Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 211 Orochimaru, you have a good subordinate

Chapter 211 Orochimaru, you have a good subordinate
Walking on the road, Eddie looked up and smiled, muttering in his mouth.

"These people can hold back and not make a move. They are really a cowardly group."

"My buddy stayed in their ambush circle for a while on purpose. I can bear it. Logically speaking, I shouldn't. They should see me as harmless to humans and animals like a little white rabbit waiting to be slaughtered. They shouldn't."

"Shouldn't the original script be that I went into their ambush circle, and then they rushed towards me like wolves and tigers, and then I worked hard to fight back to the limit?"

It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be like this
Eddie thought about it all the way, but he couldn't figure out why.

But he doesn't know, if he knows it's the intuition of the Darui ninja
It's probably fine.

They're just little people, this is the second time I've let them go.

It's also a good thing that they didn't attack Konoha, but went out of the village to ambush Eddie, otherwise, the moment they came out, these few people would have been gone.

Well, I felt very uncomfortable, as if I had already prepared a big move, but I punched the air.

Shaking his head, Eddie came out of disappointment.

He looked at the current distance and immediately started to accelerate.

When he arrived at the border, Eddie handed over the certificate to the ninja guarding the border. After getting confirmation, Eddie left the Fire Nation without looking back, and began to carry out his plan purposefully.

The sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap.

Once outside, Eddie sighed.

"It's great to finally be able to let myself go."

The joints on Eddie's body were violent, and the aura on his body was released accordingly, but his body remained at the current height, and did not return to its original shape.

But this is also very good, he moaned comfortably: "Yeah~"

"It's still so comfortable. It's really uncomfortable to be careful to suppress the body at all times."

Eddie came up with his own plan, and after thinking about it, Eddie decided to find his appointed brainwashing master

It's a life mentor!
Thinking about it, Eddie directly used the Flying Thunder God Technique to disappear here, and the next moment, he directly appeared in the underground base of Orochimaru.

"Huh?" Orochimaru, who was lying on the bed, felt that there was a guest coming to his 'home', smiled slightly, and said to the pocket beside him:
"Dou, go and have a look, there are guests coming."

"Forget it, there's no need to go, he's already here."

Just as Orochimaru's voice fell, the door of his room creaked open.

The shadow of the person who comes comes in first, and the voice is heard before seeing the person.

"Hey, Mr. Orochimaru, long time no see. How are you doing recently?"

Orochimaru chuckled: "Thank you for your concern, it's not bad, at least alive."

"That's good."

Hearing the familiar voice, Orochimaru laughed.But the pocket around him is not as easy as him.

As a senior spy, it was impossible for him to have such emotions.

But at this time, although he hid it well, deep in his eyes, there was still an unstoppable look of fear.

He stood up quickly, and then wanted to leave, but was stopped by Eddie.Let him go back first, and wait for something to happen.

Eddie found a place and sat down, "Oshemaru-san, I haven't seen you in a year, your complexion has improved, but have you figured out a solution for the problem with your hands?"


"It's not that my complexion has improved, it's just an acknowledgment of reality. I'm not a person who always lives in the past."

"As for the hands."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru became resentful: "The old man is too ruthless, I didn't expect that the sealing technique actually works on the soul, even if you change your body, it won't work."

"You already know what this technique is about." Eddie crossed his legs and looked at Orochimaru.

"The ghouls are sealed."

"I already know this technique, but I'm still researching how to solve it."

Eddie smiled slightly, "Oshemaru, let's make a deal."

"You do something for me, how about I help you with your hands."

Hearing this, Orochimaru looked aside.

"Edison, are you sure you have a way."

"Of course." Eddie nodded affirmatively, "As long as you promise me one thing."

Without even thinking about it, Orochimaru agreed directly. "Okay, I promise."

So simply?

This time it was Eddie's turn to be stunned, "Are you sure? Don't ask me what I want you to do?"

Hearing Eddie's words, Orochimaru laughed out loud.

"No need, I can promise you any conditions, even if you gave me so many things, there is a gift of thanks for restoring my hands."

"Hahaha! Good!"

"Then this matter is decided like this!"

As he spoke, Eddie shifted his gaze to Dou who was standing restlessly beside him, but he didn't have such a nice tone when talking to Dou.

He said coldly: "How is the research on bloodstained disease? The things I gave you should be useful. Tell me about the current progress."


Dou glanced at Orochimaru, then looked up at Eddie Hui's report.

"Master Eddie, the information you gave is very useful in the research. However, the research on the blood-stained disease has not yet reached the level of cure due to the small number of blood-stained disease samples."

Hearing this, Eddie frowned.

Is it still not enough? I don't know enough about high school biology, but according to their genius level, they should make some progress.

Eddie didn't mean to blame him, but seeing Eddie frowned, the hair on the back of the bag stood up.

He hastily continued in a panic: "However, Mr. Eddie, the research on blood-stained disease has made great progress. Junmalu, one of Dashewan's subordinates, is now under control with the help of medicine."

Eddie frowned even deeper.

"Does that mean that it can only be kept in a serious state so far?"

"Yes, Master Eddie." Dou lowered his head, and cold sweat could not help but flow from his head.

Now he is really terrified, this lord is really terrible.Standing in front of him is even more stressful than being next to Oshemaru-sama!

That was a truly unrelenting aura, a feeling that he would be killed at any time!

And at this moment, Orochimaru's voice sounded like the sounds of nature.

"Okay, Edison, don't scare him anymore, you still need him for your research."

Eddie took a deep look at Orochimaru, and then burst out laughing.


"How could I scare him? He's too nervous."

Turning his head, he said to Dou: "Okay, you go out first, study hard, and I will see the results in a year."

"Hi, Eddie."

Although he was nervous and wanted to go out immediately, he still controlled his steps.

After Orochimaru let him go out, Dou then left here relieved.

Eddie didn't take his eyes off the pocket until he closed it, and he was still looking in the direction of the door.

"Mr. Orochimaru, you have a good subordinate."

(End of this chapter)

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