Chapter 526

During dinner, Pang Yuyan angrily recounted the matter.Of course, everything that came out of her mouth was exaggerated.

"He really said that?" Pang Yuxuan frowned slightly, and even the good-tempered Chen Shaojun frowned slightly.

Pang Yuyan nodded like pounding garlic.

Chen Shaojun didn't speak, but asked Tian Feifei with his eyes.

"That person's tone and attitude are really bad, but they are not as exaggerated as what Swift said." Tian Feifei responded honestly.

"Feifei, you should go back to the Chen family to work." Under his wing, at least no one will bully her, and he can protect her.

"Why do you want to go to work in your company? Feifei should also go to Xingchen if she wants to go." Pang Yuyan muttered in a low voice, her voice was not too loud, and it happened to fall into the ears of the other three people.

Although the relationship between the two was once awkward after the drunk incident, Pang Yuyan did not choose to give up Chen Shaojun because of this.

"Feifei worked in the Chen family before, so she is more familiar with the environment there." Chen Shaojun explained in this way, God knows who this reason is convincing.

Pang Yuyan pouted unhappily and muttered, but she didn't make a sound. She didn't know what she was complaining about.

Tian Feifei had a panoramic view of her expression, and smiled in her heart. It may take a long time for these two people to achieve a positive result, so she should not join in.

"No, I'll keep searching, there will always be someone who is willing to hire me." She didn't trust the whole city A, except Chen and Xingchen, no one dared to hire her.

Reality often catches people off guard. Tian Feifei didn't expect that no one in City A would dare to hire her. In the end, she still accepted Chen Shaojun's help.It's just that instead of working as a secretary under him, he worked as a small employee in the personnel department.

On the one hand, it is to avoid too much contact with him, which will bring bad negative influence to him; on the other hand, it is afraid that my own existence will bring unnecessary misunderstanding between Chen Shaojun and Pang Yuyan.After a heart-wrenching love affair, she hopes to see the happy appearance of Chen Shaojun and Pang Yuyan even more.

The job in the personnel department is already easy, plus Tian Feifei belongs to the airborne force and was brought by the president himself, so naturally no one dared to bully her.Although everyone was very curious about the relationship between her and Ouyang Mingchen, job was more important than gossip, so everyone had to keep their doubts in their stomachs.

Without the expected difficulties from colleagues, let alone everyone's instructions, Tian Feifei's work went smoothly.In addition, she has a good personality, is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and treats people politely, which has won the love of her colleagues.

Yang Die would visit her occasionally, sometimes alone, sometimes with Ouyang Xing.

To Tian Feifei's relief, Ouyang Xing's parents still couldn't hold back Ouyang Xing after all, and under Ouyang Xing's insistence, they finally acquiesced in their relationship.Although they have never expressed their approval for the marriage of the two, at least, it is much better than the firm opposition in the past.

Seeing Yang Die's happy appearance, Tian Feifei always smiled knowingly, and her heart was also happy.

The days seemed to be back to the time when she didn't know Ouyang Mingchen, and her life no longer had to revolve around him.However, now she is no longer as peaceful as before.

However, only she knows that her mood is not as peaceful as she expressed, there is a sad memory in a certain corner of her heart, not that she has forgotten it, but it is just stored temporarily, not Just willing to touch it.

Tian Feifei didn't expect that the quiet days would be disrupted not long after.

On this day, Tian Feifei went to work on time as usual.

After entering the office, she greeted everyone as usual. The few people who had gathered together and chattered quickly dispersed like a hozen, with a trace of unnaturalness on her face, and a hint of deep meaning in her eyes when she looked at Tian Feifei .

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my face?" Tian Feifei raised her hand and touched her face. Why are everyone's eyes so strange?Could it be that his face was not washed clean?Or is it stained with something?
Colleagues smiled awkwardly and waved their hands hastily, "No, no, it's okay, it's okay. Well, it's time for work, so get ready to go to work. If the manager catches us being lazy, our bonus will be deducted." Then they each Go back to your seat.

Seeing how his colleagues didn't have 300 taels of silver here, he curled his lips and said nothing.

The work in the morning ended quickly, and everyone's attitude towards her did not change significantly, as if the scene in the morning had never happened.

It wasn't until lunch at the restaurant at noon, when she saw which news was broadcast on TV, that she finally understood.

"Liu's President Ouyang Mingchen held a press conference with his fiancée, announcing their wedding in a high-profile manner..." The host's pleasant voice was broadcasting the news.

Here are a few videos from the press conference.

"I'm about to marry the one I love..."

"She is the woman I love the most in my life, my fiancée, Rose..."

In the video, Ouyang Mingchen smiles brightly, with brilliant happiness on his face, and Rose snuggles beside him delicately, graceful, luxurious, generous and decent, no matter from which angle you look at them, the two are so well-matched.

Ouyang Mingchen, have you forgotten?You used to smile so happily and say that I am your favorite woman and you just want to spend your life with me.

It turns out that your favorite can be replaced so easily. It turns out that your love can be spoken so easily.

The news was still going on, but Tian Feifei was already distracted. When she turned her attention to the news again, it was time for the reporter to ask questions.

"Mr. Liu, you proposed to a lady named Tian Feifei in a high-profile way before, and announced that the two were married. Now you say that Miss Rose is your favorite. May I ask, who is your favorite? You What is the relationship between Miss Tian Feifei?"

"The person I love the most is my fiancée, Rose." Ouyang Mingchen smiled, and looked at Rose beside him affectionately. The relationship between them is nothing more than a transaction, that’s all.”

"Mr. Liu, since the relationship between you and Ms. Tian Feifei is just a transaction, why did you marry her? Is there any hidden secret behind this transaction?" The reporter asked aggressively.

"Sorry, no comment."

"Mr. Liu, can we understand your reaction as your protection for her? Are you not afraid that your fiancée will be unhappy by doing this? Moreover, there are recent news reports that Ms. Tian Feifei added a Son, Mr. Liu, do you mean giving birth through a surrogate? This kind of behavior is not allowed in today's society. It is an illegal behavior. Mr. Liu, what is your explanation for this? Are you not afraid of being held accountable?" A reporter wearing a peaked cap stood up, and the questions he asked were extremely sharp.

"Sorry, no comment." Ouyang Mingchen's answer was still only six words.

Some of the people who ate at the restaurant knew Tian Feifei, and when someone noticed her existence, it began to spread in private, and more and more people looked at her.

"Look, the one in white is Tian Feifei."

"Really? A person who seems to be very honest, how could he make such a deal?"

"Probably lack of money. Didn't you hear the news? She gave birth to a son. The Ouyang family must have given her a lot of money."

"No way? If she is rich, why does she come to work? Besides, I think her dress is also very ordinary."

"Who knows, but I heard that she was airborne, and the president personally took her to the personnel department. Maybe there is something tricky between her and the president."

"No way? Could it be that she wanted to hook up with our president after she separated from President Ouyang? Shameless."

A sentence of judgment sounded into her ears, and Tian Feifei felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, and her face was extremely ugly.

She stood up suddenly, and the chair under her body was driven to make a loud noise.

The few commentators also stopped abruptly, looking at her inexplicably, seeing her walking towards him, the expression on her face changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Tian Feifei passed them to the counter to pay the bill without even looking at them, and then left.

Several people were relieved, they thought she was coming to make trouble.

Walking out of the restaurant, Tian Feifei let out a heavy breath, her composure began to crumble, her shoulders drooped.

The light mobile phone rang, and it was Chen Shaojun who called.


"Feifei, where are you now?" Chen Shaojun asked timidly.

"Just finished lunch."

"Uh...well, you..." Chen Shaojun was not sure, he didn't know if she saw the news report, but he didn't dare to ask directly.

"Young Master, I read the news." He didn't speak, but Tian Feifei read the meaning from his hesitation.


"Shaojun, I'm fine. He has nothing to do with me, and our marriage relationship doesn't exist. It's normal for him to get married." Tian Feifei said relaxedly, with a brisk tone that made it impossible to tell the truth. "Young Master, I have a call coming in, so hang up first."

After hastily hanging up the phone, Tian Feifei turned off her mobile phone. If she expected correctly, she would definitely receive calls from Yang Die, Pang Yuyan, and Pang Yuxuan next.

However, now she simply does not have the energy to deal with them.

Heart, suddenly feel tired.

Ouyang Mingchen, Ouyang Mingchen, you are already getting married, why do you still occupy my heart and affect my life?
My heart, which had finally been strengthened, began to falter and float again, and the mood to go to work suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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