Chapter 523

Ouyang Mingchen has been in contact with her so much, how could he not know what is hidden behind her title?
At this moment, what he wants to do most is to hold her in his arms, take good care of her and love her.However, he can't do this, not only can't, but he has to push her out of his world.

"Tian Feifei, don't go too far."

"Too much? Am I too much? I'm not here to take back what belongs to me. Is this too much?"

"What belongs to you? Up and down Ouyang's house, where is there anything that belongs to you? You are just an outsider."

Under the icy exterior was his almost crazy roar.Feifei, please, please leave now, don't stay in City A anymore, please leave...

However, Tian Feifei couldn't hear his heart.

"Hehe, Mr. Liu, don't forget, we have obtained the marriage certificate in an open and aboveboard manner. No matter what, as long as I haven't divorced you, you and I are still a couple in name." The implication is that Ouyang Mingchen Half of what belonged to her belonged to her.

Before Ouyang Mingchen opened his mouth, Rose, who was nestled in his arms, laughed first, "Giggle, Mingchen, Mrs. Liu is so naive. Doesn't she know that you are the one who forged the marriage certificate?"

White and tender fingers kept moving across his chest through the shirt, and there was a faint light in his eyes looking at Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei staggered, looking in disbelief at the man she loved so much.

Haha... even the marriage certificate is fake, everything is fake.

No, no, even if everything is fake, grandma's kindness to me will definitely not be fake.No, she must take back what grandma left for her.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Feifei put Sadly in custody temporarily, and smiled slightly, "Mr. Liu, since this is the case, it would be even better, we don't even have to go through divorce procedures. But, please send grandma Return the jade bracelet that was left to me, it was left to me by grandma, not owned by you Ouyang Mingchen."

"You said take it away, so I have to give it to you? Tian Feifei, who do you think I am, Ouyang Mingchen?" Seeing her forced smile, Ouyang Mingchen's heart felt like a knife was twisted.


"Morning morning, don't be like this... Anyway, she will have a date with you, but it's just a broken jade bracelet. It's useless to keep it anyway, so you can give it to her!" Rose said at the right time, whining Acting coquettishly, twisting her body slightly in disbelief.

Ouyang Mingchen's face changed slightly, and he was no longer so tough, "Baby, just do what you say." After finishing speaking, he scratched her nose dotingly, with a doting look.

"Tian Feifei, according to Rose, I will return the jade bracelet to you. There are 300 million in this card, together with the jade bracelet, it will be regarded as your reward for adding a child to Ouyang's family. From now on, there will be no relationship between you and me." Ouyang Mingchen took the jade bracelet handed over by Rose, and took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over.

Tian Feifei looked at Ouyang Mingchen fixedly, without saying a word or moving.

"What? Do you think you don't have enough money? Well, I'll write you another check for 200 million. A total of 500 million is enough for you to live comfortably."

Ouyang Mingchen's disgusted look and sarcastic tone made Tian Feifei's eyes turn red instantly, and mist filled her dark eyes.

Ouyang Mingchen, do you have to trample on my dignity like this?After so many days and nights, do you really have no friendship for me at all?Ouyang Mingchen, you are so ruthless.

"No need, I just want something that belongs to me." Picking up the jade bracelet, Tian Feifei smiled contentedly as if she had found a treasure. She finally got back the memories her grandma left her.This time, she couldn't lose or break it.

"Miss Tian, ​​do you really don't want the 500 million? This is your 'hard money'. I heard that it is very hard to be pregnant in October, and you can't do many things. When you give birth, you may face dystocia. It's dangerous..."

Rose was still sighing afterward, but Tian Feifei could no longer hear her, so she took back the jade bracelet and left.

"Miss Tian, ​​why don't you go so fast, I haven't finished my words yet..."

Hearing Rose's call from behind, Tian Feifei stepped even faster.

Seeing her ghost-like appearance, the smile on Rose's face became even bigger. In this way, even if we meet again, Tian Feifei won't be entangled anymore.She raised her eyebrows and glanced at the people around her. Ouyang Mingchen just narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the figure that disappeared at the door, expressionless, but the slightly furrowed eyebrows revealed his thoughts.

Rose raised her arm and bumped against his chest, her long and narrow eyes raised slightly, "Mingchen, you have nothing to do with her! Why do you still look at her like that, I will be jealous..."

"Baby, what are you thinking? I'm just pitying her. Without the 500 million, let me see how she can survive in City A."

How could he forget how strong and proud Tian Feifei is, how could he accept the 500 million he gave her.

However, with Yi Feifei's current status, if she wants to go out to find a job, I'm afraid no company will be willing to accept her.I'm afraid that in the end, she can only accept help from Chen Shaojun.As long as he thinks that she and Chen Shaojun may meet and contact every day, he can't wait to tie her by his side.

"Mingchen, you are really bad. You have used him up, and if you don't let him stay in City A, I'm afraid Miss Tian will die of grief. In the future, if you don't like or want me, will you treat me the same way? What about me." The whining voice was coquettish, and the slightly pursed lips expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Baby, you're talking nonsense again. How can I not want you. Huh? You are my only baby." As if to strengthen the credibility of his words, he pressed a kiss on her cheek.

"Phew - no matter what, we finally got rid of a big trouble. Mingchen, why don't we go to drink and celebrate?" Rose jumped up and down, smiling to herself, without looking at Ouyang Mingchen at all.

Ouyang Mingchen's face darkened slightly, looking at Rose's bright little face, she wished to strangle this woman to death, she was completely basing her happiness on her own pain.

"Morning morning..." Seeing that he didn't speak, Rose called again quietly.

"Okay, it's all up to you!" There was a hint of helplessness in the seemingly doting tone, now the initiative was in her hands, what else could he say besides agreeing to her request?

Except for the coffee shop, Tian Feifei was walking on the street without thinking, but her thoughts had already flown thousands of miles away.

blah blah-

She didn't even pay attention to the harsh horn sounding in her ears.

blah blah-

Pang Yuxuan, who was really worried about Tian Feifei, honked the horn a few more times, but Tian Feifei still did not respond.

Afraid of accidents, Pang Yuxuan quickly found a temporary parking space. Pang Yuxuan stepped forward in three steps and dragged Tian Feifei into the car.

The sudden movement made Tian Feifei startled, she looked up at Pang Yuxuan who was holding her in a daze, and didn't speak any more.

Looking at Tian Feifei who was sitting stiffly on the sofa, he was glad that he went to find her, otherwise, given her current situation, she would have no idea what would happen.

Pang Yuxuan sat with her in the living room, constantly finding jokes to amuse her, but Tian Feifei's reactions were all indifferent, at most it was only a light response.

When it was almost noon, Pang Yuyan came back, perhaps tired from walking, with a hint of fatigue on her pretty face.

Looking at the two women in the family who were trapped in love, Pang Yuxuan's heart seemed to be twisted by a knife.

"It's noon. Swift, Feifei, let's go out for dinner. I'll treat you."

"I'm not hungry."

"I'm not hungry."

The two women in the room said in unison, and because of this, both of them noticed another distraught person in the room.



There was a hint of apology in the former's voice, and a hint of doubt in the latter's voice.Pang Yuyan knew about Tian Feifei, and also understood the reason for her loss.However, Tian Feifei didn't know what happened last night.

When she came back last night, wasn't Swift in a good mood?Could it be because of her own affairs that she was affected?

Thinking of this, Tian Feifei felt a little more guilty.She didn't know that Pang Yuyan also felt a little more apologetic.

"Feifei, let's go, let's go eat. After dinner, let's go outside for a stroll."

"I'm not hungry--"

"It's already twelve o'clock. If you're not hungry, you have to eat. Otherwise, you'll be starving, and the loss will not be worth the loss. Let's go, let's go..." Pang Yuyan took Tian Feifei's hand and said Pulling it out, "Brother, don't you want to treat someone? Then go to the newly opened Chinese restaurant? I heard that the food there is delicious."

"Okay, no problem—" Pang Yuxuan's mouth opened wider and wider.

Seeing their excited faces, Tian Feifei was too embarrassed to refuse, so she let Pang Yuyan drag her into the room, changed into the little dress she handed her, and was dragged out the door.

The newly opened Chinese restaurants mainly focus on Chinese food, unlike other restaurants that include Western-style dim sum or meals. A lot of people's pursuit.

By the time Pang Yuxuan took the two of them to the restaurant, the Chinese restaurant was almost full. If it wasn't for Pang Yuxuan who had already reserved a seat, I'm afraid they would have left disappointed.

The Chinese restaurant not only has delicious food, but also has a pleasant environment. After eating lunch, Tian Feifei's mood improved a lot.

The three walked out of the private room talking and laughing, and when they reached the elevator door, they happened to meet Ouyang Mingchen and Rose.

Rose saw her from a distance, she hugged Ouyang Mingchen tightly, half hanging on his body.

"Oh, isn't this Miss Tian?" The moderate voice caught the attention of the people around.

Tian Feifei's body was startled suddenly, and she could already imagine what it would be like without turning her head.

(End of this chapter)

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