Chapter 307

Just like what Suzaku said, these small things are indeed not strong in attack, but there are too many of them, and the number of them is a bit dizzying, but what should be faced is still to be faced.

"Bah!" Zhang Wei and the others didn't make any moves yet, but those little hornets started to do it first. These little guys pointed their butts at Zhang Wei and the others one by one, shooting out streams of liquid from their tails.

"Crack!" The liquid sprayed out by the little hornets hit Suzaku's body, making a sound of raindrops falling to the ground.

The reason why Zhang Wei didn't dodge was because he had enough confidence in Suzaku's armor. He believed that even if these liquids were highly corrosive, it would be impossible to corrode Suzaku's armor, so he simply waited in place. Suzaku shares new data.

"Master, the analysis has been completed. The fighting power of these little guys is pitifully low, but they have special attack methods, that is, these liquids. After analysis, these liquids are not ordinary liquids. This liquid should be a A kind of penetrating venom, I think, these should be designed for BT, because if it is contaminated by BT, it is likely to cause very serious damage to the central system of BT, which will make BT lose its combat effectiveness." Suzaku said .

"Aren't these liquids corrosive?" Zhang Wei asked.

"No, these liquids are not corrosive, but only have special permeability, which can penetrate into the BT's central system, thereby destroying the BT and defeating the enemy." Suzaku said.

While Suzaku was analyzing the data, a large amount of data flashed before Zhang Wei's eyes. These were all analyzed data, and Zhang Wei could see these data clearly.

"Very good. Now that we have analyzed it, it is time for us to teach these little guys a lesson. Otherwise, do they really think that the world is invincible?" Zhang Wei sneered.

This time he didn't let Suzaku fight alone, the reason was simple, he was worried that so many little hornets would slip through the net, and it wouldn't be fun to hit him a few times at that time.

"Understood, master!" Suzaku replied, and then began to cooperate with Zhang Wei to fight.

The strategy Zhang Wei thought of was very simple. Since these little hornets were so densely packed that it was impossible to tell which one was which, then it would be good to just use an indiscriminate attack.

If it's dealing with real wasps, you can use flames to drive them away or destroy them. However, these wasps are all mechanical wasps, and flames don't work at all. Therefore, if you want to drive these guys away, you must find a way.

And it just so happens that Zhang Wei has a way to deal with these little guys, that is the electromagnetic gun. Since Suzaku evolved into a Transformer, Zhang Wei has rarely used the electromagnetic gun, but today Zhang Wei must use the electromagnetic gun.

I saw Zhang Wei raised his hands, and then began to design at the swarm of small wasps. This kind of shooting has no purpose, but to eliminate these small wasps as much as possible.

"Okay, Suzaku, I think after this time, the guards here will be distressed for a while, and the two of us have wiped out quite a few little wasps." Seeing that there were not many little wasps outside, Zhang Wei said to Suzaku said.

"Yes, master, these little guys really have very low combat effectiveness, but they don't know where the queen bee of these little guys said. I think it's because they feel distressed." Suzaku said.

"That's right, I think he must be feeling distressed. There should be tens of thousands of wasps just now." Zhang Wei said with satisfaction.

"Roar!" Just as Zhang Wei was discussing with Suzaku, there was a roar from the ground. From the sound alone, Zhang Wei could guess that the guard here should have arrived.

But what Zhang Wei couldn't figure out was, since the guard's BT was a Hornet or Queen Bee, why did he hide underground? Shouldn't the Hornet be in the sky?

"Master, be careful, I sense a powerful life signal approaching." Suzaku hurriedly reminded.

"I know that there should be a big guy hiding here, but this big guy is our enemy. I won't let you fight alone this time!" Zhang Wei said.

"Bang!" A force broke the ground, and then a large wasp flew out.

"Buzz!" The giant hornet's wings kept shaking, and at the same time, the buzzing sound spread far away.

At this time, Zhang Wei also saw the guard here. This is a short and thin man who looks very small, but Zhang Wei knows that this guy is not so easy to deal with. There are no other ideas that make Zhang Wei interesting, because in Zhang Wei's opinion, this guy is not qualified enough.

"Boy, tell me who you are and why you want to hurt my little ones?" said the short and lean guard.

"The person who wants to kill you!" Zhang Wei launched an attack after saying that, this time his attack was very sharp, there was no time for the opponent to react, the laser sword waved, and the guard was also within half a minute Turned into pieces along with his BT.

"Suzaku, let's go." After killing the guard, Zhang Wei and Suzaku flew towards the next location.

After several battles, Zhang Wei and the others finally came to the core area of ​​the Mechanical Kingdom, which is near the main tower.

"Suzaku, have you found Rafal's location?" Zhang Wei asked.

"No, but I have already felt his smell. It should be inside the main tower, but I don't know where it is. I think I can find it just by following the smell, and I also found a strong life signal. , it should be Rafal." Suzaku observed the surroundings and said.

"Very good, then let's attack directly." Zhang Wei thought for a while and said.

The purpose of coming here has basically been achieved, so Zhang Wei has no hesitation. The key is to get Rafal's organization. More importantly, he has to rush back to study Rafal as soon as possible.

"Woo!" Just as Zhang Wei was about to attack, the alarm from the main tower sounded.

"What's going on, how could there be an alarm?" A woman in a major's uniform walked into the control room and said.

"Major Aramis, we found the enemy, so we sounded the alarm, and just received a report from the front line that they were invaded by the enemy, and now we don't know where the enemy has gone," said a female soldier.

"What a waste, how many enemies are there?" Major Aramis cursed realistically before asking.

"According to the report from the front line, the enemy should be alone, but the combat power is very strong. The enemy outside the main tower should be the enemy the front line said." The soldier said.

(End of this chapter)

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