208 Threat
Uchiha has been subtly accepted by the people of Konoha. Regardless of the high-level prejudice against Uchiha, at least the common people of Konoha and the middle and lower ninjas still accept Uchiha to a high degree.

But in this way, Eddie's goal has been achieved.

Ordinary people and ninjas in the middle and lower classes are the foundation of this world.

Only by grasping the foundation can we take the first step to change the status quo!
As for the upper-level ninjas and those high-level ones?
Of course you have to win over!
If you can't win over, or even accept new ideas, you can only be eliminated.

But there is another point that is more troublesome, that is, the force value in this world is really too uneven.

It is easier for ninjas to deal with civilians than it is for civilians to kill chickens.

But this is not a problem.

After all, ninjas can't kill everyone, and who can guarantee that those ninjas won't like a world without war.

What's more, there is still the Datongmu family outside, and it will be fine to turn the internal conflicts into external conflicts. It's very simple.

Although there are two or five youngsters everywhere, that's not Eddie's concern. He must have returned to Pirate World by then.

Thinking of this, the smile on Eddie's face got bigger.

With this sincere smile on his face, Eddie quickly returned to his home.

Uchiha clan.

Sasuke was not bewitched by Orochimaru and remained in Konoha, but Naruto was taken away by Jiraiya just like the original book.

In the original book, Naruto went out because he wanted to practice hard and brought Sasuke back. I don’t know that Sasuke has not left Konoha now, and Jiraiya used some method to bring Naruto out.

Sasuke should be on a mission with Kakashi and the others now, and he is the only one at home now, but there should be guests coming soon.

Sure enough, not long after Eddie returned home, those cloud ninja figures appeared at the door of his house.

Eddie had already made tea and was sitting in the hall waiting for their arrival.

The leader Darui and his team members first bowed to Eddie, and then sat opposite Eddie under Eddie's signal.

Picking up the teapot, he poured a cup of tea for Darui, the captain, and then picked up his own cup to drink.

In this way, the two sides were silent for a while, and Darui, who knew he was wrong, opened his mouth in this silent environment.

He approached Omoi, who was silent and bowed his head behind him, and pressed a standard soil seat on his head.

"I'm very sorry. The ninjas in our village don't know how to be polite. They did something too much yesterday. I apologize to you again."

Eddie, who was sitting in the main seat, put on airs and watched the two people remain motionless.

And Darui, Omoyi and the other two behind them were of course also motionless.

Maybe it's been a long time, the young man is impatient, and Omoyi can't bear it anymore.

However, under Darui's strong suppression, this person was still obediently held down with his head, maintaining the posture of Tuxiazuo.

After a long time, Eddie saw that it was a bit hard for him to put on airs for a long time, so he said.

"Forget it, let him go about what happened yesterday, and tell me why you came to see me."

Hearing this, Darui heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not that I'm afraid of this Uchiha.

It's just because if this Uchiha doesn't speak again, let alone Omoi who is being suppressed by him, even he himself can't help violently and kills the person in front of him.

It's not because of the Sharingans in his eye sockets, it's simply because this guy is so irritating!

As for Sharingan, just by the way, it's a gift from Konoha to make amends for them!

But raising his head, Omoi didn't even hide this time, and stared at Eddie with dissatisfaction and fury, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

"Oh, the little thing dares to play dumb?"

Then I'm welcome!

At this moment, Darui also noticed the anger on Omoi's face and the look in his eyes about to kill.

He just wanted to dismiss him, but before he could speak, Eddie who was sitting in front of them suddenly opened his Sharingan, and it was an illusion to Omoi!
That brat fell directly to the floor!

Seeing his subordinates collapsed, Darui got angry this time, "What do you mean, Your Excellency!"

"We came to the house with sincerity, is this how your Excellency treats us?"

Hearing this, Eddie chuckled lightly.

That's a good shot, but do you want to threaten a lieutenant admiral of the Navy with a rogue?

Boy, I dare to fight even Kaido, you are too tender.

Thinking of this, Eddie looked at them with even more disdain, and Darui's face turned red.

"Take good care of your people. Since you are here to apologize, you must have an apologetic attitude. What do you mean by looking at me with that kind of eyes?"

"This time it's just a slight punishment. If there is another time, wait for his body to be collected."

With that said, Eddie continued to sip his tea without even looking at them.

How to do?
Kill him directly!

Darui thought to himself.

However, observing the surrounding environment secretly, there are only two Jonin auras exposed, and I don't know how many more in the dark.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand directly and asked another person to carry Omoi out first, and he stayed alone to talk to Eddie.

Seeing that it was clean, Eddie also put down the teacup in his hand, and said to Darui who was opposite him.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Darui said: "Master Hokage of Xiangbigui Village has already told you the purpose of our coming here."

Eddie nodded to show that this was indeed the case. He raised his eyes and asked, "Since you know that Hokage-sama told me about your purpose, do you still suspect that I am the murderer?"


Good guy, Eddie couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

Hokage has told you all, but you are still doubting me, you really deserve to be Yun Ninja.

But Eddie chuckled and said: "Since you are still doubting me, why did you come to me this time, and take my life directly?"

Having said that, Eddie couldn't help but chuckled.

But Darui didn't change his face when he heard Eddie's laughter, and just said lightly.

"Of course not, how could we kill a person indiscriminately, and we are still a famous family of Konoha."

He especially emphasized the words "Famous Family", but Eddie didn't feel any wavering about these words in his heart.

Seeing that he couldn't shake Eddie's heart, Darui continued.

"So, this time, we want to invite you to the Land of Thunder, and let our Master Bi meet you, so that we can truly remove your suspicion."

Hearing this, Eddie was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.


"You actually want to take me to Yunnin Village? If I go, can I come out completely? Could it be that you treat me like a fool!"

"Of course not, I just heard that you are going to leave the village to perform a mission soon. Compared with when we brought you there, it is obviously better for both parties now."

Hearing this, Eddie's eyes sank at that moment, and he said in a deep voice:

"You are threatening me."

"No, it's just an invitation."

"Hmph! Invitation?" Eddie snorted coldly.

"Forgive me for not accepting it, let's go, leave Konoha, so that I can go to perform the task earlier and see your methods!"

Darui said in a deep voice: "Then we will take our leave, I hope you enjoy the few days in Konoha..."

(End of this chapter)

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