Chapter 306

Faced with these minions, Zhang Wei didn't feel any pressure. He held a laser sword in his hand and waited for these minions to arrive.

"Hoo hoo!" Suzaku's wings flapped twice, and the feathers on her wings flew out one by one.

"Boom!" When Suzaku's feather hit these mechanical soldiers, it exploded as if hit by a missile.

"What, what's going on?" The strong guard looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief and said.

"Hmph!" Zhang Wei snorted coldly when he saw a fish that slipped through the net rushing in front of him, and lightly jumped into the air.

"Sting!" With this piercing sound, the mechanical soldier was cut in half by the laser sword!
After doing all this, Zhang Wei put away the laser sword, and watched quietly with his arms around his shoulders, wanting to see Suzaku's fighting process.

"Assam, start attacking!" At this time, the strong guard also ordered BT to start attacking.

"Yes, Lord Ram!" BT replied.

As the sound of BT fell, the earth trembled for a while.

Through the perspective function of super vision, Zhang Wei can see a big guy moving underground. Obviously, this guy underground is the real body of Ram BT.

"Back!" Zhang Wei secretly reminded himself and immediately stepped back.

Zhang Wei didn't remind Suzaku, he believed that Suzaku could handle everything in front of him, after all, Suzaku came from Transformers.

Soon a big guy came out of the ground, and Zhang Wei, who was not far away, also saw the whole picture of this big guy clearly at this time.

This is a centipede-like guy with a huge body and countless legs like a centipede.

"Very poisonous spray!" Assam yelled, then raised his head and sprayed randomly at Suzaku, trying to hit Suzaku in this way.

Zhang Wei couldn't figure it out, why did he have to say all the moves when fighting?Isn't this letting the enemy prepare in advance?
"Sing!" Suzaku raised its head to the sky and uttered a phoenix cry, then waved its wings, speeding up its flight.

"Crack!" A stream of acid fell on Zhang Wei's side, making a "chi chi" sound. Zhang Wei could see that the acid had even corroded the sand and stones on the ground.

"This acid is so corrosive, but even so, it's no match for Suzaku!" Zhang Wei said, looking at a small pit corroded on the ground.

"Gan!" Suzaku croaked and began to attack.

In fact, as a Transformer, in Suzaku's form, Suzaku's attack methods are limited. In addition to using the golden feathers as missiles, it also relies on its own strength to launch attacks, such as sharp claws.

"Hey!" Suzaku's sharp claws scratched Assam's body and made a piercing sound. At the same time, Assam's body was left with very obvious scars.

"This is just an ordinary BT, with average physical strength!" Zhang Wei saw the result of the battle from a distance.

"However, the main reason for this is that Suzaku's material is relatively good. Vibranium is used as the main body. In addition, the Transformer has undergone mutations during the process, making it stronger. These BTs may not be able to resist Suzaku. Attack." Zhang Wei immediately figured out the key.

"Assam!" Seeing BT injured, Ram shouted.

BT is to help the master fight, and at the same time, to a large extent, BT is also the master's reliance, so Ram still cares about the injury of BT.

But it's useless how much Ram is shouting now, because Suzaku can't give him a chance to counterattack, and another attack will follow immediately after a successful blow.

"Suzaku is indeed growing. It seems that following me often restricts his growth. He should be given some free time in the future, otherwise it will really affect his growth. I really look forward to how far he can grow in the future!" Zhang Wei He stared at Suzaku's battle and said.

"Master, how is it? Are you very powerful?" Suzaku resolved the battle and appeared in front of Zhang Wei a few minutes later.

"Well, it's okay, and we need to continue to work hard in the future!" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"Let's go, keep going!" Zhang Wei said to Suzaku.

After dressing up again, Zhang Wei flew towards the inside of the base again.

This time Zhang Wei came out with the map given by Hua Lian, so he knew exactly how to go along the way. Suzaku only flew for half an hour before arriving at another stronghold. This is still flying at a slow speed while observing the road along the way. The result of the environment, otherwise it would have arrived long ago.

"Master, according to the map given by Hua Lian, the next stronghold should be ahead, shall we rush directly there?" Suzaku said while flying.

"Don't worry, the mechanical kingdom is not as large as it was five years later, and there are only four strongholds in the core area, while the iron soldiers in the anime have experienced seven, so we really don't face many enemies, but , but gave us sufficient combat experience and data, so I am going to fight directly." Zhang Wei said.

"Understood!" Suzaku replied.

Along the way, Zhang Wei and the others did not know how many mechanical soldiers they had killed, so they directly killed these mechanical soldiers and continued to move forward.

"What's going on, why is there no guard in this stronghold?" Zhang Wei said a little strangely.

"Indeed, this is really strange, why are there no guards, and even few mechanical soldiers!" Suzaku said in confusion.

"It's really strange, why is there no guard here?" Zhang Wei also couldn't figure it out.

"Buzz!" Just when Zhang Wei and Suzaku were wondering, a buzzing sound caught their attention.

"Master, it's not good. We seem to be surrounded. Look, it's a mechanical wasp." Suzaku switched the screen to let Zhang Wei see clearly.

"Heh, I said why there are no mechanical soldiers here. It turns out that's the case. These hornets are probably more powerful than ordinary mechanical soldiers, and they can also execute orders very resolutely. This is much more cost-effective than mechanical soldiers." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"The master means that there is another queen bee here?" Suzaku immediately understood Zhang Wei's meaning.

Just as Suzaku said, since there are so many wasps here, who will control them, there must be an existence like a dead queen bee, otherwise, it is impossible for so many wasps to act collectively.

And Zhang Wei guessed that these wasps are likely to be controlled by a BT, so that they can replace those mechanical soldiers.

"Suzaku, immediately analyze their data and figure out their weaknesses," Zhang Wei said.

"Understood, let's analyze it. These small things are not very powerful, but there are a lot of them." Suzaku said.

(End of this chapter)

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