Chapter 514

"Go, are you afraid that you don't have a male companion? It's okay. I'll ask my brother to accompany you. Although he's not as rich as Ouyang Mingchen, he's still the young master of Xingchen. My brother loves me very much. As long as I Make a request, and he will not refuse."

The more Pang Yuyan thought about it, the more feasible it became, and she couldn't help clapping her hands.

Tian Feifei looked at her amusedly, she really couldn't hide her little thoughts, if she really wanted to go, she would just let Chen Shaojun be her male companion, if she had to do it so clearly, for fear that others would not know that Chen Shaojun belonged to her the same.

"I really don't want to go, Swift." After thinking for a while, she said, "I don't know your brother well." You have to find a reason to convince her otherwise.

"Oh, once a stranger and twice acquaintance, you get acquainted when you see it, my brother is very easy to get along with."

"No, Swift, I don't want to bring any negative influence to your brother. After all, people's words are scary." She was already annoying enough, and she managed to divert the attention of the public, but she didn't want to appear in everyone's eyes again.

"It doesn't matter, my brother doesn't care about these things. He is a playboy and has a lot of scandals. You are at a disadvantage by letting you get involved with him. Don't worry, it will definitely not affect his reputation. Yes." Pang Yuyan said happily, then hugged Tian Feifei's arm and shook, "Oh, Feifei, you just go, go and show him off!"

Tian Feifei looked down at her bloated figure, and cast a sidelong glance at Pang Yuyan, "It's not bad if I don't embarrass myself."

Pang Yuyan pulled her to stand up and turned around, "It's okay, it's not as unbearable as you said."

She snapped her fingers in an instant, "Take you to my friend's place to change your appearance, don't act like a resentful woman all day long."

Tian Feifei didn't ask which of her friends, anyway, Pang Yuyan's friends are all over the world, from all kinds of religions, from all walks of life, it's not surprising, but complain about women?

Well, she admits that she is a little bit resentful, but it's not a sad resentment. Her heart towards Ouyang Mingchen is dead, and she doesn't even have the desire to ask him for clarification.

It's not that she is submissive, but that it would be foolish for her to spend any more time on a man who has changed his mind.

"I really don't want to go, Swift, I don't want to attend the banquet now."

"Go, Feifei." Pang Yuyan continued to use the spirit of stalking to persuade, "You think, you always guessed that Ouyang Mingchen hid Xuanxuan, if you don't approach him, how can you find out the news .”

Tian Feifei was obviously stunned, and Pang Yuyan said happily, "How about it, your heart is moved. Admit that what I said makes sense. Oh, don't tidy up, go quickly, wrap it on me, I will definitely dress you up Beautiful."

After Pang Yuyan finished speaking, she dragged people away, saying that the wind is the rain, and as soon as she went out, she bumped into Chen Shaojun, caught Pang Yuyan and rushed like a small locomotive, "Where are you going?"

"Young Master, is there any news?" Tian Feifei asked quickly.

Chen Shaojun shook his head, Tian Feifei's eyes dimmed, "Yuyan asked me to attend the charity banquet at night."

"It's good to go to relax, I'll go with you."

"Hmph, I knew you would say that, but I've already booked Feifei's male companion. If you want to go, you can only go with me." Pang Yuyan squeezed into the middle of the two of them, raised her head, and stared Chen Shaojun.

"Who?" Chen Shaojun frowned.

"Yes..." Tian Feifei was about to say when she was stopped by Pang Yuyan.

"I won't tell you, I don't care so much." He took Tian Feifei's hand and left, "Feifei, let's go, leave him alone."

Tian Feifei turned her head frequently, forget it, originally wanted to explain, but there is nothing to say, do you want to find another man in this state.

Throwed into Pang Yuyan's flamboyant sports car, she roared towards the city, turned around and stopped at the entrance of a well-decorated studio.

From the outside, you can't tell what's going on inside, it's probably a private membership system.

Pang Yuyan got out of the car and put her arms around Tian Feifei's shoulders, "Let's go, beauty, I must impress everyone today."

Go up the narrow stairs, turn a corner, walk through a secluded long corridor, open the door, Liu Ran is cheerful inside.

A clean and handsome man came up to him and gave Pang Yuyan a bear hug, "My good sister, you finally remembered that I came, and you haven't come to see me for so long."

Pang Yuyan hugged him and laughed and danced, "Mandy, when did you return to China, you didn't play with me."

"You're just chasing after your Brother Shaojun, and you still miss me." Mandy said jokingly.

"I don't know." The corners of the eyes and brows are full of Hanchun, but the mouth stubbornly refuses to admit it.Pang Yuyan let go of Mandy and pulled Tian Feifei over, "Mandy, show me, as beautiful as you can be, it's best to surprise the audience."

Mandy turned around, looked at it for two seconds, and said in an uncertain tone, "Mrs. Liu?"

"Why, do you know each other?" Pang Yuyan asked.

"I met you twice in social places, but... Mrs. Liu hasn't had a rest recently, okay? She doesn't look very good." Mandy said tactfully.

Tian Feifei forced a smile, "You should call me Feifei, all my friends call me that." It seems that Mandy is more tactful, and this can give him a reason to bring him over. Now who doesn't know that Tian Feifei is Ouyang Mingchen His next cousin wife, the laughing stock of the entire social world.

Suddenly, she wanted to retreat, and was held back by Pang Yuyan, "Feifei, we have agreed, and you are not allowed to retreat. If you feel that you are weak, then I will call my brother right now."

"Yiyan, I'd better go back." Tian Feifei grabbed Pang Yuyan's hand that was dialing the mobile phone number.

"That's no good, don't be so discouraged, okay, cheer me up, you are my Pang Yuyan's friend anyway, how can you embarrass me." After Pang Yuyan finished speaking, regardless of her, the other end of the phone just happened to be connected .

"Well, brother, let me introduce you to a beautiful woman. Well, here is Mandy. Yes, come and be a flower protector."

Something was said at the other end, and Pang Yuyan yelled resolutely, "What do you mean you are not a public lover, you are, I will give you 10 minutes, you can figure it out. If you don't come, I will tell mom your daily itinerary, In every boudoir of yours, ask her to catch you and go on a blind date."

Pang Yuyan hung up the phone after crackling, and looked at the two proudly, "Don't worry, he will come."

Mandy had already pulled Tian Feifei to the wall where there was a whole row of clothes to try on clothes, grabbed a piece and compared it in front of her, carefully studied the matching, without raising her head, "Your brother hasn't cultivated his health yet, Are you still destroying flowers with your hands?"

Everyone is used to being outspoken, and it's no big deal to say that in front of him, but Tian Feifei always feels that it's not good to bother people too much, and doesn't it make it clear that he is using people.

"What do you think, my brother." Pang Yuyan snorted.How could there be such a difference between being born with the same parents?

Like her, although she loves to play, she is so devoted. From the beginning to the end, she only likes Chen Shaojun alone. Looking at her brother, it seems like she can't live without women.

Mandy smiled and said nothing.He had already grabbed a stack of clothes in his hand, and pushed Tian Feifei into the changing room, "Feifei, go in and try it, there will be an assistant inside to help you, come out and let me have a look after trying on one piece.

Looking at the attentive eyes of the two, Tian Feifei could only sigh, "Okay then." She turned around and entered the fitting room with the clothes in her arms.

Not long after Tian Feifei entered, Pang Yuxuan arrived, hugged her sister affectionately, and looked at the empty surroundings, "Didn't you say protect the flowers? Where are the flowers?"

Pang Yuyan looked at him with disdain, "Isn't it hard to say, so positive."

Pang Yuxuan messed up her hair, "Of course I will do what Yu'er told me."

"It's disgusting, everyone likes to mess with my hair, and even said that they are not children anymore." Pang Yuyan smoothed her hair irritably.

"Again?" Pang Yuxuan let go of her, "Are you pestering Shaojun again?"

"The words are really ugly. What is entanglement? I don't know how those girls were coaxed by you."

"With my personality charm."

After hearing this, Pang Yuyan looked her brother up and down, well, she admitted that he was really handsome, just like a model on the runway, not to mention, brother not only plays, but also is tactful and tactful in doing things, and he is tactful when it comes to his female companions. Generous, it's strange if you're not awesome.

However, after so many years, under the cynical appearance, where is my brother's true love?
"Let's talk about it first, this time I asked you to come here to show off, you are only allowed to watch but not to eat."

"Is that so." Pang Yuxuan touched his chin, "Then I'm not at a disadvantage."

"Thanks to your size, I think highly of you and give you a chance to be a green leaf."

"So, where's the person?" Pang Yuxuan spread out his hands and shrugged his shoulders. Every movement he made was handsome and clean.

"Here, behind you." Pang Yuyan pointed behind him.

Pang Yuxuan turned around and stood there in a daze.

Mandy followed behind Tian Feifei, with an unconcealable pride on her face, she knew it would shock them, what a wonderful work, it turned decay into magic, well, although Tian Feifei has a good foundation on the one hand , is not the so-called decay.

Tian Feifei looked at the two of them a little nervously, and was taken aback.

Looking down at himself, the purple evening dress was lightly wound with tulle, and there were two layers of pleats around the waist and abdomen, which skillfully covered up his belly that hadn't been reduced. His back was exposed, and his complexion was originally as fair as cream , now it seems that it is looming, just right.

"What's wrong? Is it ugly?" Tian Feifei asked uneasily. When she came out, she looked in the mirror several times to make sure she looked okay.

"Nonsense, who dares to say that it's ugly, didn't you smash my golden signboard?" Mandy behind her had already made a sound, and by the way woke up the people who were still in shock, "Yuxuan, how are you, beautiful."

To everyone's surprise, Pang Yuxuan, who was originally eloquent, remained silent for a long time, staring at Tian Feifei fixedly.

Tian Feifei was so embarrassed, she couldn't help asking Pang Yuyan for help.

Swift said happily, "Ha, just now who said you were at a disadvantage, regret it."

Pang Yuxuan finally came to his senses, "Uh...we...have we met?"

(End of this chapter)

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