Chapter 361

Zhang Wei's current state is very bad, it can be said to be extremely bad, because just now, he felt that his body was invaded.

Needless to say, Zhang Wei also knew that this must have been invaded by aliens.

However, Zhang Wei couldn't figure out how this alien found a chance to fight. You must know that Zhang Wei had been guarding against aliens from the very beginning.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei has never stopped practicing martial arts, and has mastered his body to a certain extent, so Zhang Wei discovered it at the first moment of the alien invasion.

At the first moment, Zhang Wei chose to use true energy to force the alien to come out, and at the same time he was using other skills to deal with the alien.

However, Zhang Wei underestimated the ability of the alien. The moment the alien entered Zhang Wei's body, it began to fuse with Zhang Wei and wanted to occupy Zhang Wei's body.

However, Zhang Wei is not easy to deal with. When he found out the first time, he mobilized his true energy, and at the same time, he also used his mind to attack the alien.

"Boom!" Zhang Wei mobilized his true energy to a point, and directly forced the alien out of his body.

"Hmph!" Zhang Wei snorted.

"Pfft!" Then Zhang Wei spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, the alien was not forced out by him.

"Sir, how are you doing?" Selina said nervously while supporting Zhang Wei.

However, Zhang Wei now has no way to answer his question, because Zhang Wei has passed out now.

"What's going on?" Selina frowned.

"Huh?" Immediately, Selena felt something unusual in Zhang Wei's body.

"This is, the feeling is the same as that time, is this, Alien?" Selena frowned and said.

That's right, just now, Zhang Wei was attacked by the alien, and now he fell into a coma because of the alien.

"Alas!" Selena sighed, and then saw her hands turned into several tentacles and stretched in from Zhang Wei's nose and mouth.

"No, I can't get the contents out. I didn't expect this alien to have some tricks." Selina pulled the tentacles back helplessly.

Zhang Wei is not having a good time now. Although he looks unconscious now, his consciousness is very clear and he knows what Selena did just now, but he has no way to wake up now.

Now the alien is wreaking havoc in Zhang Wei's body. If he wants to completely invade Zhang Wei, then he must really kill Zhang Wei completely.

However, Zhang Wei is not so easy to deal with. In addition, Selina protects Zhang Wei's internal body from any problems. In addition, Zhang Wei's internal organs are also very strong because of years of martial arts practice, and he can experience After tossing for a long time, Zhang Wei won more time.

Zhang Wei knows that the medical robot can easily solve it for him in this state, but he can't wake up now, even if he can take out the medical robot, there is no way to activate it.

Therefore, now also can only depend on oneself.

At this time, Selena was also thinking of a way. She wanted to help Zhang Wei get rid of the alien, but if she was inside Zhang Wei's body, she was worried that Zhang Wei's body would not be able to bear it, so Selina was very helpless.

However, Selena finally chose to send a large number of tentacles into Zhang Wei's body. His purpose was not to kill the alien, but to control the alien, which could also help Zhang Wei buy time.

Selena also knows that Zhang Wei has a lot of secrets, so Selina wants to control the alien and then wake up Zhang Wei. In this case, Zhang Wei who is awake will definitely have a way.

With Selena's help, Zhang Wei finally woke up.

"Medical robot, it's up to you. I hope you don't let me down!" Zhang Wei said after taking out the medical robot and successfully activating it.

"Don't worry!" The medical robot responded and immediately turned into dust and entered Zhang Wei's body.

"What a powerful robot!" Selena said with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Although you and she have seen a lot of robots, this is the first time she has seen a robot like this. Not to mention, it is the first time that Selena can turn into a nano-scale robot and enter the human body for treatment. See you once.

Although the medical robot entered, Zhang Wei did not have a good time, because the alien had already begun to destroy Zhang Wei's body, and at the same time, the alien also began to control Zhang Wei's body.

If the medical robot wants to cure Zhang Wei, it must clean up the alien, but this process is very painful.

From Selena's point of view, the medical robot began to attack the aliens after entering Zhang Wei's body, and the countless nano-scale robots are very powerful in combat.

Selena can "see" what's going on in Zhang Wei's body by shooting inside Zhang Wei's body. Countless robots attacking a place will inevitably cut off that part completely and turn it into particles invisible to the naked eye to transport out Zhang Wei's body. body of.

Soon, Zhang Wei and Selena saw a small soil bag made of particles appearing beside Zhang Wei.

"The treatment is complete!" After half an hour of treatment, the medical robot finally successfully appeared in front of Zhang Wei.

"Thank you, you saved my life again!" Zhang Wei put away the medical robot and said with a smile.

"Thank you this time, Selena. If it wasn't for your help to control the alien, I'm afraid it would not be possible to get rid of him so smoothly." Zhang Wei smiled at Selena.

"You're welcome, after all, strictly speaking, you are my master, aren't you?" Selina said with sloppy eyes.

"Well, anyway, you really helped me a lot, now I'm taking a rest, and then we'll go!" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

After resting for more than ten minutes, Zhang Wei felt that he had recovered, so he went on the road with Selena again.

After experiencing this incident, Zhang Wei became more careful, so as not to overturn the boat in the gutter.

After this incident, Zhang Wei also discovered his own shortcomings. Sometimes even if he was careful, there would be mistakes. Therefore, Zhang Wei also began to think about whether to change his strategy next.

"Sir, where are we going next?" Selina also knew that Zhang Wei was not in a good mood, so she asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, let's search slowly. The matter here has been resolved, and the next level may not be so easy to pass, so we'd better be careful." Zhang Wei shook his head lightly Said, obviously, he is not sure now.

(End of this chapter)

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