Chapter 515

Pang Yuyan was drinking water from a cup, couldn't hold back a sip of water, and sprayed it all out, "I'm going, brother, I haven't seen you for a few days, your skills have regressed? Such an old-fashioned way to strike up a conversation will come out of your mouth."

Tian Feifei tilted her head, thinking carefully, "No, you have mistaken someone."

Pang Yuyan rolled her eyes without temperament, and the two of them met each other seriously, "Feifei, didn't you hear that, this is my brother's usual way."

"How could it be?" Tian Feifei smiled shyly, she didn't think so highly of herself, and she really heard the sincerity from his question just now, it didn't seem like Swift was talking about it.

Pang Yuxuan smiled indifferently, in fact, he had already remembered who she was, so he asked this question just to know if she still had any memory.

Sure enough, he didn't have such a small incident, but he remembered it so clearly, he couldn't help shaking his head amusedly, it didn't fit his style of a prodigal son in love.

Since you forgot, forget it, "I haven't asked Fang Ming yet."

"Don't name me, Tian Feifei, my friend. For the time being, I'm still Mrs. Liu. I'm going to meet her husband and her rival in love tonight. I've come to save you." Made it clear.

In fact, this is also good, Tian Feifei looked at Pang Yuxuan gratefully, so at least to avoid unnecessary trouble, isn't it, "I will trouble you tonight."

Pang Yuxuan took the back of Tian Feifei's hand, moved it to his lips and kissed, "It's my honor, Your Majesty the Queen."

Tian Feifei withdrew her hand in embarrassment, "Actually, we don't need to do this, my friends, naturally."

"Naturally, why is it unnatural." Pang Yuxuan simply put his arms around Tian Feifei's shoulders, "Isn't it about saving the scene, if you want to save, you have to save it in a manner, or how can you convince people later."

He didn't ask why such a scene happened, he probably knew three points just by listening to his sister's words.It's a pity that I didn't pay enough attention to Tian Feifei before, and of course I don't know her husband anymore, but depending on the situation, it will soon become the former one?
Pang Yuyan also chimed in, "That's right, Feifei, just treat it as an act, it's better to be realistic, don't worry, you're not interested in my brother, and my brother won't make fake plays for real."

But Pang Yuxuan directly dismantled the stage, "Who said no, Feifei is so beautiful, how could I not?"

Pang Yuyan jumped up and patted his hand, "Get your claws away, don't attack us Feifei, knowing you is the beginning of misfortune."

"It's okay, Swift." Tian Feifei just thought he was joking, "It's too late for me to thank him, he was joking, don't take it too seriously."

"Really." Pang Yuxuan grasped Tian Feifei's chin, and turned her head to him.

Tian Feifei was confused for a moment. Such eyes are really familiar, but she can't remember where she saw them.

Pang Yuxuan had already let go of her, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's almost time, can we go?" He bent his arms and smiled encouragingly at Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, mustered up her courage, and put her hand in his arms.

Pang Yuyan was very happy, "Come on, Feifei, show him some color."

"Aren't you going?" Tian Feifei looked at her with some anxiety.

"I won't go. There is nothing to be afraid of if you have my brother with you. I will go to find Shaojun and wait for the news of your victory at home."

"Victory..." Tian Feifei said flatly, being pushed away all the time, what exactly is victory.

"Oh, don't care." Looking at her puzzled eyes, Pang Yuyan waved her hands and pushed the two of them out, "Whatever, as long as it makes you feel more at ease, go ahead and do it."

Go ahead and do it...

The car was parked at the entrance of the hotel where the party was held. There was a red carpet at the intersection. Celebrities from all walks of life competed to make their appearances. The flashlights of media reporters kept taking pictures.

Tian Feifei was sitting in the car, looking at everything that was shining brightly outside the car window, it seemed so far away that it was unreal.

Pang Yuxuan approached her from behind, grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Tian Feifei turned her head and smiled at him gratefully. She couldn't help being thankful that she had Pang Yuyan as a friend, yes, the stage was set up for her, and the supporting role was found for her, so it's okay to let yourself have fun.

At least, when facing Ouyang Mingchen in the future, he will have no regrets.

Glancing again, Ouyang Mingchen's car was coming from far away, only to see the doorman opened the door, Ouyang Mingchen stepped out of the car calmly, stood still beside the car, facing the gentleman's face in the car Extend an arm.

A weak and boneless hand protruded from inside, placed in his palm, and he led it out of the car. It wasn't the bright and charming rose.The surrounding flashing lights were all in one piece, even though it was no news that Ouyang Mingchen had a new love, but just a perfect match, the two of them had already murdered many films.

Tian Feifei took a deep breath, suppressing the trembling all over her body.

Pang Yuxuan noticed something strange and glanced out the window, "Is he here?"

With all her strength, Tian Feifei controlled herself and nodded, "Well, here we come."

Pang Yuxuan passed Tian Feifei, leaned forward, and looked out the window carefully, "Ouyang Mingchen? Your husband?"

Of course he knew Ouyang Mingchen, but he had never had much contact with each other, and he didn't know that the famous Ouyang Mingchen was the husband of the woman in front of him, but when he looked at the woman next to him, why did he look so similar to Tian Feifei?
"Are you ready? Are we getting out of the car?" Pang Yuxuan kept holding her hand, never letting go, and the warm and dry palm conveyed strength.

"Yuxuan!" Just as he was about to get out of the car, Tian Feifei stopped him, Pang Yuxuan turned around, Tian Feifei finally swallowed the words that were almost out of her mouth, "It's nothing, let's go."

How could she run away? Even Pang Yuxuan was so eager to help her, so how could she live up to their kindness.

Tian Feifei lifted the hem of her skirt, swayed her body, put on her mask, pretending that she was the most perfect heroine, and finally she was about to put on her battle suit and go on stage.

It's her battle.

As soon as they got out of the car, there was a commotion, the crowd became obviously excited, and the whispered discussion gradually became louder, "It's Mrs. Liu, yo, why are you with Mr. Pang from Xingchen International?"

"This is really more bloody than a dog blood series. Take a quick shot, and some of tomorrow's news will be written."

Holding Pang Yuxuan's arm, Tian Feifei walked slowly on the red carpet, waving gracefully towards the surrounding media from time to time.

No one knew, she looked at the backs of the two people in front of her, leaning on Pang Yuxuan's arm with all her strength.Without his support, she would definitely fall down in public.

Ouyang Mingchen, who was walking at the front of the red carpet, clearly felt the commotion of the crowd. Rose hooked his hand and said in a voice only he could hear, "Mr. Liu, your wife is here."

Ouyang Mingchen's body shook, and he turned his head a little stiffly, seeing Tian Feifei leaning in the arms of another man, smiling coquettishly, almost bursting into flames.

Rose smiled coquettishly as if watching a good show, "Mr. Liu, I told you a long time ago that Mrs. Liu is not so easy to deal with. If you don't believe me, you're going to get angry now. If the tiger doesn't show his power, you should be a good boy." Where's the cat?"

"Shut up." Almost squeezed two words between his teeth, Ouyang Mingchen stared at the two behind him with jealousy.

"Smile, Mr. Liu, don't forget to smile." Rose ambiguously pressed close to Ouyang Mingchen's ear, whispering in audible whisper.

At the same time, he smoothed the bow tie on his chest with his hand, "The person you love now is me."

Ouyang Mingchen grazed Rose's earballs with his cold lips, and turned his head, smiling, but his words were cold, "Okay, Mrs. Rose."

"Why don't we wait for them for a while?" Rose took Ouyang Mingchen's hand and forced him to stop, waiting for the two people behind to approach.

Tian Feifei stepped on the tip of a knife step by step, and Pang Yuxuan also leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Keep smiling, yes, it's fine, you are my queen, not his humiliated wife, just keep smiling like this." , performed very well."

Tian Feifei pursed her lips and looked up at him, "My face is going stiff."

"I know, I know, relax." Pang Yuxuan raised his arms and held her face in both hands to warm her.

This action caused a gasp from the scene.

Ouyang Mingchen tightly clenched his fists, doubting that he could bear it any longer. The fists were wrapped in roses and hid by his side. At the same time, he looked at the two people who were only two steps away, and said quickly, " Don't mess around, hold your breath."

As soon as the words fell, the four of them were already facing each other. The flashlight flashed fiercely, and the four of them laughed very formally and politely.

Pang Yuxuan stretched out his hand towards Ouyang Mingchen, "Oh, President Ouyang, what a coincidence, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

Ouyang Mingchen glanced at his outstretched hand, which froze and did not move. Rose tugged him behind him, and then reluctantly stretched out his hand to hold Pang Yuxuan, "Mr. Pang, you are here too. .”

Pang Yuxuan smiled, "You have always devoted yourself to charity, so I am learning from you."

"Ma'am, I didn't know that you were so interested in charity. If I knew it earlier, I should have brought you out to see the world. Now I don't need to bother others." Ouyang Mingchen worked hard, staring at Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei originally lowered her head, but when she heard this, she suddenly raised her head, "Husband, how dare I bother you, aren't you busy, there are endless... people to see every day." After speaking, she glanced at Rose.

Rose didn't seem to notice it, she just leaned against Ouyang Mingchen innocently and listened to them quietly.

The surrounding reporters all pricked up their ears, but they couldn't hear what they were saying. Seeing that the four of them looked normal, and there was no flash of swords and swords, and their blood was spurting, they couldn't help being even more curious.

Rose looked at the two men playing Tai Chi in a funny way. After watching the play for a long time, she finally couldn't help but said, "The two of you have such a good relationship. They even held hands for so long. If it weren't for us two women standing next to me, It is estimated that others will say that the two have a romantic relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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