Infinite black technology

Chapter 302 Iron Soldier

Chapter 302 Iron Soldier
After all, the medical robot is a professional. It took a few seconds to prepare for the blood transfusion and began to transfuse the iron soldier. Then the medical robot began to treat the iron soldier's injury.

"Sure enough, it is the most professional medical robot. There is no one else here." Seeing Tie Bing's injuries continue to recover, Zhang Wei couldn't help but sigh how correct the decision to choose a medical robot was.

After more than ten minutes, the medical robot finally completed the treatment of Iron Soldier, which is absolutely impossible in the hospital.

However, because Tie Bing lost too much blood and needed more blood transfusions, he didn't wake up, and Zhang Wei also took this opportunity to make himself a dinner.

"I know you're awake, do you want to eat together?" Zhang Wei said with his back to Hua Lian.

"How do you know I'm awake?" Hua Lian slowly got up from the bed and said.

"The reason is very simple. Your breathing rhythm has changed. If I can't notice such an obvious change, then I'll just die." Zhang Wei said with a slight smile.

"Sure enough, you are a master, then, tell me your purpose!" Hua Lian walked behind Zhang Wei and said, clutching her shoulders.

"There is no purpose. You were injured. I saved you. It's that simple. If you are worried that I have other purposes, you can leave now. However, I think that guy called Iron Armor hasn't left yet." Here." Zhang Wei said while eating a bowl of rice.

This time Hua Lian was not talking, because he knew that what Zhang Wei said was correct, and the armored face must still be around here now. Although the armored face was injured by Zhang Wei just now, those injuries are trivial, as long as you return The base can be healed, but Iron Face will definitely look for her before that.

So Hua Lian is not in a hurry to leave. On the contrary, now Hua Lian thinks that Zhang Wei has no malicious intentions. Otherwise, she can kill herself when she is unconscious. There is no need to wait until now, let alone seeing Zhang Wei's methods. After that, Hua Lian didn't think she was a threat to Zhang Wei, so Hua Lian simply sat opposite Zhang Wei and prepared to eat.

"You are very nice, you are a smart person." Zhang Wei nodded at Hua Lian and said.

"Well, your cooking skills are good, and you are almost catching up with the chefs of star-rated hotels." Hua Lian said after two mouthfuls of food.

"Thank you!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

The food here is originally very high-quality food. Zhang Wei used this year to grow rice, noodles, vegetables, etc., and even built vegetable greenhouses and farms. Now Zhang Wei’s place looks like a small farm. up.

Pure natural food is what Zhang Wei yearns for very much, so Zhang Wei has gained a lot from this small island without pollution and hustle and bustle.

"Are you from the Mechanical Kingdom?" Zhang Weicai asked after eating.

"I didn't expect you to know about the Mechanical Kingdom. Why, are you going to hand me over?" Hua Lian glanced at Zhang Wei and said jokingly.

"Don't provoke me, there may be many people in this world who give face to the Mechanical Kingdom, but I am definitely not among them, so you can rest assured that I will not hand you over to the Mechanical Kingdom." Zhang Wei said with a slight smile, as if he didn't see Hua Lian's expression at all.

"Hearing your words, it seems that you know the Mechanical Kingdom very well. Let me guess, you have enmity with the Mechanical Kingdom, or you can't understand what the Mechanical Kingdom is doing?" Hua Lian looked at Zhang Wei and said.

"Neither, in this world, I have no hatred with anyone, and it is impossible to have any hatred, so you don't have to try it anymore. If you don't want to be discovered by the people of the Mechanical Kingdom, you can stay here temporarily. In the future One day you will know my intention." Zhang Wei shook his head slightly and said.

"It's true, with your strength, I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who are your opponents. If you think about it, you don't have to take the Mechanical Kingdom to heart!" Hua Lian said with some regret.

Then it became embarrassing, because the two had just met and were not familiar with each other at all, so there was nothing to talk about, just like that, the two sat awkwardly facing each other in a room without saying a word.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't stay silent for a long time, because Tie Bing woke up at this time.

"Ahem!" The pale iron soldier let out a cough.

"Are you awake? When you're done, come down and eat by yourself. I'll save some for you. Don't eat too much. You're still very weak." Zhang Wei said to Tie Bing's position.

"Understood!" Tie Bing struggled to get up from the boat, and then tremblingly walked to the dining table to start eating. Now Tie Bing was in a very complicated mood, after all, he had experienced a life and death just now.

Three days passed in a flash, and within three days, two huts were built next to Zhang Wei's hut, one belonged to Tiebing, and the other belonged to Hualian, because Hualian had already decided to settle here.

"Why, you don't seem to be very emotional these few days, what are you thinking?" Hua Lian said next to Tie Bing who had been in a daze.

"Sister Hualian, tell me, why am I so weak, I have no chance to resist in front of those bad guys, and I was killed so easily." Tie Bing said with his hands on his knees.

"Actually, you're already pretty good. You know, many people can't resist in front of a powerful enemy. At least you will resist!" Hua Lian said to Tie Bing with a smile.

"But, why, why is big brother so strong, even sister Hualian, you are so strong?" Tie Bing looked at Hualian and asked.

"I don't know why Zhang Wei is so strong, but the reason why I can achieve today's results is entirely because of my willingness to work hard. If you are willing to work hard, maybe you will surpass me in the future." Hua Lian touched He touched Tie Bing's head and said.

"Really, can I also become stronger?" The other iron soldiers didn't care, what he cared about was how to become stronger.

"Of course, everyone can become stronger. As long as we work hard, one day we can become stronger and even surpass everything." Hua Lian said looking into the distance.

"Yin!" At this moment, there was a phoenix cry in the sky.

"It's Suzaku. She came back from hunting again, but I don't know what delicious food she caught this time." Tie Bing looked up at the huge bird in the sky.

Zhang Wei has settled on Shenju Island for such a long time, and the Tie Bing he is most familiar with naturally knows the existence of Suzaku. When you go out, you always bring back some game.

(End of this chapter)

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