Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 209 I Want to Prove My Strength

Chapter 209 I Want to Prove My Strength

Watching Darui and the others leave, Eddie stood in the room and looked at them calmly.

If you don't go, let me enjoy my last days in Konoha?

Cut, it's really a despicable threat.

I don't know how many people will come to take my life after I leave the village, heh, don't blame me if they come and throw their lives at me.

Eddie thought this way, and didn't sit in front of the tea set until he watched Yun Ren and the others leave his sight.

"Come out, come in and have a cup of tea. This is a good tea that I managed to get from outside."

Eddie closed his eyes and tasted the tea in his hand, and a soothing voice came from the room.

On the tree and on the house, there are hidden Anbu everywhere, looking at the two leading Anbu at the same time.

"team leader."

"team leader."

Anbe beside the two captains asked softly.

The two captains stopped their team members from saying what they wanted to say, jumped out of their hiding place, and walked slowly to Eddie.

Only these two people, the others did not come out.

Eddie put down the teacup, "Call the others out, I have a lot of tea and snacks here."

"No need, our Anbu has received professional training." One of the captains who came to Eddie said.

Professionally trained, unless you can't help it, right?

Eddie couldn't help thinking of a movie he had seen in his previous life, and couldn't help complaining.

"Then sit down."

The two captains nodded, but they first made a gesture towards the outside before sitting where Yun Nin was sitting just now.

However, after they made a gesture towards the outside, many black shadows appeared directly from all over the yard. Under Eddie's domineering, these Anbu ninjas disappeared into Uchiha's clan in an instant.

After they left and the two captains sat down, Eddie changed the tea set in front of them and replaced them with new tea, and then said with a smile.

"Master Hokage really attaches great importance to the arrival of Yunin. I didn't expect to send so many Anbu to protect me."

The two captains ignored Eddie's words, and did not touch the tea in front of them, but said coldly.

"Uchiha Eddie, I hope you will not let down Hokage-sama's good intentions."

After a moment of silence, Anbu who spoke continued:
"We will truthfully tell Lord Hokage what happened today."

Hearing this, Eddie laughed. He stood up and bowed lightly to the two captains.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for me, and please tell Hokage-sama that I will protect myself when I go out, and I won't let Yun Ninja's people take me back."

Seeing Eddie's actions, the two Anbu also stood up, and replied: "In this case, we will leave first, Master Hokage is still waiting for our reply."

After saying this, they didn't care if Eddie wanted to say anything else, and disappeared from Eddie with a blink.

With two swishing sounds, the two figures of Anbu disappeared immediately.

Seeing this, Eddie smiled wryly.

My place is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, why leave in such a hurry, there are still so many snacks.

Forget it, take it to the store and give Xiaohui and the others a point.

Thinking about it, Eddie began to clean up the mess here.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed.

Just when Eddie packed up everything and was about to go to the store with the snacks in his hand, one of the captains who just left him appeared by him again.

Eddie froze for a moment, but before Eddie could speak, the captain spoke directly.

"Eddie Uchiha, Hokage-sama wants to see you, please come with me to the Hokage Building now."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of please, and then led the way straight ahead.

Well, Eddie looked at the dim sum in his hand, Xiaohui and the others didn't have such a good fortune.

But giving it to anyone is the same, so give it to Tsunade by the way, it's all leftovers anyway.

Looking back, seeing that Anbu had disappeared in front of him, Eddie also jumped onto his roof, trying to run in the direction of the Hokage Building in a ninja-specific way.

Konoha, Naruto Office.

"Master Hokage, I don't know why you called me here." Eddie asked with a smile on his face.

Tsunade was sitting behind her desk, not in the same mood as Eddie.

She said with a serious expression: "Just now Anbu told me about Yun Nin's going to you, so now you still want to go out of the village alone?"

"You know, it is very dangerous for you to face the threat of cloud ninja."

This is to care about me, but you are really worrying too much, are they threatening me?

They don't know who is the hunter when they see me!

But here he couldn't speak his mind, he just said it.

"Master Tsunade is serious, those cloud ninjas can't do anything to me."

As he spoke, he also opened his Sangouyu Sharingan, as if swearing that he was not that weak.

However, this approach did not reassure Tsunade, she directly dismissed Eddie's words.

"No, I don't agree with you going out of the village alone. If you don't want to go with your companions, then I can only send a few Anbu to follow you."

Am I already accepted by Konoha, as an outsider?

And Tsunade continued to say: "Don't you know that they are going to your Sharingan, you idiot!"

"This kind of thing has already happened to Konoha once, and now we can't let him happen a second time, do you understand!"

"Konoha can no longer accept such insults!"

Tsunade's tone was not very calm at the beginning, and now he patted the table and stood up, angrily yelling at Eddie.

But Eddie was still smiling, only this time it was genuine.

Looking at Tsunade who was out of breath, the great gift from heaven moved up and down with her breathing.

But Eddie didn't have any fluctuations in front of him. There are plenty of good figures in Pirate World, so he won't be tempted by this kind of thing.

And Tsunade is still preaching to Eddie. Generally speaking, facing the threat of Yunnin, Konoha can't accept Eddie being taken away by Eddie. If you don't want to take your partner out of the village with you, Then Tsunade would rather let Eddie give up this mission.

Originally, Eddie was still appreciating the gift of God and her preaching intentionally or unintentionally.

But when Tsunade said not to let him go out, Eddie directly interrupted Tsunade.

Eddie who opened the Sangouyu Sharingan directly interrupted: "Wait, Master Tsunade!"

Tsunade, who was talking about excitement, was a little unhappy when Eddie interrupted him. He picked up the water glass on the table and said, "What's wrong, I changed my mind and agreed to bring my teammates together."

Eddie shook his head.

"Then what are you talking about, the mission is cancelled!"

But at this time Eddie spoke, he was no longer as gentle as before, and his temperament became heavy.

He asked in a deep voice:
"Master Tsunade, if I don't bring my teammates, if I prove that I have the ability to protect myself, then can I go out by myself?"

Hearing this, Tsunade smiled.

"it is good!"

"As long as you can prove that you are capable, then I will not stop you!"

After Tsunade said this, Eddie also laughed.

Then you have to sit down, I want to drive. No, I want to prove my strength!

(End of this chapter)

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