Chapter 524

Pang Yuxuan tilted his head slightly, his face changed slightly.

"Ouyang Mingchen?!"

After hearing this name, the people around them automatically pricked up their ears. The news about the charity gala the night before had been hyped up in the newspapers. Now that the person involved is right in front of them, how could they let go of such an opportunity?Live broadcasting is much more interesting than reading newspapers.

"Miss Tian, ​​we are really destined to meet each other here." Rose still had a calm smile on her face, and her eyes kept turning between the three of them, as if she wanted to see some clues.

"Who cares about being destined to be with you?" Pang Yuyan muttered softly. Isn't this woman's face too thick?
Stealing someone else's husband, how dare you flaunt it around openly?Are the current "little threes" so rampant?Not afraid of retribution.

Rose didn't seem to hear her words at all, and said to herself, "I didn't expect that Ms. Tian and I have such similar preferences. Not only do we like the same people and things, but we also have the same taste. Since we are so destined, Why don't we just become sisters?"

Tian Feifei's face changed, and she didn't know how to react. Rose's words shocked her too much.

Just when she was hesitating about how to answer, Pang Yuyan couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out.

"Hey, do you have any sense of shame as a woman? Feifei is Ouyang Mingchen's wife, and you are just Ouyang Mingchen's lover outside. What right do you have to point fingers at Feifei? You really are shameless. "

Listening to her scolding, Rose was not angry, but leaned towards Ouyang Mingchen, "Mingchen, she said I'm not qualified." There was no anger in the soft voice, only indifference.

Ouyang Mingchen just smiled and said nothing, on such an occasion, he just needs to keep silent.

"Miss Pang Er, I'm afraid you made a mistake. The person who is really unqualified is not me, but Miss Tian beside you." She raised her right hand slightly, and pointed her slender fingers at Tian Feifei.

"Actually, she and Mingchen don't have a marriage relationship at all. Everything is just a show. Mingchen, he just couldn't bear the pain of giving birth to me, so he borrowed her belly to conceive a child. "

Rose's words were like a blockbuster, which shattered the fortress in Tian Feifei's heart with a bang, and shocked the people around her.

"It turns out that Ouyang Mingchen was with this woman for the purpose of giving birth to a child."

"Let me just say, how can a man like Ouyang Mingchen be with a woman who only has a high school education? It's not a match at all."

"However, I still think she is so pitiful. Looking at her like this, she must love Ouyang Mingchen terribly. It's okay to be deceived and insulted. They have done too much."

"Hey, the things in this wealthy family are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like us."


"Yuxuan, Swift, let's go." The whispering voices around came into Tian Feifei's ears word by word, her face turned red and white, as ugly as it could be.

At this moment, she just wanted to escape far away, and stay to entangle with them, just to embarrass herself.

However, the nervous Pang Yuyan didn't notice this at all, she only wanted to avenge Feifei.

"You shameless woman, stop spreading rumors and make trouble here, you..."

"Yuyan, we're going back." Pang Yuxuan interrupted his sister, and glanced coldly at Ouyang Mingchen who was opposite him. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would definitely rush up and beat him up.The most important thing right now is to take Feifei out of this place of right and wrong.

"Brother, I..." Pang Yuyan was about to say something, but after receiving the sign from her elder brother's eyes, she regained her composure no matter how slow she was, "Okay, we're going home."

"Hmph, stinky woman, dead mistress, lucky you, let me meet you next time, and I will never let you go." Before leaving, she still didn't forget to say harsh words.

On the way home, no one spoke, and there was a strong low air pressure inside the car.

Pang Yuxuan knew that Tian Feifei wanted to be alone for a while, so he kept silent.

But Pang Yuyan didn't know how to comfort her, so she had to give up resentfully. The original plan to take Feifei to go shopping and relax after lunch had to be abandoned.

chirp chirp-

The phone in the handbag kept vibrating, accompanied by a brisk ringtone.

The phone rang for a long time, but Tian Feifei was still leaning on the backrest and staring out the window, motionless.

The bell stopped abruptly, and then rang again.

When the person on the other end of the phone patiently made the tenth call, Pang Yuxuan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Feifei, your phone—"

"Oh." Tian Feifei was stunned for a few seconds before realizing it later and hastily pulled out her phone.

The word "Yang Die" appeared on the caller ID.

After all, Yang Die found out.

"Hello..." After struggling for a long time, Tian Feifei weakly pressed the connect button.

"Tian Feifei, what's the matter with you stinky girl? You're only answering the phone now. Are you tired of work?!" Yang Die's hearty voice was still on the other end of the phone.

"No, I didn't notice." Hearing her friend's voice, Tian Feifei's heart tightened for a while, her eyes were slightly red, and the urge to cry suddenly hit her heart.

"Hey, Tian Feifei, are you okay?" The person on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then asked cautiously.


"Well, your size, um, what time is it, you still have to pretend to be strong? You will die if you are weak occasionally? Ouyang Mingchen, a bastard, I didn't realize that he is such a person. Fortunately, I did my best at the beginning. Help him. Damn, he is a scum and a scum." Yang Die cursed a few words angrily, and then stopped.

"Tian Feifei, where do you live now?"

According to Tian Feifei's personality and temper, it is absolutely impossible to continue living in Ouyang's house.Her former house has been rented out, and she is not with her now, so her life must be very difficult.Thinking about it, I felt a little more pity for her.

Damn it, why didn't Ouyang Xing arrive? When he came back, she had to escort him to find Tian Feifei immediately. She was really worried about that girl.

"I'm temporarily staying with Shaojun."

"Is it Chen Shaojun?" Yang Die asked again uncertainly.


"Give me the address of his home, and I'll go find you later."

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine..."

"Tian Feifei, stop fucking talking to me, and tell me the address quickly." Others don't know Tian Feifei's temper, how can she not know?She would rather swallow all the pain in her stomach, and not have half a word of complaint.

Tian Feifei was helpless, knowing that even if she didn't tell, Yang Die would try her best to find it.

After writing down the address, Yang Die briefly explained a few words, then hung up the phone in a hurry, and turned to urge Ouyang Xing who had not yet arrived home.

It was already afternoon when Yang Die hurried to Chen Shaojun's residence. Yang Die was afraid that Ouyang Xing's appearance would stimulate Tian Feifei, so she sent him away.Knowing their relationship, the two siblings, Pang Yuxuan, just found a reason and left, leaving space for the two of them.

"Yang Die, do you want water or a drink?" Tian Feifei greeted her friend feebly.

"Feifei, you don't have to entertain me. I'll find what I need. Sit down." Yang Die took her hand and led her to sit beside her.

Tian Feifei lowered her head sadly, without saying a word, she looked abnormally depressed, Ouyang Mingchen hit her too hard.

"Tian Feifei, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why did you make yourself look like this?" Yang Die spoke with distress as she stroked her fallen hair. If Ouyang Mingchen was in front of her, she would definitely Beat him hard.

"Isn't it just a man? What's the big deal? If you want to find someone, I'll ask Ouyang Xing to find you some better ones. Although they are not as rich and powerful as Ouyang Mingchen, I promise to be absolutely dedicated to you." .”

Tian Feifei finally raised her head, looked at her friend, smiled bitterly, and shook her head lightly.

Love really hurts too much. After experiencing Ouyang Mingchen, she no longer wants to talk about feelings.What's more, she knows her heart very well, no one can replace Ouyang Mingchen's position, and it is absolutely impossible for her to fall in love with a man other than Ouyang Mingchen again.

Yang Die, who has always been very eloquent, doesn't know how to comfort her at this moment.

"Tian Feifei, I know you are unhappy. If you are unhappy, just cry. At least it will feel better..."

She has experienced emotional hurts before, so she is very aware of the pain, which is heartbreaking and deep to the bone marrow, and even breathing has a faint pain.That kind of feeling is like life is worse than death.

Tian Feifei remained motionless, still with that indifferent expression.

Seeing her like this, Yang Die's anger also came up, "Tian Feifei, don't look like you are dying, a man like Ouyang Mingchen is not worthy of your sadness for him." Yang Die was furious Roaring, shaking Tian Feifei non-stop, hoping to shake her mind back.

"I know."

"Are you finally willing to speak?"

"Yang Die..."

"Tian Feifei, if you still treat me as your friend, cheer me up and don't look like you are dying. There are many men in the world, and Ouyang Mingchen is not the only one. What does he have? ? Isn’t he rich, powerful, and handsome? Besides these, what else is good about him?”

He is also very gentle, considerate, and protective of me...

Tian Feifei thought about it, but didn't dare to say it.

"Tian Feifei, look at these news. In these reports, what do you look like? Petty, sinister, vicious, pestering Ouyang Mingchen for money, even selling your body to lure him..."

Tian Feifei's complexion changed slightly. It's not that she doesn't know about the evaluation of her in the news reports, but she just pretends not to see it.Now, when Yang Die said it, it was as if she was holding a knife and stabbing at her heart fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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