Infinite black technology

Chapter 301 Hua Lian

Chapter 301 Hua Lian
When he heard Tie Bing's voice, Zhang Wei still had some headaches. When Tie Bing came over at this time, he would obviously touch the Tie Bing. Lian will transfuse Tie Bing's blood when she wakes up, so the plot will be unfolded.

But now that Zhang Wei has appeared, it is natural that such a thing will not be allowed to happen. However, if Zhang Wei really participates, then the plot will definitely be changed. In this case, there will be no follow-up content. This is something that Zhang Wei cannot allow , so Zhang Wei was depressed.

You know, Zhang Wei's mission is to capture the sun shards, and the sun shards are in this big tree now, but Zhang Wei, who knows the power of the sun shards, does not dare to collect them at will, because it is too dangerous.

"It's really tangled!" Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

"Big Brother, are you home?" Tie Bing shouted again without Zhang Wei's answer.

"Little guy, tell me, where is Hua Lian?" At this moment, Iron Armored Face suddenly appeared in front of Tie Bing and said.

"Who are you, who is Hua Lian, is that your girlfriend?" the simple iron soldier looked up at the iron armor and said.

"Hmph! Tell me where Hua Lian is, or you will be like this horse!" Tiejiamian snorted coldly, and at the same time killed the horse that Tiebing was riding.

"Bastard!" Tie Bing became anxious immediately. You must know that this horse belonged to the owner. He came here to let the horse in the snow today, but he didn't expect to be killed by this guy.

"Hmph, tell me, where is Hua Lian?" Tiejiamian said with a cold snort.

"Bastard, I won't tell you even if I die." The iron soldier shouted angrily at the armored face, as if he could vent his anger in this way.

"Well, this is asking for death!" Zhang Wei, who watched the whole process in the room, said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Sure enough, as Zhang Wei expected, the Iron Armor made the Iron Soldier complete.

"If that's the case, then you're going to die!" Tiejia said with a cold face, and at the same time casually approached Tie Bing, piercing Tie Bing's body easily.

"Why bother?" Zhang Wei, who was standing in the room, shook his head and said.

"Listen to the people inside, get out immediately, or don't blame me for being rude." After killing the iron soldiers, the armored face pointed to Zhang Wei's room and said.

"Why bother, this is just a child!" Zhang Wei walked out of the room while talking, and walked slowly towards Tie Bing.

"Bastard, why don't you get out of here after seeing the armored lord?" Before the armored face could speak, a mechanical soldier behind him shouted at Zhang Wei arrogantly.

"Noisy!" Zhang Wei squinted at the mechanical soldier and said, at the same time, Zhang Wei quietly turned on his super vision.

The upgraded super vision can activate a burning staring function when Zhang Wei is staring. As long as Zhang Wei wants, he can burn anything within his sight within three seconds.

Of course, this is only in theory, but the real situation is that for some metals, it is impossible to burn, at most, they are melted under high temperature, and this is enough to deal with the current difficulties.

"Boom!" Before the mechanical soldier could react, the head of the bt he was sitting on exploded.

Because the high temperature just now made the machine made of metal unable to withstand it, it exploded directly.

This poor mechanical soldier didn't even have time to let out a scream, and the fragments of his face that were directly blown up didn't know where to go.

"Bastard!" The armored face who had witnessed the explosion just now roared and wanted to shoot Zhang Wei.

"This is not the place for you to come. If I were you, I would have left now." Zhang Wei gave him a cold look and said before the armored face made a move.

"Bastard, Zhenhai regards himself as a character, you hateful guy, go to hell!" Iron armored face directly launched an attack on Zhang Wei.

"I really don't know what to do!" Zhang Wei shook his head and said, at the same time, a cylindrical object appeared in his hand.

"Buzz!" After Zhang Wei pressed the button, the cylindrical thing trembled slightly and emitted a scorching beam of light. This was Zhang Wei's laser sword.

Zhang Wei's idea is actually very simple. He is going to use the laser sword to deal with these minions in front of him. Yes, they are minions. Even with the armored face, they are still just minions in front of Zhang Wei, because his combat effectiveness is not very good.

"Ah! Go to hell!" Iron Armored Mask yelled and stabbed Zhang Wei with a biochemical spear.

"Let me tell you, you are looking for death!" At the same time as he said this, Zhang Wei had already appeared beside the armored face, and at the same time, the laser sword in his hand was already slashing at the biochemical spear on the armored face.

Of course Zhang Wei can't fly anymore, it's just that he has achieved a little success in Tathagata Palm now, and some lightness skills can be used, and it is still very useful to use them at this time.

"Ding! Chi!" Two consecutive voices came out when the laser sword and the biochemical spear collided.

"That's a lot of strength!" It was just this blow of the iron armor that surprised him a lot. He had never thought that an ordinary person would have such great strength, and the blow just now almost made him unable to bear it.

"Crack!" Iron Armored Face made a sound like a broken bone before he finished thinking about his biochemical spear.

"Get lost!" After speaking, Zhang Wei put away the laser sword and walked towards the iron soldier.

"Master Armored Mask!" bt Madonna said, looking at the broken biochemical spear in the armored mask.

"Let's go!" Iron Armor gave Zhang Wei a hard look, as if he wanted to focus Zhang Wei in his heart.

"The injury is not serious, and the trauma is not life-threatening. It's just that he lost too much blood and passed out. I can treat this kind of injury." Zhang Wei stopped the bleeding of the iron soldier and treated it briefly, then hugged the iron soldier. The soldier entered the hut.

"This child needs a blood transfusion, but unfortunately it doesn't match my blood type. You don't mind using a little of your blood, do you?" Zhang Wei walked to Hua Lian and said softly.

After speaking, Zhang Wei didn't care whether Hua Lian was still in a coma or not, he took out a blood collection device and started to take blood on his own, and didn't stop until a certain amount of blood was taken.

In fact, Hua Lian had already woken up at this time, but she had quietly observed Zhang Wei's battle against the armored face just now, and she thought she was not Zhang Wei's opponent, so she did not act rashly.

"Medical robot, it's up to you next." Zhang Wei took out the medical robot and said.

In fact, Zhang Wei can only deal with some simple injuries. The real intractable diseases still need medical robots to deal with.

"No problem!" The medical robot blinked and said.

(End of this chapter)

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