Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 212 The Village That Suddenly Appeared

Chapter 212 The Village That Suddenly Appeared

In a blink of an eye, ten months have passed, and now Eddie has been out for nearly a year.

The country of fire, Konoha Ninja Village.

Naruto Office.

At this time, Tsunade was frowning and looking at the thick information in his hand.

with a snap.

Tsunade slammed the information on the desk.

"Is the news from Anbu true? Orochimaru has started to be active in the ninja world again?"

"Didn't his hand be crippled by the old man? Why is he now able to use ninjutsu to do things everywhere in the ninja world!"

Tsunade's angry voice came from the office, scaring Anbu, who came to report, to look down at her.

But this can't let them get away with it. When Tsunade saw everyone in Anbe paying attention to her, he lowered his head as calm as counting the number of ants in the office, and he was even more angry!

She called the name directly, and Anbu, who was called up, had to stand up and tell Tsunade about their investigation.

Similar to intelligence.

In the end, Tsunade waved them away helplessly, and Anbe seemed to be pardoned.

After that, she called Kakashi and the others over.

Eddie has the most say in the matter that Dashemaru's hands have been restored.

After all, it is thanks to him that Orochimaru can recover.

As for the process...

Eddie has Sharingan, so he can just control anyone as a sacrifice and change it.

Eddie is very relaxed, Orochimaru is very happy to get his hands back, Shinigami is also very happy that he is not stuck with bugs,

This is a triple win even better than a win-win!

As for the sacrifice...

What sacrifices, how can there be sacrifices.

Although the triple win made Eddie very happy, but you said he was a sacrificial sacrifice, which made Eddie very disliked.

That is not a sacrifice, it is clearly a hero who has contributed to the great cause of the ninja world!
Although he didn't know he was a hero.

But there is one thing that makes Eddie even more unhappy, that is, this guy Dashemaru actually wants to do it alone after his hands recover.

I want to stand up and be the master!
So in this unavoidable situation, Eddie and Orochimaru had in-depth exchanges and unilateral friendly greetings, and finally the two sides reached a consensus again.

Eddie was very happy, and Orochimaru, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, had an arm and a leg broken, was also very happy.

After Eddie convinced others with virtue, Mr. Oshemaru accepted the pie that Eddie drew for him without hesitation...


He accepted the beautiful picture of the future that Eddie gave him!

Every time I think of this matter, Orochimaru will be full of energy and think of Eddie's words.

"Mr. Orochimaru, Eddie is very glad that you can help me."

"But Uchiha doesn't like your approach and the tone of your speech, so please don't do things that are unfriendly to both parties, which will hinder our friendship."

"Remember, this is the second time, next time..."

"If I see you again, I can only go to the Pure Land, trust me."

"I must have a way to send you to the Pure Land."

Hearing this at the time, Orochimaru broke out in a cold sweat, and shivered immediately.

As for now...


This guy is almost the same as Dou, he has Eddie phobia.

As for now, not long after returning to Konoha, Kakashi, who was really on vacation, was called directly to the Hokage Building by a notice.

"Kakashi, what do you think about Orochimaru's reappearance in the ninja world?"

How to see, of course, with the eyes.

But this can't be said, and he will die directly if he says it.

So Kakashi said in a very businesslike manner.


"Master Tsunade, I think there must be something strange at this time."

Nonsense, Tsunade thought while holding his forehead.

Of course I know something's wrong, if I know what's wrong, why don't I ask you to come over and help analyze it?

"You can read the information given by Anbu just now." Saying that, Tsunade handed a thick stack of information to Kakashi.

Kakashi's casual result intelligence, looked up.

But slowly, his eyes turned from casual to serious.

As he flipped through the pages, his reading speed became faster and faster.

In the end, he closed the information, his eyes were no longer salty, but he asked very seriously.

"Master Tsunade, is this true?"

"Oshemaru's action this time is actually so big, and it also led to a fight between non-ninjas and civilians?"

Tsunade nodded, and said in a heavy tone,
"From the intelligence of the Anbu, it is estimated that this is true, but the people in the Anbu did not investigate very clearly, and it is difficult to make a judgment without complete information."

Having said that, Tsunade couldn't help rubbing his brows.

Who would have thought that the snake, which had been hiding underground for a long time, would appear on the ground one day and start acting recklessly.

Now this is no longer a poisonous snake, but a giant python!
Thinking of this, Tsunade began to rummage through the piled documents again.

Finally, he took out a piece of paper and handed it to Kakashi.

"No, let's take a look. This is a new village in the ninja world. There are not many ninjas, and their strength is not strong. But the strange thing is that there are ninjas in this village, but they never accept commissioned tasks."

"What's even more strange is that not only are the ninjas in this village not accepting tasks, but they are still helping ordinary people with their work."

Hearing this, Kakashi's eyes became salty again, and he said:
"Master Tsunade, isn't this normal?"

"Not all ninjas in the village do this to train children who have just graduated from ninja school."

Tsunade did not agree with Kakashi's words, but shook his head and said.

"No, their villages are different."

"According to Anbu's investigation, although there are ninjas in this village, their village head is an ordinary old man who cannot be ordinary."

"And the ninjas in this village help civilians work not for training ninjas, but for pure work."

"Although they have a school, it's not a pure ninja school, but a school that teaches everything."

"Children with ninja talents are taught how to use Chakra, and children without talents also learn various things."

"But the strangest thing is that their new generation of ninjas don't seem to be very good at fighting, and they are very familiar with production."

Tsunade frowned and thought about it, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure out why.

The village head of ordinary people teaches production but not combat skills.


But Kakashi didn't care.


"Don't worry, Tsunade-sama, this kind of village can't survive in the ninja world, and it will be wiped out or annexed by other villages in a few days."

"If you are worried, then our team is willing to find out."

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, okay.

This is what you said!

She went down the donkey directly, and handed over the investigation of the village to Kakashi and the others.

Kakashi's claws were numb at this time, he was just being polite, don't take it seriously.

But this is the end of the matter, there is no way.

So he bowed to Tsunade and wanted to say goodbye and leave.

But at this moment, Tsunade's voice sounded from behind him.

"Uchiha Eddie...will be back soon."

"Hey, he's coming back in two months."


"I feel an unusual taste, I hope he can come back soon..."

(End of this chapter)

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