Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 214 We just want to live

Chapter 214 We just want to live
A village with few ninjas and no samurai.

The village head is still an ordinary person, and he can repel the surprise attack of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Now that what happened to Orochimaru's subordinates happened again, this village is getting weirder and weirder
Kakashi and the others went out together with the village chief Yamada, and saw a mountain of prey at the entrance of the village, as well as Orochimaru's subordinate, Kimomaro, who enjoyed the reverence of the village name!
At this time, Jun Malu had a cold face, although his expression was very impatient, but in his eyes, he really liked this feeling, this feeling of being needed.

At this time, he felt a gaze staring at him, and looking along that gaze, Jun Malu's pupils shrank slightly, and then quickly released them.

He saw that person, Konoha's copy ninja, Hatake Kakashi.

Of course, his eyes were more on the person next to Kakashi.

Sasuke Uchiha!

The body that Orochimaru-sama once wanted.

But now my blood-stained disease is almost cured, and Master Orochimaru no longer needs him.

Now he, Kimomaro, can dedicate his body to Oshemaru-sama!

"Kimaro..." Kakashi stared at him seriously, afraid that he would make any moves, "Isn't he a subordinate of Orochimaru?"

Kakashi's voice was very low, but it was still heard by the village head who smiled and watched the people coming back from hunting at the entrance of the village.

"Oh? Do you guys know Oshemaru-sama too?"

"Hahaha, then I have to stay even more today!"

"This village was built by Master Orochimaru and Master Tanglong together, and they sent so many ninjas to protect us."

The village chief was very happy. He clapped his hands directly to attract everyone's attention to himself, and shouted.



"You don't need to prepare your hands. These people all know Mr. Orochimaru. We are going to have a banquet at noon today! Treat these guests who came all the way from Konoha!!"

Hearing what the village chief said, Kakashi and the others were taken aback.

Good guy.

What's the matter?
Are you really trying to beat us up?

Is this something normal people do! !

But now is not the time to talk about this.

After the village chief finished speaking, Kakashi and Sasuke suddenly looked around.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but Kakashi and Sasuke are scared when I look carefully!
Good guy, I didn't notice it just now, but now I see that several people with chakra fluctuations have gradually surrounded me and others!

If the village chief hadn't said that there was no need to do anything, maybe something tragic would happen if they did it now.

For example, I will consume a lot of chakra, and then get a little injury to remove all the dangers here.

But it doesn't seem to be needed now.

At this time, Kimaro and Otoshi who were at the door walked towards Kakashi and the others.

Jun Ma Lu stood still, first glanced at Sasuke, and then smiled slightly.

Is this Mr. Eddie's nephew and Mr. Itachi's younger brother? It's really different from them.

But here we can't tell their relationship with Lord Eddie, otherwise something will happen.

After watching Sasuke, his eyes just stopped for a while, his eyes skipped the others and looked directly at Kakashi.

In his eyes, apart from the villagers here and Sasuke, among these outsiders, only Kakashi is a threat to him.

But it's just a threat.

So, he asked.

"Hatake Kakashi, what are you doing here, do you want to steal information here or destroy this village."

"If it's information, I can pretend that you haven't been here now, or you can provide me with some information in exchange."

"But if it's the latter, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Master Orochimaru asked me to protect this village well. If you do something to harm this village, the anger of those two adults is not something you can bear!"

Kakashi heard this, two?

One of them must be Orochimaru, so who is the other?
It seems that this village was built according to another person's idea. Who has such a great ability to suppress Dashemaru?
Kakashi was still thinking, but the villagers around him were shocked!

The village head who had just finished talking about the banquet quickly left Kakashi and the others.

By the time Kakashi noticed something strange, they were already surrounded by villagers and Junmaro!
"You really are the hateful ninjas who want to destroy our village!"

Now behind the ninjas in the village, the village chief who was being protected shouted angrily!

"Why do you always want to come and destroy our lives, from ancient times to the present!"

"It was before, and it is now!"

"Every time you ninjas start a war, we will always be displaced!"

"Now we have a place where we can live well at noon, why!"

"Why do you still come to destroy our hard-won life!!"

"Master Orochimaru and Master Tanglong managed to help us build this paradise-like village, and even sent ninjas to protect us and help us with farm work."

"I thought you were friends, but I didn't expect you to come here to destroy our lives just like the previous ones!"

The village chief's tone was agitated, and the veins on his head were swollen with saliva and saliva. He even pushed aside the people standing in front of him, went up and grabbed Kakashi by the collar and questioned him.

"village head!"

"village head!!"

The villagers couldn't help but shed tears watching the actions of the village chief and listening to the words of the village chief.

They are really suffering, they just want to find a place to live, why is it so difficult!
Now that they finally have such an opportunity, why are there always people who want to come and ruin their lives! !
The more the village chief spoke, the more emotional he became, and finally he bent his legs and fell to his knees.

But even so, he didn't forget to grab Kakashi's clothes
He cried and begged: "I beg you, old man, let's go."

"Don't come again, we just want to live a good life."

Seeing the village chief kneeling down, Jun Malu clenched his fists tightly.

He glared at Kakashi and the others, except Sasuke of course.

And Kakashi and the others were at a loss offline.

When did they finish talking about destroying this place? Did they just come here to collect information? Why is it like this now? ?

The dazed Kakashi really didn't know what to do now.

He looked at Sasuke, Sasuke couldn't help it.

He looked at Sakura again.Sure enough, Sakura is still reliable at this time.

I saw Sakura gently walking to Kakashi's side and squatting down.

Under the eyes of a group of people, he gently helped the crying village chief up.

He said softly: "Grandpa the village chief, we didn't intend to destroy this place, we just came to visit."



(End of this chapter)

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