Chapter 522

"Yuxuan, don't be angry, I know it's my fault, but don't worry, I will take responsibility." Chen Shaojun raised his head, looked at Pang Yuxuan who was standing by the door, and said seriously.

Although he only regarded Swift as his younger sister wholeheartedly, but this happened, for Swift's reputation and the relationship between the two families, he had no choice but to do so.Moreover, this girl doesn't seem to be as unpleasant as he thought.

"I don't want it!" But Pang Yuyan didn't accept it, she quickly refused, "Young Master, I won't take advantage of you, if you don't really love me and just want to make up for me, then I won't accept it. "

Leaving his embrace, Pang Yuyan lowered her head slightly, biting her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, she turned her head awkwardly, it was her dream to be the young master's bride.However, that dream is based on the love between two people.

"Swift!" Chen Shaojun raised his hand to pull her, but she quickly dodged it.

"Brother, it has nothing to do with Shaojun, it's my own voluntary." Passing Chen Shaojun, Pang Yuyan went straight to Pang Yuxuan's side, tugged at his hand, Juanxiu's face was full of determination.

"Pang Yuyan!" Pang Yuxuan called out his sister's name angrily. He really wanted to pry her head open to see what was inside.How can a girl make fun of her own innocence.

"Brother, I'm not a child anymore, I know what I'm doing, and I will be responsible for my actions, please don't ask me any more, okay?" Pang Yuyan said almost pleadingly, looking into Pang Yuxuan's eyes It is full of sorrow.

Falling in love with Chen Shaojun meant that she would not be able to get his love for the rest of her life. She didn't ask for anything else but a sweet memory with him. This request is not too much.

Staring fixedly at his sister for a long time, Pang Yuxuan let out a long sigh, what can he do with his sister?
He raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, left a sentence of "Go down and have breakfast!", then turned and left.

"Young Master, you don't need to keep this matter in your heart. Just treat it as a dream after you got drunk."

Don't worry, Shaojun, I will never threaten you with this matter.You are still free.

Pang Yuxuan did not continue to pursue the matter between Pang Yuyan and Chen Shaojun.On the one hand, he didn't want to embarrass his sister, and at the same time, he believed that Chen Shaojun would handle it well. On the other hand, he had other things to deal with.

After breakfast, Chen Shaojun went to the company.

Pang Yuyan panicked, so she just found a reason to go out. Only Tian Feifei and Pang Yuyan were left at home.

"Feifei..." He called out her name, and Pang Yuxuan hesitated whether to speak or not.

Winning or losing the bet is not the point for him.Most importantly, he was afraid that mentioning Ouyang Mingchen again would hurt Tian Feifei.However, if Feifei really wanted that jade bracelet, wouldn't he have done something bad?
"Huh?!" Tian Feifei was listlessly switching TV channels. Why are these TV stations so annoying? All of them are broadcasting bubble idol dramas. There are couples of handsome men and beautiful women. It really looks like an eyesore!
"That..." hesitated for a moment, "I have something to tell you!"

"Hmm..." It was still a lazy and uninspired voice.

After giving her a worried look, Pang Yuxuan said, "Rose came to you last night!"

A simple sentence made Tian Feifei startled, she turned her head stiffly, "What did you say?!"

Pang Yuxuan was taken aback by her ugly face, and after a while, he repeated the words, "Rose came to look for you last night!"

"What is she looking for?!"

Did you come to declare war on yourself?Did you come to make fun of yourself?Did she want to give up Mrs. Liu's position?
"What is she doing here, Yu Xuan, why didn't you wake me up?"

" were too sleepy, I called you, but you didn't respond!" Pang Yuxuan had no choice but to say that when he saw Tian Feifei was about to eat people.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Feifei's mood eased a little, "Oh." She responded lightly, and Tian Feifei didn't ask any more questions.Come if you come, anyway, the relationship between her and Ouyang Mingchen is over.

"She has repaired the jade bracelet, and she wants to return it to you!"

"She wants to return the jade bracelet to me?" Tian Feifei was as surprised as Pang Yuxuan at that time.

Pang Yuxuan briefly described the situation at night, and of course he omitted the part where he flirted with Rose.

After listening to his statement, Tian Feifei didn't react. She held the remote control in her hand and stared straight at the TV. She didn't know where her mind had wandered.

"Feifei?!" Pang Yuxuan called out worriedly, her silent appearance made him panic, and he would rather Tian Feifei scolded him.

"Did she really say she would return the jade bracelet to me?" After a long time, Tian Feifei spoke out slowly.


"Give me her phone number."

"You want to see her?" Pang Yuxuan was obviously surprised. Isn't that jade bracelet something she no longer wants?Why take it back?Could it be that he underestimated Lei Mingchen's weight in her heart?
Even if Lei Mingchen is with another woman, is she still reluctant?
"I want to get the jade bracelet back."

According to her previous temper, it is absolutely impossible for her to get back what she doesn't want.However, the jade bracelet was left to her by her grandma.It contains grandma's love for me, and the relationship between me and grandma.Even if it is broken, she should stay with her, otherwise, she will really feel sorry for the grandma who has left.

Pang Yuxuan handed her the business card silently. After she contacted Rose, she offered to send her there, but was rejected. After nagging, he let Tian Feifei go out.

When Tian Feifei came to the coffee shop by taxi, and just walked to the door, the waiter recognized her at a glance and led her to where Rose was.

Before Tian Feifei could speak, Rose had already greeted her politely, "Please sit down!"

Tian Feifei was also polite, sat down on the seat opposite Rose, and ordered a cappuccino.

After the waiter brought the coffee, Rose broke the silence.

"I don't know if Mrs. Liu asked me out. Is there something you want to explain?" Rose still had the same lazy posture, holding the spoon with her slender fingers, stirring the coffee every now and then.

Looking at her haughty posture, Tian Feifei frowned slightly, and carefully looked at the woman in front of her.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Liu. There won't be any reporters here. Tomorrow morning, knowing that I want to see you, I booked up the entire coffee shop. I'm afraid that the paparazzi will take photos and write nonsense in the newspaper. Just write about you Forget about the Chen Zhima rotten millet between Mingchen and Mingchen, if those reports judge me, I am afraid that Mingchen will be so angry that they will tear down their newspaper!" Rose smiled charmingly, with a smear on her face A faint blush, looks like shyness.

Tian Feifei's heart twitched with her words. This is the so-called newcomers laughing at the old and crying.It's just that she doesn't have the experience to think so much now, all she misses is the jade bracelet that grandma left him.

"Miss Rose, we don't speak dark words, I'm here to ask for the jade bracelet back!" There was no superfluous expression on her delicate face, and even the color of her eyes didn't show any fluctuations.

Rose covered her mouth lightly and giggled, "Mrs. Liu, the jade bracelet is already broken. Are you sure you want more?"

Tightening her eyelids, Tian Feifei didn't speak.

"Mrs. Liu, don't forget, it's something you gave me tomorrow morning. Even if it's broken, it still belongs to me." Rose smiled profoundly, and the index finger of her right hand kept stroking the scar on her left ring finger. diamond ring.

Tian Feifei recognized the ring, which was custom-made with him in the jewelry store when she was pregnant with Xuanxuan, and the teardrop shape was specially chosen by him.

Did you even give Rose the diamond ring they chose together?

It seems that Ouyang Mingchen really has no affection for her.

"To give, or not to give?" Tian Feifei asked simply and clearly, unwilling to be entangled anymore, and unwilling to continue to humiliate herself.

The smile on Rose's face suddenly stopped, she curled her lips aggrieved, looking like she was about to cry, she stood up abruptly, and ran towards the outside.

"Mingchen, Mingchen, she bullied me..." Throwing herself into Ouyang Mingchen's arms, Rose flattened her mouth and accused Tian Feifei of her bad behavior.

Hearing Rose's call, Tian Feifei's body froze suddenly, she just turned her back to him, and didn't even dare to turn around to look at the handsome face that haunted her dreams.

He stretched his arms around Rose and comforted her softly, his eyes drifted to where Tian Feifei was.

It's just that he didn't see her for a short night, and he missed her so much. She seemed to be more haggard and thin than yesterday.I wonder if she slept well last night?I don't know if she has a good meal?have no idea……

"Morning..." The soft and waxy voice recalled his thoughts of leaving.

Ouyang Mingchen glanced at the rose that he thought was in his arms, and frowned slightly.

"Tian Feifei, what did you do to Rose?!" There was no warmth in the cold voice, only cold blame and questioning.

It turned out that the relationship between them really became a thing of the past.

Ouyang Mingchen, Ouyang Mingchen, you don't care about your old feelings at all?
The sweetness of the two people being together quickly flashed in her mind, and Tian Feifei's heart felt as if it was being pricked by a needle, with bursts of pain.

Seeing that she was silent, Ouyang Mingchen raised his voice slightly, "Tian Feifei, I'm asking you something."

Tian Feifei knew that no matter what, she would inevitably face him again today.

Since she can't hide, let's face it with the best attitude. She will tell him with practical actions that without him, Lei Mingchen, her Tian Feifei's life can still be wonderful.

"Mr. Liu, Miss Rose is right in front of you. You can check to see where she is injured." Turning around slowly, she watched his action of protecting Rose on his chest. The smile was still calm, as if... the man opposite was just passing by.

(End of this chapter)

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