Chapter 521

"I can't figure it out." Pang Yuxuan shook his head.

"What can't you figure it out?" Rose lay on the edge of the window, not in a hurry, and chatted with Pang Yuxuan, the scenery under the moon is so beautiful, let's enjoy the moon by the way.

Rose's character is like this, lazy, and a bit like a chameleon, able to blend into any environment.

"A gift for Feifei?"

"What's wrong?"

"Are you here to deliver?"

"I'm free." Rose smiled coquettishly, "Anyway, I'm in a good mood to let her see my masterpiece."

"You made it up?" Pang Yuxuan was really taken aback. He thought it was some master, but he didn't expect it to be the one in front of him.

"Yeah, it took three hours." Rose was a little annoyed. Practice makes perfect for handicrafts. After a long time without practicing, the efficiency has dropped. She pouted her lips, why don't she steal something to practice?

Unexpectedly, Pang Yuxuan's warm lips pressed against Rose's pouty mouth, and he quickly backed away, looking at her with eyes full of tenderness, "This is your reward, it's hard work, it took a lot of eyes to do this. "

Rose was a little stunned, and her face turned cold for a moment. It was all delicate work, of course it took a lot of eyes, but she was willing, who is Pang Yuxuan, and why should he determine whether her grades are worth it or not.

Pang Yuxuan didn't see clearly at all, the jade bracelet was already in Rose's hand.

Rose seemed really angry, "I've changed my mind, even if I destroy the jade bracelet, don't give it to her."

"Well, even if you want to give it to Feifei, she might not want it!" Pang Yuxuan lazily sang against her.

Feifei probably won't want things that have changed hands!What's more, it was something that was destroyed and discarded by myself!

"Oh?" Frowning, Rose smiled again, "Are you so sure she won't take it? Why don't we make a bet..."

"What bet?!"

"Just bet on whether Tian Feifei will want this jade bracelet! If she still wants this jade bracelet, then I win!" There was a smile on her delicate face, as if victory was already waiting for her. up.

"What about the bet?"

"If I win, you won't be able to have sex with women for three months..." For a playboy, three months of abstinence is probably a big punishment, right?

"Uh..." Pang Yuxuan pondered for a moment, but did not give a timely answer.

"What? Don't you dare to gamble?" Rose put her arms around her chest and glanced at him.

The self-proclaimed romantic Pang Yuxuan couldn't tolerate the frustration of his image in the eyes of beautiful women. He didn't think that this was just Rose's aggressive method, "I don't dare to gamble. But if you lose, you have to let it go." I deal with it, I can't resist..."

The scorching eyes kept sweeping #shooting on Rose, if she could disassemble and swallow such a stunning beauty, what a pleasure it would be!

Thinking about it, the charming appearance of Rose with blushing cheeks appeared in her mind, and her lower abdomen tightened suddenly.This is the first time, just talking, without any teasing, he has a reaction.

Of course, Rose understood what was hidden in his gaze, but she didn't panic at all, "Mr. Pang, I advise you to withdraw your gaze as soon as possible. If you think too much, I'm afraid you will lose your sight in the next three months. I have to take a cold shower every day to reduce the fire!"

Rose's determined tone was full of confidence, and Pang Yuxuan suddenly felt like falling into a trap.

"Well, it's getting late, I have to go back to my beauty sleep! Mr. Pang, if Mrs. Liu wants the jade bracelet, please let her contact me. Hey, this is my phone number!" Rose said. Throw away a business card.

Pang Yuxuan took it, "Miss Rose, don't be afraid of me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted coldly, "I believe that Pang is always an upright gentleman, and he would not do that kind of villain's deeds! What do you think?" Throwing it to him, Rose still smiled brightly.

Covering her mouth lightly, Rose yawned lazily, "I'm sleepy, I'm going back to my beauty sleep. Mr. Pang, please tell Mrs. Liu that if you want to find me, please come after ten o'clock in the morning, bye!" "

Waving her hand, Rose covered her mouth and yawned, went downstairs, walked through the living room, opened the door, and left openly.

Pang Yuxuan, who was following behind, looked at the closed door hesitantly, and a question exploded in his mind.

How did she get in? !

This is a 28-story building——

When Tian Feifei woke up, it was already the morning of the next day. She raised her hand and knocked on her heavy head. Over there, I also remembered what happened last night.

Ouyang Mingchen... After all, she still doesn't belong to her anymore, she couldn't even keep the jade bracelet left by her grandma!

As she thought about it, worry came to her heart again, wrapping her tightly around her.

dong dong dong-

A heavy knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and the door opened in response to the sound, and it was Pang Yuxuan who came.

Seeing Tian Feifei sitting on the head of the bed, she was slightly startled, "Feifei, you're awake..."


"Go and wash up, go down and have some breakfast!" The sun outside the window was very hot, even the heavy curtains couldn't block its light.

"I'm not hungry!" Tian Feifei said faintly. After experiencing those things, how could she still have the appetite to eat?Coupled with the discomfort of the hangover, she lost her appetite even more.

Pang Yuxuan seemed to have expected her to say this a long time ago, walked over, and pulled her up, "No matter what, you have to eat more or less! It hurts your stomach to skip breakfast. I prepared some porridge and side dishes , just right!"

Tian Feifei wanted to refuse, but Pang Yuxuan didn't give her a chance at all. He took her hand, took her to the bathroom forcefully, and pushed her in, "Hurry up and wash it, the smell of alcohol is too bad. It smells bad!"

Tian Feifei froze for a moment, frowned, and bent down to smell it. There was indeed a smell of wine, and even she couldn't help wrinkling her nose.

"Hurry up and wash up, I'll call Swift first!" Pang Yuxuan made a look of disgust, waved his hand, greeted her, and even closed the door of the bathroom considerately for her.

Taking a deep breath, then shrugging, Tian Feifei finally decided to obey Pang Yuxuan's words.Even if it's over between her and Ouyang Mingchen, life has to go on, doesn't it?

No one loves herself, so she should treat herself better...

After going out, Pang Yuxuan knocked on the door of the guest room again. "Young Master, wake up and have breakfast."

When it was over, he turned around and knocked on another door, "Swift, it's time to get up."

There was silence in the room, Pang Yuxuan raised his hand and continued to knock on the door, "Swift, are you awake? I'm coming in."

In the room, the two people who were awakened by the knock on the door were hurriedly getting dressed. To be precise, one should be getting dressed while the other was lying on the bed and watching him get dressed leisurely.

Chen Shaojun, who was trying his best to put clothes on his body, looked embarrassed, while Pang Yuyan, who was nestled under the quilt, smiled sweetly, as if drinking honey.

After Chen Shaojun dressed properly, he quickly walked to the edge of the bed on the other side and sat down, helped Pang Yuyan to put on clothes for her, "Be good, Yuyan, can you get dressed first?" in a low and soft tone as if coaxing a child.

"Okay." Pang Yuyan smiled brilliantly, her voice was so soft that water could almost drip.

Looking at her charming smiling face, Chen Shaojun's brow lines deepened a little. Although he was drunk last night, if he was not drunk, he would not be able to tell who was under him.

When Pang Yuyan was crying aggrievedly, his heart throbbed with pain, and he just wanted to hold her in his arms and comfort her. "Yuyan, I'm coming in." The impatient Pang Yuxuan didn't want to wait anymore. Could it be that the girl was so drunk that she passed out, and she is still drunk now?
The door opened, and the three of them froze.

Pang Yuyan was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning lazily on Chen Shaojun's arms. Chen Shaojun was pulling the zipper on the back of her clothes with his hands raised.

What's going on right now?
Years of experience in the field of love told him what had happened here.

Chen Shaojun actually ate up his sister under his nose, but he didn't even know it.How will he explain to his parents?Pang Yuxuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react.

It was Pang Yuyan who came back to her senses first, she turned around and put her arms around Chen Shaojun's waist, as if protecting food, "It's none of Shaojun's business, I took the initiative!"

It's good that Pang Yuyan doesn't speak, but when she speaks, Pang Yuxuan's anger rises, she really hates that iron can't be made into steel, look at what she said.

"Yuyan, get out!" Pang Yuxuan had a gloomy face, as if the wind was about to come.

Pang Yuyan came out of the quilt slowly, stood in front of Chen Shaojun, trying to block him, "Brother...don't be angry, it really has nothing to do with Shaojun."

"Pang Yuyan, do you still have a sense of shame?" Pang Yuxuan was really going to be mad at her, what time is it, and she only cares about protecting her sweetheart, a stinky girl with her elbows turned outward.

Pang Yuyan's face turned red when she asked a single sentence. She blushed and shouted at her brother, "Yes! I just don't have any shame. Messing around outside, won’t I be allowed to climb into the bed of my beloved?”

After yelling, Pang Yuyan covered her face and sobbed.

Chen Shaojun pulled her into his arms, patted her back to comfort her, "Fool, what stupid things did you say? Yuxuan hasn't said anything yet. Why are you defending me so anxiously?" I have to say, Pang Yuyan Maintaining his appearance moved his heart for a while.

"I'm afraid that he...will be cruel to you..." Pang Yuyan buried herself in Chen Shaojun's arms and began to cry, she was so touched, it was the first time that Shaojun spoke to her so gently and thought of her so much , If I knew this earlier, I would have dedicated myself earlier.

"You still don't admit that you are a child." Chen Shaojun really had nothing to do with her. He lifted her face up, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and felt pity in her heart, "Okay, don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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