Infinite black technology

Chapter 360 Laboratory

Chapter 360 Laboratory

It's so embarrassing, yesterday's anti-theft actually forgot to modify it, I just found out, I'm really sorry!

Of course, Zhang Wei didn't just stand there waiting to attack. When the light beam appeared, Zhang Wei also took evasive actions, but the light beam came too fast, and Zhang Wei would not be able to do it no matter how fast he moved. Faster than the speed of light.

"Hey!" When the light beam hit Selena's tentacles, there was a sound like strong acid corroding metal.

"What's going on?" Selina said in surprise.

"What's the matter, Selena?" Zhang Wei asked.

"This light beam is highly corrosive, and it's really strange that this corrosiveness can still spread." Selina said with a frown.

"This should be a unique attribute of zombies. Although the zombies in this world are different from the ones I have seen before, I feel that the zombies here should be stronger. However, the ability to spread has not changed at all. " Zhang Wei said, frowning.

"Well, I got it!" Selena nodded and shook those shots away.

Selena's regeneration ability is very powerful, and a new shot is produced in such an instant.

The conversation between the two is very complicated to describe, but when they actually speak, it takes only a few seconds for a few words, and at the same time, their actions don't stop at all.

Of course, the monster on the opposite side did not stop attacking, and corrosive beams of light shot towards Zhang Wei and the others.

"Hey, look at the power of my new weapon!" Zhang Wei took out a gun from the storage space for the man in black.

As for zombies, Selena despised them as disgusting, so she didn't want to directly use the tentacles to touch them.

Zhang Wei knew that if it wasn't for his safety considerations, Selena would be far away now.

Although in Zhang Wei's view, Selena's body is a bit disgusting, but Selena is a very clean guy. This problem was developed after hiding in the sewer that time. Obviously, that time for For Selena, his bottom line has been touched.

For this point, Zhang Wei did not force Selena, that is not what Zhang Wei wanted, and it is not yet the time of life and death, so there is no need to oppress Selina at all.

"Boom!" Zhang Wei fired without hesitation.

This weird zombie obviously felt the danger, so the moment Zhang Wei shot, this zombie also chose to dodge, but how could it be possible to dodge the energy bomb?
"Boom!" A shell directly hit the leg of this advanced zombie, and the most direct result was that one of the legs of this zombie was knocked off.

"Roar!" The zombie raised its head and roared loudly.

Although Zhang Wei couldn't understand what the zombie was saying, Zhang Wei felt the zombie's anger from the zombie's roar.

"Come again!" As he said, Zhang Wei struck again, and Zhang Wei's speed was also very fast. While the zombies were dodging, Zhang Wei's second attack had already arrived.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Zhang Wei fired several shots in succession.

"Huh!" Zhang Wei let out a long breath, and finally killed the zombie.

"This zombie is really powerful. Fortunately, I have these powerful weapons." Zhang Wei said with a smile at Selina.

"Is this a high-level zombie? It's really powerful in terms of combat power just now, but it's still not good for me." Selena said very proudly.

"Since you are so powerful, you might as well deal with the remaining zombies." Zhang Weixie said, looking at Selena.

"What, master, she is a girl, master, are you willing?" Selina said coquettishly immediately.

"Come on, you're the number one devil in the universe, and you're still a girl, stop messing around!" Zhang Wei said hastily.

After killing this powerful zombie, Zhang Wei and Selena moved forward again, killing many zombies along the way.

"This should be the road leading to their laboratory. Next, we may have a big battle. I guess the defense here must be very tight. Let's check the equipment." Zhang Wei said with a serious expression.

"Boom!" The high-explosive grenade thrown by Zhang Wei exploded at the door of the experiment.

"Let's go!" Zhang Wei pulled the bolt and rushed forward.

"Da da da!" Before Zhang Wei ran to the door of the laboratory, a gunshot sounded inside.

"Damn, is this guarding against us? I said why is there no one guarding it, so it was waiting for me here." Zhang Wei said while avoiding.

"Let me try a high-explosive grenade!" Zhang Wei relied on his own strength, and used a grenade as a hidden weapon, throwing it directly into the laboratory.

"Boom!" The high-explosive grenade exploded in the laboratory.

"The guards here are not that strong. I feel that these enemies are not as good as ordinary soldiers." Selina said after successfully capturing the laboratory.

"Of course, these guys are just terrorists, and they don't have any special power. Before they came here, they were just ordinary people. Now they are just a little stronger than ordinary people, so of course they are very weak." Zhang Wei explained.

"Well, anyway, since we took this place down, shouldn't we leave?" Selina nodded.

"Of course not. We haven't checked the situation here yet. Let's check it together now. It's not that simple. Although we haven't found it yet, aren't you curious about the places where zombies can be made? ?” Zhang Wei said.

Although all the zombies and scientists have been killed, Zhang Wei is still a little worried that the virus will spread, so he still needs to check the situation here.

Of course, Zhang Wei is interested in the technology mastered in this laboratory. Although he still doesn't know what technology is here, Zhang Wei believes that there will be gains.

However, to Zhang Wei's disappointment, he didn't find any information here, not even a darkroom, so Zhang Wei could only leave with disappointment, the next checkpoint was still waiting for them.

"Sir, I'm afraid their information is shared. I think their command center should have a lot of information." Selina said when she saw that Zhang Wei's mood was not right.

"Get out!" Zhang Wei suddenly roared, and then his body shook, and the zhenqi in his body continued to flow.

"Crackling!" With the flow of Zhang Wei's true energy, Zhang Wei's body shook.

"What's the matter, sir, what happened?" Selina also realized that Zhang Wei was unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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