

Chen Shaojun hugged her into his arms, "Cry, if you feel better after crying, then cry, I will always be with you."

When Tian Feifei finally had enough crying, she raised her head sobbing, her eyes were red like a little white rabbit.

Chen Shaojun took her hand and stood up, "Feifei, if you trust me, go back to live with me first, you are still weak and need to be recuperated, you can't be in a hurry to find a child, if you don't take good care of yourself, How are you going to find the child?"

Tian Feifei looked around and could only nod to him. Now that she has no relatives, Xiaoxiao is so far away and has no freedom, so she can't help her. As long as she can find her own child, she dare not expect anything else up.

Finally walked out of the room and out of Ouyang Mingchen's world.

Wang Jian came out from the shadows. Just as the little nurse was about to report, Wang Jian raised his hand to stop her, "Needless to say, I have received the news."

After finishing speaking, he called Ouyang Mingchen, "Well, I have been here too, Madam and Chen Shaojun have left."

The other end was silent for a long time, so long that Wang Jian wondered if there was anyone on the other end, Ouyang Mingchen's voice finally sounded again, "That's fine, Wang Jian, the situation is getting more and more urgent, and everything I ordered you has to do." Is it done?"

"Well, it's all done."


Ouyang Mingchen arranged the work for him, Wang couldn't help but nodded, calm as if nothing had happened, but Ouyang Mingchen knew that there was a bigger storm waiting for him, if he couldn't handle it well, then he And Feifei, as well as their children, Lin Anna will be in danger.

Ten days later, Tian Feifei finally completed her 30-day confinement period, but this was nothing to take care of her body, and she spent every day worrying about her body.She was arranged by Chen Shaojun in a three-bedroom suite, which was actually warmly furnished. After Pang Yuyan knew that she was living here, she often came to visit her.

It's called a visit, but it's actually to see how Chen Shaojun and Tian Feifei get along.

After watching for many days, I found that Tian Feifei really didn't mean that, so I lost my hostility towards her, and sincerely found Xuanxuan for her. It is also a great contribution.

Watching Chen Shaojun and Pang Yuyan bicker every day relieved some of the distress, but it has been so many days, Xuanxuan has no news at all, but Ouyang Mingchen brings roses every day, as if she is his wife Usually, gradually, Tian Feifei seems to fade away from people's sight.

Tian Feifei doesn't care about these things. She seems to have gradually become numb after watching the reports of Ouyang Mingchen and Rose's love and affection every day, but her Xuanxuan is the only one that breaks her heart. Although she probably knows that Xuanxuan is just hidden, There is no danger, otherwise, Tian Feifei would have long since lost the courage to live.

Entertainment news was playing on the TV in the living room. Of course, Pang Yuyan, who loves to gossip, would not let it go and watched it with great interest.

After a piece of news was broadcasted, it suddenly switched to the scene of Ouyang Mingchen and Mei Meichu having a fashion party. Pang Yuyan immediately switched to another channel, but judging by Tian Feifei's face, it was too late.

"Ha, these people are real. There is no news in the entertainment industry to report. Anyone can be in the news." Pang Yuyan smiled dryly, trying to change the topic.

"It's okay, Swift, turn around and watch. You think, after watching for ten days in a row, there are news about them every day. A good thing is coming, a romantic proposal... Do you think I'm not immune yet?"

Tian Feifei said indifferently, people's memory is really strange, he Ouyang Mingchen just proposed to her not long ago, and just kissed me with her Tian Feifei in the public eye, and changed people in a blink of an eye, people seem to forget After leaving her, he only talked about his new relationship.

I really complied with that sentence, I saw the newcomers laughing, but never heard the old saying that the old ones cried.

"Feifei, have you really let go?" Pang Yuyan asked in disbelief. How could it be possible that, like her, she has been unrequitedly in love for so many years, knowing that it is a road of no return, and she is not single-minded about going down.

If people's emotions could really be controlled with rationality, then there would not be so many troubles and worries.

"What can I do if I don't put it down, hug his thigh and cry?" Tian Feifei folded the baby's clothes, she didn't care about Ouyang Mingchen now, she only wanted her Xuanxuan.

Pang Yuyan walked over to take the baby clothes from her hand, "Feifei, we sue him and sue him for bigamy, aren't you still his wife?"

Tian Feifei smiled wryly, "Sue him? Ouyang Mingchen? He has the most powerful lawyer team in the country. Do you think I can sue him?"

"Then what should we do, just let those adulterers go out together like this?" Pang Yuyan was filled with righteous indignation, if Chen Shaojun treated her like this, she would definitely crush him to ashes.

"I don't want to fight them, it's just a waste of my energy." Tian Feifei said, and turned to the computer to print the missing person notice. These days, she goes out to post notices. Although she knows that the hope is slim, if she does nothing, She will go crazy.

"That won't work! You must give them a hard time, why let them go freely." Pang Yuyan said more and more energetically, "By the way, there is a charity auction tonight, and they will definitely participate. How about we go too? So, I will go to the company to get two invitation letters and show them something, even if I can't do anything to them, I can't make them live comfortably."

"Yuyan, I don't want to go!" Tian Feifei said dejectedly, and she wanted to demonstrate. She couldn't guarantee that she would collapse immediately after seeing the scene of their affection with her own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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