Chapter 525

"Tian Feifei, do you still pretend you can't see or hear? Tian Feifei, are you an idiot? Do you think that without Ouyang Mingchen's signal, would those news dare to report like this? Without his permission, these news can Have you been reporting non-stop?"

When he first saw these news, Yang Die was so angry that he asked Ouyang Xing repeatedly to contact the newspaper to stop the release of these news, but the response he got was only a simple sentence, "Sorry, the order from above, these news must not be deleted .”

Although Ouyang Xing can't be regarded as one of the best figures in City A, he is still a celebrity. Who else can support the newspaper office without even selling his face, besides Ouyang Mingchen?
Yang Die's words, like a bolt from the blue, hit Tian Feifei fiercely, her body froze, and the expression on her face became more and more ugly.

"Tian Feifei, please, be sober. That man doesn't love you anymore. He will soon marry another woman and become someone else's husband." Shaking her body, Yang Die said in a sad tone.

"Even if it's not for yourself, you should also think about it for Xiaoxiao. Are you willing to let them see a listless and lifeless sister? Besides, you still have to go to Xuanxuan, you can't be willing to let him recognize you woman to be a mother?"

Yang Die's words awakened the dreamer.

That's right, no matter what, she can't continue to be so depressed.Xiaoxiao will be able to come out soon. She has to find a job. Even if she can't live a prosperous life, at least she can have a quiet place to live.

Even if there is no possibility between her and Ouyang Mingchen, she can't let her son Xuanxuan stay by his side, she must take her son back.

Thinking of this, the sadness on her face gradually faded away, and the confidence and strength that once belonged to her returned again.

"Yang Die, thank you." She stared at her friend gratefully, if she hadn't come to wake her up, I'm afraid I would still be immersed in sadness and unable to extricate myself?

Yang Die glared at her angrily, "What are we talking about thanking you for? Are you looking for a beating?" It sounded harsh, but her tone was soft.Yang Die knew about Tian Feifei. The stubbornness was deeply rooted in her mind. When she persisted into a dead end, she had to be dragged out.

Tian Feifei smiled gratefully and stopped saying those words.

"Yang Die, where's Ouyang Xing?"

"He should go to the company, why? Do you have something to do with him?"

"I want to ask him if he has seen Xuan Xuan at Ouyang Mingchen's place." The relationship between Ouyang Xing and Ouyang Mingchen is so good, even if they don't know Xuan Xuan's whereabouts, they might have seen Xuan Xuan.

"Ouyang Xing and Ouyang Mingchen haven't seen each other for a long time." Since what happened to Yang Ni, the relationship between Ouyang Xing and Ouyang Mingchen seems to have become a lot more distant.

Ouyang Xing has been busy with the company's affairs, and on the other hand, he has to deal with the relationship between himself and Ouyang's family, so he has no skills at all.Coupled with the fact that Ouyang Mingchen can be alienated, the relationship between the two has become much more distant.

"Really?" Tian Feifei was a little surprised. Although Ouyang Mingchen never took the initiative to mention his relationship with Ouyang Xing, he could vaguely feel that the relationship between the two was not bad.Has the relationship between them even started to fade?

"En." Yang Die responded, "However, I have already asked Ouyang Xing to pay attention to Ouyang Mingchen's movements. We will notify you as soon as there is news about Xuanxuan."

Tian Feifei nodded slightly, opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words of thanks.If she said thank you, Yang Die might reprimand herself severely again.

Listening to the jokes that kept coming out of Yang Die's mouth, the corners of Tian Feifei's mouth could not help but rise slightly. The most rare thing in life is to have a friend who will never leave and can confide in her heart.If you have friends like this, what can you ask for?
Seeing that the haze on Tian Feifei's face finally dissipated and her mental state improved, Yang Die left under Ouyang Xing's constant urging.

Not long after Yang Die left, Chen Shaojun came home from get off work.

After chatting for a while, Tian Feifei told Chen Shaojun all her plans.

Looking at Tian Feifei in embarrassment, Chen Shaojun was surprised by her change, "Feifei, I can understand your mood, but at this moment of turmoil, you'd better not go out and show your face." The power of rumors is like a beast, If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by it, and there will be no bones left. Coupled with Ouyang Mingchen's power and influence in City A, Feifei's situation will be even worse.

"Young Master, even if I find a deserted place to hide, the outside world's comments on me will not change in any way, and those rumors will not be curtailed in any way, why should I give up my life for those people? People have to live for themselves."

After seeing everything, my mentality began to change. As long as I could survive, there was nothing I couldn't bear, and there was nothing I couldn't get through.She believed that everything would be fine.

Chen Shaojun was stunned for a moment, he could clearly feel Tian Feifei's obvious change, the woman in front of him was no longer the woman who lost her soul for love at night, Tian Feifei had been reborn at this moment, her whole body exuded a tenacious light, with a smile on the corner of her mouth It is full of self-confidence.This kind of her is very much like the first time she met that day, full of infinite charm.

"The position of Chen's secretary has always been vacant, do you want to..." Chen Shaojun no longer insisted, since she can't change her mind, at least keep her within the scope of his own protection, he really doesn't want to Seeing Tian Feifei get hurt a little more.

"Young Master, I want to rely on my own strength."

Tian Feifei interrupted him, looking at him with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

How could she not understand Shaojun's good intentions?Only, this time she wanted to rely on her own strength.

"Well, since you insist, I won't force others. As for the matter of moving out, let's wait until you find a job and stabilize."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Tian Feifei nodded.Finding a job in city A is really difficult, especially finding a job with a high salary is even more difficult, and the rent in city A is not cheap.She moved out rashly, maybe she hadn't found a job yet, and she was going to sleep on the street, let alone prepare for Xiaoxiao.

"Then I'll have the cheek to bother you for a while longer, you can't be bothered." Looking away, Tian Feifei was in the mood to joke.

"We're friends. It's a shame to say something like this. If you feel really sorry, you can just pay my rent when you have money from work in the future."

While the two were chatting and laughing, Pang Yuxuan led Pang Yuyan back, still holding a fast food box.

"I know you haven't eaten yet, so I'll bring it back for you, Feifei, Shaojun, hurry up and eat." Pang Yuxuan took out the fast food boxes one by one from the convenience bag and placed them on the dining table, while Pang Yuyan was helping.

"Feifei, hurry up and eat, you didn't eat anything at noon, you must be very hungry!" After setting everything up, Pang Yuyan came over to pull Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei smiled, perhaps because her mood improved, she really felt hungry.

Pang Yuyan pushed Tian Feifei and walked towards the dining table. When her eyes swept over Chen Shaojun, she quickly looked away without even calling him a word.

And when Chen Shaojun met her eyes, he was slightly startled, and quickly avoided her gaze.

Even though the two moved very quickly, they still couldn't escape Tian Feifei's eyes.

Intuition told her that something happened between the two of them.

Just as he was about to ask something, he thought it was their private matter, so he didn't ask.

Finding a good job in City A is far more difficult than Tian Feifei imagined.

If she went to a bigger company, they would either dislike her lack of qualifications, or dare not hire her because of Ouyang Mingchen.When she went to a smaller company, her attitude was clearer and her words were more direct. Those who prayed to God and worshiped Buddha told her not to harm her, so she almost didn't burn herself.

When Tian Feifei was rejected by No.20 three times, Pang Yuyan, who was always with her, finally couldn't bear her temper.

"Hey, when they are in good times, they flatter and flatter them. When they are in trouble, they go all out to make trouble. They are a group of power dogs." Pang Yuyan, the manager of this company, saw it at a business banquet. The opportunity to cooperate with Xingchen, like a pug dog, followed behind the big brother to please and behave.

Fortunately, she even took out the identity of the second Miss Xingchen and asked him to hire Tian Feifei, but he looked extremely unwilling and even made a sarcasm.

"It's just the second lady of Xingchen, what is it? Even if your brother came in person, I would never hire her." The manager looked arrogant, with his chin raised, and pointed his nostrils at the two of them. .

"Don't forget, how you begged to cooperate with Xingchen back then."

"At the beginning, do you think that with the current scale of our company, would you still care about whether we could cooperate with a scumbag company like Xingchen?" Xu Shi was stimulated by Pang Yuyan's words, and the manager's attitude suddenly became worse. It became even more unscrupulous.


"Miss Pang Er, please go back. It would be bad if the security guards came to ask you to leave."

Pang Yuyan was about to say something, but Tian Feifei pulled her, "Yiyan, let's go."

With Pang Yuyan's personality, how could she be willing to leave like this, so Tian Feifei had no choice but to take strong measures to drag her away.

"Feifei, why are you rushing to pull me away? No, I have to go back. Today I must teach that guy a lesson." After she finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to go in again.

"Yuyan, so what if you teach her a lesson? What can be changed? It's just one more piece of negative news. It's getting late, let's stop here today, let's go back."

Pang Yuyan glanced at her helplessly, pursed her lips unwillingly, but still kept up with her pace.

(End of this chapter)

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