Chapter 273

Of course, Zhang Wei said this on purpose. You must know that there is no need for Zhang Wei to count the number of people. After all, this long-term competition is strictly speaking luck, and now it seems that the luck of the two people is not very good.

The reason why Zhang Wei agreed to come down was mainly to get on line with J, and he is still a newcomer riding J now, and he has a relationship with him as a reward, maybe he will use this protagonist's aura in the future.

"Then it's settled, I'm really looking forward to it!" J said with a smile.

Although J looks very frivolous, in fact, he is also a smart person who knows how to build a good relationship with his colleagues.

"Okay, now we should get down to business!" Only then did H speak. Obviously, he is also a smart person, and he knows when to intervene.

"That's right, we have analyzed it just now. The aliens that landed in this crater are likely to be from the Zerg, but we have not yet determined which species it is from the Zerg, and we have not found it yet. Their whereabouts." L also nodded aside and said.

"You just said they are not one?" Zhang Wei frowned and said.

"It's not one. According to the energy response here, the spaceship that came this time is more than three times larger than the spaceship that came last time. I think at least three Zergs should have come. However, we don't have any news about them now." H shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"So that's the case, have you investigated through the satellite of the headquarters? Don't you have any traces of movement?" Zhang Wei asked after thinking about it.

"I checked, there is no trace, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air." H shook his head and said.

The next few people were silent, the aliens ran away, and they ran away under the monitoring of the satellite, which made them very embarrassed.

You know, the environment here is different from that of the Zerg last time. There was at least one other family there last time, where the Zerg easily put on human skins. Although their behavior was a little weird, the world Are there still fewer weird people?

And here, here is the Gobi Desert, there is nothing to hide at all, and inexplicably disappeared in such an environment, what does this mean, it means that these aliens are much more difficult to deal with than the Zerg last time .

"Don't worry, I think we must have overlooked something. I don't believe that anything can disappear for no reason, even aliens. We are looking carefully. Maybe a small detail we missed is The key to the problem." Zhang Wei finally broke the silence after a long silence.

"Okay, let's look for it." H nodded and said helplessly.

Now H has no choice. You must know that although he has seen a lot of aliens and read a lot of alien materials, it is the first time he has seen such a weird guy like today. Now he can only hope that he can do it as soon as possible. Find these aliens.

You must know that although the men in black are the organization responsible for contacting aliens on earth, this organization is still very young after all. Although it has come into contact with many aliens, the universe is so big that even the organization of men in black cannot All data collected.

"Super vision, turn it on!" Zhang Wei's eyes were closed and opened, and a ray of light flashed from Zhang Wei's swollen eyes.

Under the super vision, the scene in front of Zhang Wei has changed. In addition to the scene that can be seen by normal eyes, Zhang Wei's eyes can also see extremely subtle things, which are a little bit smaller than those of high-powered microscopes. Not bad either.

And after Zhang Wei's upgrade last time, the current super vision can not only see extremely subtle things, but Zhang Wei can even stare with bronze drum eyes and ignite a certain point. Of course, the most speechless thing for Zhang Wei is that the upgrade Later super vision actually added a see-through function, which is simply a necessary skill for voyeurism.

"No abnormality? How is it possible?" Zhang Wei didn't find any abnormal reaction through the super vision, and Zhang Wei didn't even find the body fluids and cuticles left by the aliens in the traces left on the ground.

"The aliens this time really have some tricks. They didn't leave anything behind, not even bodily fluids. How did you deduce that these guys are Zerg?" said the man.

"Magnetic field response, the magnetic field here is very similar to the bug we encountered last time, so, I infer, it is very likely that the Zerg is still coming this time, and this one may be very large." H said.

"We haven't gained anything for the time being. I suggest going back to the headquarters first, hoping to find the answer there." Zhang Wei said helplessly.

In fact, Zhang Wei also knows that looking at it now, there is no way to start at the headquarters, otherwise they would have been contacted through the communicator, but now, there has been no movement at the headquarters.

"That's the only way to go. Let's go back first, and we have collected the samples. I hope it will work!" H nodded and said, obviously, he was very dissatisfied with this fruitless trip.

"You two should be more careful. This mission is much more difficult than the bug we two dealt with last time. If you encounter these guys, you two should try your best to protect yourself." In the car, Zhang Wei said to J and L.

"Don't worry, we know what to do!" L nodded and said.

J sat in the back seat and didn't say anything. Obviously, he didn't take these aliens seriously. Seeing him like this, Zhang Wei didn't say anything. Wait until this guy really faces these powerful Zergs. I'll know when.

Although Zhang Wei has many methods that can easily deal with these aliens, Zhang Wei does not like to use these methods now. This is not to say that he wants to hide his secrets, but in this world, if there is no absolute If those methods were revealed before he was sure, there would be only one result, being caught and sliced ​​by the men in black.

Otherwise, Zhang Wei had already taken out the laser sword when he faced that Zerg last time, and that bug must not be the opponent of the laser sword.

There was nothing to say along the way, except for the chatterer J who kept talking non-stop, the other people's emotions were not very high.

"I already know your difficulties. Now the twins are looking for information, and they are also contacting aliens on the earth, hoping to find the answer. The samples you brought back will be analyzed soon. Now, you need to relax. .” When Zhang Wei and the others returned to the headquarters, Z appeared in front of them for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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