Chapter 300

"I understand, master." Xiao Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, you just woke up, don't think so much now, and then we are slowly acquiring more technological data." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

There is still some time before the plot starts, and the current iron soldier is still a long time away from his ninth birthday, so Zhang Wei is not in a hurry.

"I understand Master. In this world, the most important thing for us is the news of BT. Of course, it may not be an easy task to create a BT. I suggest we wait for Hualian to arrive before we think of a way." Xiao Mo smiled Hehe said.

"You're the only one who is smart!" Zhang Wei cursed with a smile and started working.

"Hee hee, master, in fact, the technology in this world is really just average, but I found that the weapons in this world are indeed fairy swords. We can try to obtain more weapon information, which will be very useful to us in the future." Suzaku said with a smile.

Zhang Wei is naturally clear about what Xiao Mo said, and after these few days of contact, Zhang Wei has collected a lot of information, knowing that the most advanced technology in the world really makes Zhang Wei yearn for it, but it is impossible to do so now easy to get.

"Xiao Mo, don't act rashly now. Let's collect more information first. This world is much more complicated and dangerous than the ones we managed before. I don't know how long we can last this time." Zhang Wei He smiled wryly and said.

After a few days of observation, Zhang Wei already knew that the strength of the Mechanical Kingdom is not at the same level as that described in the anime. Although the overall trend has not changed, the overall strength of the Mechanical Kingdom is much stronger.

Moreover, there is a special bt in the mechanical kingdom, that is Rafal, the existence that can devour the earth at any time, and Zhang Wei also knows that Rafal is so difficult to deal with in anime, let alone in this The real world is gone.

"Master, I understand." Xiao Mo nodded and said.

From spring to winter, Zhang Wei has lived here for more than half a year, and now it is winter.

On this day, a strong wind suddenly blew up, followed by heavy snow. Zhang Wei didn't like this kind of weather very much.

"I don't particularly like the weather of a snowstorm, Xiao Mo, do you think the plot is about to start?" Zhang Wei said looking at the snowstorm outside the window.

"This is not certain, but now we are in trouble, master, look, this is captured by our surveillance, this should be that small village." Xiao Mo switched the screen to the snowstorm outside.

"This is? Where did the fire come from?" Zhang Wei frowned and said.

"No, it's a fire. Let's go there quickly. It's very likely that people from the Mechanical Kingdom are coming." Zhang Wei stood up from his seat with a jerk.

"Suzaku, get ready to fight!" Zhang Wei immediately said to the hidden Suzaku through the communicator.

"Received!" Suzaku, who was hiding in the dark, blinked and flew out for a long time.

"Let's go!" Zhang Wei turned over and jumped onto Suzaku's back.

It is a few kilometers away from here to that small village. If Zhang Wei walks there, it will take half an hour, then everything will be too late, but Suzaku's speed is much faster, and it only takes more than ten seconds to arrive. , In this case, basically there will be no delay in effort.

"You abandoned pariahs, say, where is Hualian?" A mechanical soldier pointed at the villagers and said arrogantly.

"What Hualian, my lord, there is no one here called Hualian?" the villagers stammered.

"Yes, my lord, we don't have a person named Hualian here, who is Hualian?" The villagers said inexplicably one by one.

Obviously, these villagers really don't know who Hua Lian is. They are just ordinary people. How can they know what the four spirit generals are? Zhang Wei looked at these stupid mechanical soldiers and shook his head secretly. big difference.

"Stupid abandoned people, since you don't know anything, go to hell!" Zhang Wei knew when he saw this, that these stupid mechanical soldiers were going to kill people.

"Suzaku, go test their strength and save these villagers by the way." Zhang Wei patted Suzaku and said.

Zhang Wei was naturally very relieved when Suzaku shot, so he didn't pay too much attention to this place, but walked towards his hut instead.

These mechanical soldiers have arrived, so Iron Armored Face should be here soon, which proves that Hua Lian should also be here, so Zhang Wei is going to go back to see the situation, he doesn't want Iron Armored Face to build the hut he worked so hard for ruined.

"Sure enough, it's here!" Zhang Wei said looking at a black spot that was getting bigger and bigger in the distance.

He knew that this was the armored face, but he still didn't know where Hua Lian had gone. In short, according to the plot, Hua Lian should have arrived at the big tree at this time.

"Ahem!" Zhang Wei heard a woman coughing when he was about to reach the hut.

"Who is it?" Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and said in the direction of the coughing sound.

"Who is it?" What Zhang Wei didn't expect was that a thoughtful question also came from that place.

"What a coincidence." Zhang Wei said with a smile and shook his head. Now he has basically confirmed that this woman should be the injured Hua Lian.

"Boom!" Just as Zhang Wei was about to walk over to see what was going on, an attack came over, but Zhang Wei stretched out his hand more quickly, otherwise, it would definitely hurt if he hit him. Of course, because Hua Lian was seriously injured, this blow did not have enough strength and speed, so it was very easy for Zhang Wei to dodge.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Zhang Wei said, staring at the seriously injured Hua Lian.

"Are you from the Mechanical Kingdom?" Hua Lian looked at Zhang Wei and said.

"Plop!" Before Zhang Wei could reply, Hua Lian had already fallen to the ground. Obviously, he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Hey, why did it fall here? Shouldn't it fall under that big tree?" Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

"You're lucky!" Zhang Weiyao picked Hua Lian up and walked towards his hut.

"Why is there a hut here?" Zhang Wei had just put Hua Lian on the bed and the armored face arrived.

"Big brother, here I come again!" At this moment, a childish voice came over.

"Okay, this is the voice of Iron Soldiers." Zhang Wei's heart sank when he heard about this business.

(End of this chapter)

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