Chapter 517

Sure enough, Ouyang Mingchen watched the performance with his arms around Rose, but his eyes were actually fixed on Tian Feifei, tsk tsk, look at those eyes, are those red eyes flames of jealousy or unwilling anger?
Ouyang Mingchen is of course angry, why is he here, seeing other men hugging his wife and whispering, but he can only act indifferent.Want to hug a dangerous person and pretend to be affectionate?

When will such days end?
Ouyang Mingchen suppressed it, fearing that he would not be able to restrain the explosion.Obviously everything was well planned, and it would be good to let the public's attention stay on him and Rose, but he underestimated his wife's ability.

Look, within a few days, both Chen Shaojun and Pang Yuxuan have come to stand up for her.

Yes, of course he knows Tian Feifei's charm, but what does it matter to other men that his wife is attractive?

Seeing the two of them whispering next to each other for half a night, Ouyang Mingchen really wished that he had clairvoyant eyes and ears, and heard what they were talking about. They had such a happy and speculative chat.

Could it be that Tian Feifei really doesn't love him anymore as he planned?This sudden cognition made him fall into fear.

He originally thought that after a series of injuries, Tian Feifei would hide sadly, or leave without saying goodbye. After the matter passed, he could go to her and explain everything clearly, and then Tian Feifei would still be his own.

But now it seems that he is going to lose her?Because of your own concealment and self-assertion?

How could he have forgotten what a strong woman Tian Feifei was.

"Okay, let's see, the eyeballs are about to fall out." Rose patted Ouyang Mingchen's arm coquettishly, and leaned against it. I can't help but feel sorry for her, "Mr. Liu, you are very sad tonight." It's neglecting people."

Ouyang Mingchen felt the corners of his mouth twitching. If Rose treats her like this again, sooner or later she will foam at the mouth and die suddenly. The grace of a beauty is sometimes not so easy to bear. Whoever wants it can take it.

"Oh, Mr. Liu, look at your expression. We have told me before, we must take good care of you." Rose put her cold palm on his face, and turned his face away.

Get close to him, "Mr. Liu, look in the direction of ten o'clock."

Ouyang Mingchen glanced over from the corner of his eye, and sure enough, he saw the group of people staring at him.

"So, you should be more restrained." Knowing that he had seen it all, Rose withdrew her hand from his face and said without emotion.

Ouyang Mingchen restrained his expression and kept a calm face. Hearing the host talking like a lot of flowers on the stage, his eyes never fell on Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei also kept paying attention to Ouyang Mingchen's side, seeing that he didn't look at her, she was inevitably disappointed, and had to focus on the stage.

"The next thing we are about to auction is a jade bracelet donated by President Ouyang of Ouyang Group. The reserve price is 300 million." As soon as the words were finished, there was applause from below.

Tian Feifei's face was stiff, looking at the piece of jade on the stage, it was hers.The one she put in the dressing table has never been worn, it was left by her grandma, and she has always been reluctant to wear it, on the one hand, it is too expensive, and on the other hand, it is because she doesn’t like wearing it very much. Jewelry, I just take it out to look at when I miss my grandma.

But now...

The host held the velvet box and brought it in front of Ouyang Mingchen, "President Ouyang, please tell us a few words. On behalf of the orphans, I thank you for your generosity."

Ouyang Mingchen's expression changed slightly, he looked in Tian Feifei's direction, cleared his throat, and finally said, "You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank, you can thank the owner of this jade bracelet, Miss Rose, because I have already given the jade bracelet to her gone."

As he spoke, he pulled Rose up and kissed her lightly on the back of her hand at the same time.

Tian Feifei's face was livid, and she tightly grasped the edge of the table, very good, very good, even the owner is not hers, let alone things.

But it was given to her by grandma, why should he give it to that woman, what right does he have.

"What's wrong, Feifei?"

Sensing her excitement, Pang Yuxuan leaned towards her.Tian Feifei pursed her lips, she was about to cry, she stared straight at the host's hand, "That's mine."

"What? Yours! Ouyang Mingchen is too much." Pang Yuxuan almost couldn't restrain himself from rushing forward.

On the other end, Rose was still being interviewed by the host, "...Yes, I should do my best to help the orphans. Let them have a warm winter, and my heart is warmed up."

"Then can Miss Rose tell us about the origin of this jade bracelet?"

"Hehe, it's really nothing." Rose covered her mouth, "This is the first gift I gave me tomorrow morning. Of course it is very meaningful. Let alone its value, it is priceless to me. Treasure. So I cherish it very much, and want to use it to do something meaningful."

"Okay, thank you Miss Rose, you are so caring, so now, let's start the auction." The host said, holding the box and walking back to the stage.

"It's 300 million now, is there anyone asking for a price?"

"350 million." Ouyang Mingchen stared at Rose affectionately, and called the price for the first time.

Originally, this kind of auction was just for show, someone donated something, but went through the motions, added some price and bought it back, and the money given was considered a donation.Unlike a real commercial auction, you must grab a head and a blood.

Most of them are donated by whoever bids the price, no one will come to fight, and it's not a matter of tearing faces, everyone will look up and look down.

But today someone came to tear his face apart. Before Ouyang Mingchen's voice of "350 million" subsided, he heard a clear male voice from Channel 400, "I'll pay [-] million!"

The voice was not loud, but it caused huge waves. There was a lot of discussion in the venue immediately, and everyone was looking for who was rushing to shoot here.

The host was also a little stunned, but his super adaptability made him react immediately, and turned to the direction of Channel [-], "It turns out to be President Pang of Star International. It seems that President Pang is as discerning as President Ouyang. I fell in love with this bracelet."

A staff member next to him handed the microphone to Pang Yuxuan, who took it, stood up, and pulled Tian Feifei up as well.

There was another uproar below, "Isn't this Mrs. Liu, which show is this acting in?"

"Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. I don't want to say anything. My preferences are really similar to President Ouyang." Pang Yuxuan said with a pun.Everyone at the scene laughed heartily, of course they knew that he was talking about Tian Feifei.

Focusing on everyone's eyes, Tian Feifei pulled Pang Yuxuan's hand a little uneasy, and asked in a low voice, "Yuxuan, what are you doing?"

Pang Yuxuan leaned close to her face and whispered in her ear affectionately, "I'm going to vent my anger on you."

"No need!" Tian Feifei tugged at his hand, trying to pull him down and sit down.

"It's okay, trust me."

After the two whispered intimately, Tian Feifei couldn't hide her flushed face, of course she was not shy, but anxious.

The host took over the conversation, "President Pang means..."

"Of course I want to take this piece of beautiful jade and give it to this beautiful woman beside me. It depends on whether President Ouyang is willing to part with it." Pang Yuxuan made another pun.

With a pale face, Tian Feifei looked at Ouyang Mingchen motionlessly.

The scene of the charity auction party immediately turned into a live broadcast of the eight o'clock series.A group of good people didn't say a word, looking at the two pairs of people who were facing each other from a distance.

This is much better than a serial drama. The reporter's flashes were flickering, for fear of missing any exciting moment.

Rose smiled cleverly, "Morrow morning, since President Pang likes it, we might as well give it to Miss Tian."

Tian Feifei's face turned livid in an instant. She called her Miss Tian, ​​but she actually called her Miss Tian!
Shameless woman, she really wanted to rush up and slap her.

But Ouyang Mingchen said indifferently, "Gao Mei, I don't like it. Even if I don't want something, I don't want to give it to others."

There was a suffocating silence, and in the huge venue, the eyes of the two men met in the air, and there was a chirping sound.

The host had no choice but to round the field in the middle, otherwise what could he do, watching the two "look at each other affectionately" like this?This fire is going to set this place ablaze.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's go back to the auction. The bidder just now was President Pang of Xingchen International. It seems that the jade bracelet donated by President Ouyang is indeed very flattering. So, now, 400 million once, Is anyone else interested in this jade bracelet?"

When the host returned to the stage, he had a business-like attitude, and he couldn't interfere in other people's private affairs, so he could only do his job as a host conscientiously.

"500 million!" Ouyang Mingchen raised his hand again.

"600 million!"

"800 million!"

"1000 million!"

Before the host had time to speak, the two of you came and went to ask for the price.

Tian Feifei's face turned red and white, what did they think it was, were they buying cabbage?
On the contrary, Rose doesn't care, like watching a show.

Ouyang Mingchen, what on earth do you take me for? You just spoil my sincerity and dignity like this.How sorry am I for you, how much I dislike you?Then why did you pretend to be false to me before? Don't you feel sick when you act like this to me?

Tian Feifei suddenly felt sick, it was all fake, all fake!
She broke free from Pang Yuxuan's hand suddenly and rushed to the stage.

"Feifei!" Pang Yuxuan stood up and shouted anxiously looking at Tian Feifei's back.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one thought that Tian Feifei, who was originally quiet, would suddenly rush to the stage, snatch the jade bracelet from the host's hand, and slam it to the ground.

There was a crisp sound, like the ding-dong of beads, and the jade bracelet shattered into two pieces, and the lifeless ones lay on the ground, lonely on both sides.

Tian Feifei snatched the microphone from the host's hand, and she couldn't make a sound. She paused every word, and looked deeply at Ouyang Mingchen, "Ouyang Mingchen, from now on, you and I will be like this jade Bracelet, cut in two with one knife, life is different, death is different point, nothing to do with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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