Chapter 516

Sparks were burning in the eyes of the two men looking at each other, and neither would let the other. Hearing what Rose said, they reluctantly let go.

"How about we go in first?" Pang Yuxuan said with a good temper.

Of course he has a good temper, he is just an extra, all the purpose is to watch the show and spoil the situation, the more chaotic the better, isn't it?

But why is this woman, a woman who should feel owed and lack confidence, so calm and calm.Pang Yuxuan couldn't help but look at Rose twice more.

Sure enough, she is a beautiful woman. Compared with Tian Feifei, each has her own merits.There is always a sense of carelessness in the bones of roses.

Aren't women the more they care about the more they can't let go? Could it be that she really likes Ouyang Mingchen?He doesn't even care about his money.It stands to reason that as long as there is something you care about, you will be nervous, like this one in your arms, who is trembling nervously.

But why is she so sure that Ouyang Mingchen will definitely be hers?
Seeing Pang Yuxuan's inquisitive eyes turning on her body, Rose's eyes fluttered, she cast aside her cold glance, and took the lead to enter the venue with Ouyang Mingchen on her arm.

Pang Yuxuan secretly felt that it was interesting, the interesting woman was just doing her sister a favor, but now it seems that she is really more and more interesting.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him stop, Tian Feifei anxiously looked at the backs of the two people in front, and asked suspiciously.


"Huh?" Tian Feifei didn't look back at all, looking in the direction where Ouyang Mingchen disappeared.

"Feifei." Pang Yuxuan emphasized her tone and tugged at her hand, finally attracting Tian Feifei's attention.

"Feifei," Pang Yuxuan sighed, "Have you forgotten that you are my girlfriend now?"

Tian Feifei dimmed her eyes, "I'm sorry, I just..."

"I just can't help it, right?" Pang Yuxuan pulled her and walked towards the venue, asking as he walked, "Feifei, you really don't remember me?"

This sentence finally attracted Tian Feifei's full attention. She stopped looking for Ouyang Mingchen in the venue, but followed Pang Yuxuan with peace of mind, and found the place belonging to Xingchen International.

After the two were seated, Tian Feifei asked, "We really knew each other before, right?"

"Why are you so sure?" Pang Yuxuan was curious, turned his body slightly, and looked at her intently.

"Because you've already asked me twice. If not, you wouldn't be so persistent. Did I forget something?" Tian Feifei's face was a little annoyed. In her impression, she really couldn't remember the existence of such a person. Woolen cloth.

"Do you still remember the ramen restaurant over Chunhua Street, just three years ago?"

"Three years ago, the ramen restaurant..." Tian Feifei thought for a while, "I worked there as a waiter, what happened?" At that time, it was common to work several jobs a day to make a living.

She still remembered that the ramen restaurant also served as supper, so she only went to work at night, and she couldn't go home to rest until three or four o'clock in the morning.

Thinking of this, I can't help feeling a little sad, thinking that such a day is far away from me, but I didn't expect that maybe I will live such a busy life again in a blink of an eye.

"Heh..." Pang Yuxuan smiled, "It seems that you really forgot."

"Should I remember?" Tian Feifei tilted her head and looked at him seriously.

"It's okay, maybe you don't even have an impression at all, but for me, it's enough to change my life." Pang Yuxuan finished with a smile.

Tian Feifei stepped back abruptly, leaving him a large distance, "Is it so serious?"

"Yes." Pang Yuxuan nodded seriously.

"I used to be very rebellious. I always didn't want to obey my dad's arrangement honestly and walk the road he paved for me..."

"so what?"

"So I went to hang out in the society and made a lot of friends."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"When I saw you, I just saw what reality is. I was betrayed by my friends, and then I didn't have the face to go back to see my parents. I was depressed and drank all day long and did nothing."

Tian Feifei looked at him in disbelief, "I can't tell."

"Yeah, when I think about it now, I can't believe it. How could I have been so useless? Maybe at that time I was young and energetic, and a little setback made me decadent and unable to cheer up." Pang Yuxuan smiled frankly, since he Being able to talk about the past as if nothing had happened, must have come out of the original haze.

Tian Feifei listened seriously, what can't be believed? Could it be that more than a year ago, she would have thought of marrying a rich man like Ouyang Mingchen?

"Anyway, when I was at my worst, I went to the nightclub where you worked for a drink. Of course, I didn't know that you were working there, and I didn't know that I would meet my angel there..."

When he said the word "angel", Pang Yuxuan looked at Tian Feifei with special meaning.

Tian Feifei touched her face, but luckily the light is relatively dim now, so she couldn't see the blush on her face, "No, I'm not as important as you think."

"Yes... Feifei, you are the angel who came to save me. That night, I drank too much at the nightclub again, but I had no money. The boss saw that I couldn't afford it... In short, it was ridicule and ridicule, all of you Tell me all the nasty things you can imagine, haha."

Pang Yuxuan automatically omitted the horrible past, "Then you appeared, I have never seen a girl with such courage, you taught the boss a lesson, and then took out all the money on your body... Yes, I can assure you that it is all your money, because I saw you take out a wad of money from your bag and organize them one by one..."

"Then you paid for the drink for me. Then you grabbed me by the collar, took me out of the nightclub, and left me on the side of the street. You told me that if you are a man, you should act like a man, so What does it look like half dead?"

"Did I really say that? I scolded my boss? I must have been mad at you..." Tian Feifei held her face in her hands and couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, that's what you said at the time. You said you must have been stunned by me, and asked me what was the big deal to give up on myself. You said you lost your parents and you still have a younger sister to raise, but You never gave up hope."

Pang Yuxuan fell into the memory. At that time, Tian Feifei was like a goddess of war in a battle suit, exuding the power of justice all over her body. It was her who made herself repent and decided to start a new life.

A person will meet many people in his life, some people stay and become the most important people in his life, some people pass by and leave a lifetime of regrets.

Pang Yuxuan and Tian Feifei belong to the latter.

When he came home, he bowed his head like his father to admit his mistake, and then started his life again. When he felt that he could face Tian Feifei again, he would go back to that ramen shop to find her.

Who knows, a miss is a miss.Tian Feifei had already left that night snack shop a long time ago, maybe it was because she scolded the boss. For so many years, he always blamed himself for thinking that he was the one who harmed her.

That's why God punished him for being young and reckless, so that he couldn't find Tian Feifei no matter how hard he searched.

When they met again, Tian Feifei had become someone else's wife, and she couldn't recognize him anymore.

This is life, always full of wonderful fate, it is a lifetime to miss it.

"Um, what next?" Tian Feifei asked timidly, she was a little afraid of Pang Yuxuan's scorching eyes, she didn't want to provoke men anymore.

Pang Yuxuan smiled, "Don't be nervous, no. Then, I thought about what kind of development and what kind of story I would write if I found you. But when I saw you again that day, I asked you if you still remember me, and you said no. Remember, I suddenly felt..."

"How?" Tian Feifei asked hesitantly.

"It turns out that you didn't reciprocate the same feelings. Maybe, you are not my fate. I am really grateful to you. That's why I said you are my angel. You must know that angels don't live in the world. Without the baptism of human wealth and oil and salt, the beautiful is just an illusory scene."

"Haha, are you going to confess me?" Hearing this, Tian Feifei has already let go of half of her heart, and she also has the idea of ​​joking, as long as it's not what she thinks, it's fine anyway.

"Okay... Come on, three sticks of incense every day?" After talking about the secret that had been hidden in his heart for many years, Pang Yuxuan felt a lot more relaxed and started laughing.

"If you want to go, of course I will accept it." Tian Feifei patted him on the shoulder angrily.

"Okay, to be serious, I saw you at Mandy's place, and with what Swift said about you, of course I'm going to do everything I can to help you."

"Oh, so there is such a meaning, I thought you were looking at Swift's face."

"As for the little girl's film, can I offend Ouyang Mingchen for her? Ouyang Mingchen, who, he said yes in this city, does anyone dare to say no?"

"Thank you so much." Tian Feifei thanked her indifferently. Why didn't she think that Ouyang Mingchen was so powerful?
"What's more, Feifei, this is a charity auction. What do you think, we just come here to sit, drink tea, and pretend to go back home?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do." Tian Feifei recalled Pang Yuyan's words, but there was nothing explained in it.

Pang Yuxuan squeezed her hand, sighed and shook his head, "Why are you still so simple, you only do things with enthusiasm."

Tian Feifei couldn't speak, it seemed like this, she just couldn't stand Pang Yuyan's soft and hard words, so she ran here to show Ouyang Mingchen a look.

But she really didn't see what kind of color she gave Ouyang Mingchen, but she was so nervous that she couldn't even utter a word of forceful counterattack.

"Okay, don't worry about it, I'm the one to help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, you just wait and watch the show today." After Pang Yuxuan finished speaking, he turned to look at Ouyang Ming who was a few tables away morning.

(End of this chapter)

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