Chapter 272

"Guess?" Zhang Wei smiled at L and said.

H just looked at the two novices and didn't say much. He knew that after K's retirement, there were only two novices left to support the combination. Let them grow up faster, in another sense, it is good for them.

"Hehe, I don't need to guess anymore. According to the style of MIB, it must have cleared my memory." L said with a wry smile.

"Okay, let's stop gossip. Let's set off to complete our mission right away. I'm afraid this mission will give you a lot of headaches. Now think about how to save your life." Zhang Wei shrugged and said.

"Hey, I like challenging missions. We've been a little bored recently. Can you tell me, what is our specific mission this time?" J said happily, as long as he has a mission, he is very motivated. It is the most common mistake for novices.

"Don't be complacent, thank God you won't cry when you see the aliens we need to deal with." H patted J on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Let's wait and see!" J said confidently.

A group of four people took H's accessory car, which was also an old-fashioned car, and flew towards the target direction at high speed. The first stop they were going to now was the place where the aliens landed. Although it has been a while now, the aliens It is very likely that people have already left, but there are bound to be some clues left there, so they still have to go there first, and then look for aliens based on the clues.

The car soon stopped at a Gobi Desert. The weather here was not very good. Even Zhang Wei could feel a little bit of discomfort even with martial arts, but it was just a little bit of feeling, and he quickly got used to it.

"H, did the target land here?" Zhang Wei said looking at the barren scene.

"That's right, they landed here. However, I feel that they have escaped now. Look here, how can there be traces of life activities?" H shrugged and said.

"Okay, let's go find the crater formed by the landing of aliens, I hope it's still too late." Zhang Wei nodded and said, he also thinks what H said is very reasonable, because this place is really not suitable for survival.

"Damn it, why did you come to such a crappy place to perform missions? You really should stay at the headquarters at this time!" J looked up at the big sun and said.

As a black man, his skin is dark, and he easily absorbs the radiation of the sun in the sun, which makes him feel a little higher temperature than others, so he will be much hotter in the sun.

"Don't worry, J, let's search for the craters left by the aliens separately now, find them early, get the clues early, and then we can leave early, otherwise, we will spend a long time here." L glanced at J and then walked in one direction.

"Dude, don't blame me for not reminding you, you are not in this state, look at me, this is refreshing, this is the way you work, you are obviously lazy!" Zhang Wei went to shoot He patted J on the shoulder, this black man was a section taller than him.

"Boy, do you know that this is racism? Although I am only a black man, I will never lose. Let's compare and see who can find the crater first. Boy, do you dare?" J waited for Zhang Wei to take a look, and then resumed his funny nature.

"Okay, I hope you can lose decently." Zhang Wei shrugged and said indifferently.

"Let's go!" J glanced at Zhang Wei and walked in another direction. Now he wanted to beat Zhang Wei.

"You still have a way. This rookie has just joined, and he really doesn't know the heights of the world." H looked at J's back and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, he will grow up sooner or later, and by then, he will definitely become an elite among the men in black." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"That's right, let's go too, find the exact place where the aliens landed as soon as possible, and then find the clues, we must hurry up, if these aliens run into ordinary people, I'm afraid we will be in big trouble It's gone," said H.

Zhang Wei nodded without saying anything. He knew that what H said made sense. Since these aliens were chasing and killing the Akirons, they must not be docile aliens. In the middle, I'm afraid it will cause a big trouble.

However, when he talked about finding the crater, Zhang Wei felt a headache. You know, the movies he saw were already in some animations, and there was no introduction about this scene. Obviously, this is the process of this world step by step. There are no traces to follow.

However, Zhang Wei is not worried, as long as he appears near the crater, he can definitely find it, because now, as a junior agent who has already started, he already has a standard sensor, which can sense the crater within a certain distance. to the energy response.

It's just that Zhang Wei was not so lucky. He didn't find any abnormal energy reactions along the way. That is to say, there were no craters on his line, and he had already walked out of the target range when he extended it. Therefore, Zhang Wei simply He changed direction and started walking along an arc in another direction.

Zhang Wei didn't go far when the communicator rang, and after connecting it, he saw H frowning there, not knowing what he was thinking.

"M, come to me, I found a crater here, and I'm collecting samples now!" H said with a frown.

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

After breaking off contact, Zhang Wei began to walk in the direction of H according to H's coordinates. It only took half an hour for Zhang Wei to meet H successfully.

"Haha, buddy, I discovered the crater first!" J, who had already been waiting there when Zhang Wei came, said with a big smile very proudly.

"It was clearly discovered by H first, and you just suffered a little longer than me." Zhang Wei said with a curled lip. Obviously, he disagreed with J's statement.

"Anyway, I came here earlier than you, that is, I discovered it before you, so I won this time, and you must buy me two drinks later, otherwise I will tell everyone that you did not admit that you lost. People, everyone in the headquarters." J said proudly, as if he was holding Zhang Wei's pigtails when he said this.

"Well, I have to say, your reason is very strong, I can buy you two glasses of good wine!" Zhang Wei shrugged and said.

(End of this chapter)

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