Infinite black technology

Chapter 305 The First Guard

Chapter 305 The First Guard

This chapter of "The Hard-working Years" was actually coded on the train, and there is no one else!
"No problem, master. I feel that this guy is not our opponent. It should be easy to kill him." Suzaku said.

"Don't be careless. Since BT is the mainstream force in this world, it must have its advantages. Maybe there are other things we don't know. Although I was able to defeat Iron Armor last time, he is just a small character after all. It's hard to say if you really face a master like the Four Spirit Generals." Zhang Wei frowned and said.

Zhang Wei has always been a cautious person. Even in the face of poor opponents, Zhang Wei always likes to analyze seriously. Although he often shows contempt for opponents, it is just a kind of camouflage.

Suzaku is Zhang Wei's personal armor. Although you already have the ability of Transformers, it is still Zhang Wei's armor in essence. Therefore, Zhang Wei has always placed high hopes on Suzaku, hoping that she can quickly growing up.

However, what Suzaku said just now made Zhang Wei a little uncomfortable. Although he would not say that he was disappointed with Suzaku, he would still be uncomfortable.

However, after a change of mind, Zhang Wei also knew that Suzaku had only been born for a long time, and he really had his own thoughts after he became a Transformer. This period of time is negligible in the Transformer world. Yes, and Suzaku is just a newborn in Transformers.

"Suzaku, we can't be careless. We must know that many times the strength is much higher than that of the enemy, but in the end there are many examples in the hands of the enemy. We must have a tight heart." Zhang Wei said.

"Understood, master, so how should we deal with him?" Suzaku asked.

"Carry out a wave of tentative attacks first, and kill him directly if there is no problem," Zhang Wei said.


At the time when Zhang Wei and Suzaku were talking, they had already approached the guard of the Mechanical Kingdom, and the guard had already discovered Zhang Wei and the others. At this time, many mechanical soldiers had been dispatched to deal with Zhang Wei and the others. to intercept.

"Hoosh!" Suzaku's wings waved continuously, and pieces of feathers instantly separated from his wings. After leaving Suzaku's wings, these feathers turned into miniature missiles and crippled a group of mechanical soldiers.

Of course, the guards in this world are not as stupid as described in the anime. After discovering Zhang Wei's figure, they immediately sent out mechanical soldiers to destroy Zhang Wei and the others through the mechanical soldiers.

However, something that the guard had never expected happened. Before a group of mechanical soldiers approached Zhang Wei and the others, they were killed by Suzaku's missiles.

"Boom!" There were constant explosions in the sky, and none of the missiles wasted hit the mechanical soldiers.

"Bastard, how could this happen?" the guard cursed loudly.

"Are you the guard here?" Zhang Weifei looked at the guard in mid-air and said.

"Who are you?" The strong guard looked at Zhang Wei and swallowed his saliva.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have to pass through here today, take action, use your full strength!" Zhang Wei said.

After dressing, Zhang Wei's body will be completely covered by Suzaku, even his eyes will not be exposed, so the strong guard cannot see Zhang Wei's expression at all.

"Suzaku, analyze the guard's body structure and composition, and find his BT!" Zhang Wei was not in a hurry to launch an attack, and asked Suzaku to analyze the data.

In Zhang Wei's view, these data are more important than defeating them. These data can give Zhang Wei a more intuitive understanding of the mechanical kingdom's defense force and BT's capabilities.

After experiencing so many worlds, Zhang Wei has a very clear positioning for himself, that is, to travel through many worlds and go through more black technologies, so that he can better survive and gain a foothold in reality.

Therefore, every time Zhang Wei travels through a world, he is constantly collecting black technology. Although it has not been fully realized in reality, Zhang Wei knows that it will be a problem sooner or later.

"Haha, boy, I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. God sent you to my place to die!" The strong guard said happily after seeing Zhang Weifei approaching.

Zhang Wei didn't answer the words, and didn't make a move. He just floated in the air and watched quietly, waiting for Suzaku's analysis results.

Suzaku did not disappoint Zhang Wei, it only took tens of seconds to analyze the result, and it was presented in front of Zhang Wei.

"Master, it has been analyzed. 60.00% of this guy's body is biochemical tissue, 30.00% is mechanical structure, and less than [-]% still retains normal biological structure. That is to say, this guy can no longer be called He is alone, because he has lost most of the characteristics of a normal human being." Suzaku said.

"Very well, record these data. Next, we need to collect the data of these guards along the way and compare them. You record all these data. After we go back this time, we will conduct a big data comparison!" Zhang Wei said very satisfied.

"No problem, Master, I've already finished the analysis. This guy has many weaknesses, and I can easily kill him myself." Suzaku listed out all the weaknesses of this guard.

"Okay, I'll leave this battle to you!" Zhang Wei said after thinking for a while.

After obtaining Zhang Wei's consent, Suzaku landed and released Zhang Wei. This time Suzaku will finish the battle alone.

The strong guard saw that Suzaku was detached from Zhang Wei's body, and his heart sank after turning into parts. At the same time, a question arose in his heart: "What a weird BT, who is this guy?"

"Sing!" Immediately afterwards, a phoenix cry that resounded through the sky and the earth came, and at this time the Suzaku that had become parts reassembled into a beautiful big bird, which a strong guard had never seen before. big bird.

Of course, the strong guard had never seen Suzaku, the oldest guardian beast in China, so it was normal for him not to know it.

"Come on, kill them for me!" The strong guard is not an idiot, he chose to let his mechanical soldiers test the opponent's strength when he didn't understand the enemy's strength.

Zhang Wei naturally heard the order of the strong guard, but Zhang Wei was not too worried, because with Suzaku around, as long as the guard was delayed, these mechanical soldiers would not be a threat to him at all.

"Interesting!" Zhang Wei smiled slightly and held the laser sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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