Chapter 518

After speaking, he dropped the microphone to the ground.

The sound of the broken microphone was ear-piercing, the venue was silent, and no one spoke. Seeing Tian Feifei's back resolutely leaving, only Pang Yuxuan stood up and called Feifei to chase after her.

"President Ouyang, look at this..." The host trembled, and picked up the jade bracelet that was broken in half on the ground. Would he make himself pay for it? Nightmare, he can't afford it.

Ouyang Ming waved his hand calmly in the morning, "It's okay, it has nothing to do with you, the 1000 million just now, go to my company's finance department to get it tomorrow."

"Oh, haha... Is that so? That's great." The host wanted to laugh happily, but suddenly felt a little inappropriate, and in the end there was only an embarrassing voice left.

But no one cared about him anymore, they all went to see Ouyang Mingchen's reaction.

Rose thumped his chest lightly, like a kitten losing its temper with its master, stretching out its thin paws to tickle him, "Morning morning, look at that woman, she was broken by me, I don't care , you will pay me."

Ouyang Mingchen coaxed her patiently, "Okay, okay, compensate, I will compensate you for everything, baby, don't be angry, and ignore that crazy woman."

Everyone was stunned for a while. It turned out that this is really the end. Apart from their status, do these two Ouyang couples have anything else?The people who were used to seeing the warmth and coldness of human relationships couldn't help but sigh.

Rose leaned against his chest, and said in a very small voice, "Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu is quite angry."

What Ouyang Mingchen could say, he could only smile wryly.He broke all the bracelets that grandma left her, so he must be really disappointed in him.I really don't know how long this farce will continue, Ouyang Mingchen asked the sky speechlessly.

"Feifei, wait for me!" Pang Yuxuan, who chased out of the venue, only came in time to see her back.

Tian Feifei turned a deaf ear to it, and only wanted to leave this sad place that broke her heart.

"Feifei!" Pang Yuxuan chased Tian Feifei like a gust of wind angrily, and couldn't help regretting, did he do something wrong?In exchange for such an ending, it made Feifei sad.

"Feifei!" There was a burst of liver and gallbladder screams, accompanied by the piercing sound of brakes.

Tian Feifei's legs gave way, and she fell down in the middle of the road in shock. Just two steps away from her, a car barely stopped and almost ran into her.

Pang Yuxuan had a false alarm, broke out in a cold sweat, let out a breath, and ran towards her.

The people in the car poked their heads out, probably also terrified, and said in a terrible tone, "What did you do, crazy woman, what are you wearing on the road. If you want to die, don't hurt others."

Tian Feifei was petrified, and listened to him scolding in a daze.

Pang Yuxuan ran to him, pulled Tian Feifei up, and checked her up and down, "Feifei, are you okay?"

Turning his head to the cursing driver, he said, "If you don't want to be sued, you'd better disappear quickly. I don't mind letting my lawyer chat with you."

The driver was getting angry, "Who are you, I'm afraid you will bite me?"

Pang Yuxuan was about to seek justice, but was held tightly by Tian Feifei, who had recovered from the shock just now, "Forget it, Yuxuan, I rushed out by myself, I am in a mess now, and I don't want to add more chaos .”

Pang Yuxuan gave the driver a hard look, probably because of his sinister look, the driver shivered, and said, "You wait for me." The driver disappeared in a hurry.

"Feifei, is there any injury?"

"I'm fine." Tian Feifei put her hand in front of her, only to see that the palm of her hand was worn out, blood was oozing out, mixed with dust, and she looked very embarrassed.

"Damn it! You shouldn't have let him go so easily just now!"

Seeing that Tian Feifei was injured, Pang Yuxuan said annoyedly. In fact, he also knew that the words were preposterous, so he couldn't let him find an excuse to vent his anger.

"Forget it, Yuxuan, it's my fault, I should have stopped when I heard you call me." Tian Feifei said sadly, her heart that was obviously beating fast just now calmed down after the shock just now.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, I didn't expect this to happen." How to go back to see Swift now, not only did not help, but made Tian Feifei suffer.

"I've said it's all right." Tian Feifei shrugged pretending to be relaxed, "Let's go back, this kind of banquet really doesn't suit me, I feel so awkward."

"But your hand is injured, let's go to the hospital." Pang Yuxuan said worriedly.

Tian Feifei forced a smile, "It's not that exaggerated, just wash your hands."

"That won't work, what to do if it is infected, at least clean it up."

Tian Feifei opened her mouth, looked at Pang Yuxuan's serious eyes, knew that she couldn't say anything to him, so she simply nodded, "Okay then, let's do it when we go home."

"Do you have a first aid kit at home?"

"I don't know." Tian Feifei shook her head blankly. She has just moved in for a few days, and she has been worrying about Xuanxuan all day long, so she didn't pay so much attention.

"Let's go, let's go back first." Pang Yuxuan put his arms around her shoulders, looked around, and walked to his car with his arms around her after making sure there was no danger.

He helped her into the car, then walked around the front of the car, got into the driver's seat, and drove away.

Tian Feifei leaned her head against the car window, looked at the street scene outside the window, and said nothing quietly.Pang Yuxuan teased her, trying to make her happy, but it didn't work.

After driving for a long time, the car stopped at the entrance of a convenience store. Pang Yuxuan got out of the car and bought gauze and iodine, put them in a plastic bag and threw them in the back seat, and then continued to drive to Tian Feifei's apartment.

When I walked to the door, I realized that I didn't bring the key, but the light inside was on. Who would be in there?Chen Shaojun?The two looked at each other.

Tian Feifei rang the doorbell, and the door opened quickly, and it was Pang Yuyan who opened the door.As soon as he opened the door, he asked excitedly, "How is it? What have you gained? Did you give him a look?"

Pang Yuxuan pulled away Pang Yuyan, who was dancing with Tian Feifei in her arms, "I'll talk about it later, deal with the wound first."

"Wound?" Two voices said in unison, Chen Shaojun inside and Pang Yuyan outside.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? How did you get hurt?" Pang Yuyan bluffed and pulled Tian Feifei around, "Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

"Swift! You can't stop for a while." Before Chen Shaojun could speak, Pang Yuxuan pulled her away again, "Don't make trouble."


Pang Yuyan curled her lips, "Don't you dislike me, hmph, a guy who values ​​sex and despises girls."

Pang Yuxuan didn't bother to pay attention to her, and pulled Tian Feifei to sit on the sofa, "Spread your hands."

Tian Feifei spread out her hands obediently, and only saw it under the light. The injury was more serious than expected.Pang Yuyan leaned her head over and gasped when she saw it, "Who, who did it?"

While speaking, it was as if he was going to find someone to fight for his life.

"Swift! Don't be impatient, it's me, I accidentally fell." Tian Feifei held Pang Yuyan who was spinning around, and said without energy.

"Ah..." He stretched his voice, turned to look at Pang Yuxuan, stretched out his pointed index finger to poke his chest, "How do you take care of people, I will give her to you completely, and you will give it to me Bring it back like this?"

Pang Yuxuan didn't speak, and seemed to blame himself.

Tian Feifei pulled Pang Yuyan, "Okay, Yuyan, it has nothing to do with Yuxuan, it's my own carelessness, if you want to scold me, scold me."

"Why would I scold you, did you hit your head?" Pang Yuyan squatted down in front of her, and looked back at Chen Shaojun who had been silent behind her, "Is that right, Shaojun, am I right?"

"Hmm." Chen Shaojun uttered a single voice, looking thoughtfully at Tian Feifei's obviously haggard face.

"Okay, let me deal with it." Pang Yuxuan put Tian Feifei's hand flat on his knee, poured some alcohol on the cotton swab, "It will hurt a little, Feifei, bear with it."

Frowning, he looked even more painful than the injured person.

Alcohol was wrapped in a cotton swab, and she carefully cleaned it in the palm of her hand. It was a little stinging, Tian Feifei shrank back, and did not make a sound.

Pang Yuyan was also quiet and didn't make any noise, and when everything was dealt with, Pang Yuxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, don't touch the water, and see how it goes tomorrow morning, if it doesn't feel better, then go to the hospital. "

Tian Feifei stared blankly at her palm, "It's okay."

"What's the matter, why did you go to such a listless place, did you gain anything?" Pang Yuyan stood up impatiently, and asked while pulling her brother's arm.

"Harvest, I have harvested 1000 million." Pang Yuxuan packed the medicine box and smiled wryly.

"What 1000 million? Donated all the money to you?" Pang Yuyan said angrily. Yes, thanks to my trust in you, you turned out to be an embroidered pillow."

Pang Yuyan pouted, she would have done it herself if she knew about it.

Pang Yuxuan didn't bother with her either, "Feifei, do you want to drink?"

"Drinking?" Tian Feifei, who had been keeping her head buried, finally looked up and looked at him strangely.

"Didn't you say that you can rest when you are drunk, and you can forget about the unhappy things when you are drunk."

"What?" Pang Yuyan gave her brother a push, don't use your way of drinking to drown your sorrows to spoil my Feifei. "Pang Yuyan still has lingering fears when she thinks of her elder brother's decadent years. If Tian Feifei becomes the second Pang Yuxuan again, she really can't bear it.

Attention was quickly diverted, and he forgot the 1000 million just mentioned, but Chen Shaojun remembered it in his heart. Seeing Tian Feifei's appearance, he was considerate and didn't ask again.

"It's okay, it won't happen once or twice." Pang Yuxuan strode to the wine cabinet in the closet, opened the cabinet, and it was indeed full of old red wine.

"Ha, Young Master, you have hidden so much good wine." Pang Yuxuan walked back to the living room with a bottle in one hand and four wine glasses in the other.

Pang Yuyan originally wanted to say that it would be better if there was no Jinwu Zangjiao, but after looking at Tian Feifei, she still swallowed this joke.

(End of this chapter)

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