Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 215 As expected of being Eddie's nephew

Chapter 215 As expected of being Eddie's nephew
"Really? Is what you said true!" the village chief Yamada asked with snot and tears.

Sakura nodded heavily, "Really!"

Hearing this, Village Chief Yamada, who was still crying just a second ago, stood up from the ground as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the people in the village quickly supported the village chief and patted the dirt on his body.

As for the village chief, he took the corner of the clothes of the people in the village around him and wiped his face fiercely, watching Kakashi and the others twitch their mouths.

This village head... is not ordinary.

The face changed so fast that it almost rivaled someone.

However, although the village chief stood up, the people surrounding them still did not retreat, and they continued to surround the Konoha people.

"Okay, let's go to your own business first, Master Oshemaru told us that this village only attacks those who want to hurt us."

Junmaro stood in front of the crowd, looked at Kakashi and the others and said, "However, this village welcomes those who come to join us again, and does not reject those who want to inquire about our information."


He looked around and looked at the villagers who had put down their weapons at his words.

"So everyone should go about their own affairs first, and don't all gather here."

"Just let me and the village chief settle matters about them."

Having said that, behind Junmaro, a few guys who used to be Otonin came over, politely opened a path among the villagers, and then politely made a gesture of invitation to Kakashi and the others.

Then, Jun Ma Lu also said, "Please." Then he left first, and took the village chief into the house they had just left.

Kakashi and the others looked at each other the same way, and finally shook their heads helplessly.

This time the matter seems to be a bit troublesome. Both things are related to Orochimaru, and there is also a mysterious Tanglong who does not know who it is.

It will be difficult to write their report after they go back now, and they don't know how big things will happen.

But now, they can only go back with them.

At least the villagers here are no longer so hostile to them, although their attitude is not too good.

As for now...

Okay, let's go, let's go in...

It was still the familiar small building, or the familiar office. If it wasn't for the steaming tea on the table and a few extra cups, Kakashi would even suspect that this was the cup they left just now.

But the same thing is, this time Kakashi and the others still didn't drink the tea in front of them. The reason was different from the previous ones. This time it was because they were afraid that they would spit in the tea leaves.

But if they drank the tea that was spit on, it might as well let them die in place.

On the contrary, Jun Malu took a sip of the tea in front of him calmly.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, he opened his eyes and said slowly.

"Tell me, what do you want to know, Mr. Oshemaru said that he has no words, as long as you don't want to use this information to destroy our village."

"But I think you don't have that strength. This village has a seal from that adult."

'"As long as you don't care about life and death like those cloud ninjas, if you just ask for information, I can still let you leave safely."

After Kimaro finished speaking, he looked directly into Kakashi's eyes, waiting for what he wanted to say next.

Kakashi was silent.

Can you believe this? It's so easy to tell people from your own village. Is it credible?
After a long silence, Kakashi asked his first question.

"You said this village is Orochimaru and another one."

"It was jointly established by people named Tanglong, so do you know who this Tanglong is?"

Kakashi's serious eyes met Kimaro's eyes.

But Jun Ma Lu was not very stage frightened, he smiled and said directly.

"Sorry, I have no comment on this question."

"That lord and Oshemaru-sama have already said it. If an outsider asks about this matter, you can say anything about Oshemaru-sama in this village, except for that lord."

"He's the only one who can't do it, and he also said that no matter who it is, as long as people from other villages want to know about that adult, there is only one way to die, and they must kill him at all costs."

Junmaro's eyes became fierce, and he replied word by word in response to Kakashi's eyes.

"No one can say anything about that lord, unless that lord himself wants to appear in the ninja world."

"Otherwise, even if it sets off the first, fourth, second, ninja, world, big, war, it will not hesitate."

The Fourth Ninja War! ! ?
Kakashi's pupils shrank.

Who could make Orochimaru so obedient, and the people from other villages would kill him at all costs if they knew his information, and even start a war!
Thinking of this, Kakashi's pupils were no longer just shrunk, the hairs on his back even stood up, and cold sweat flowed out.

Turn to look at Sasuke and Sakura behind Kakashi.

By the way, it was Sai who formed a team of three with Sasuke and the others this time.

That's right, it's the same guy whose skin was so pale that it didn't turn dark even in the blogger's biography.

And at this time, he was shivering with Sakura behind.

But looking at Sasuke again, Su Ran's body was trembling, but his eyes were bright.

Now he is staring at Jun Ma Lu with a bright face!

"This is what a man should do!"

"This is the benefit of strength!"

"If I had this kind of strength back then, then Uchiha!"

"Uchiha's uncles, aunts, and parents will not be killed by Itachi!"

"Also Itachi will never have the idea of ​​killing his relatives for the sake of the village!!"

Ever since Eddie had said those words to him a year ago, Sasuke had doubts in his heart.

Although the village concealed this matter, Sasuke still found clues from the village, and finally added his own deduction to get these results.

Although it may not be the whole story, but judging from Uncle Eddie's words and the investigation in the village, this possibility is very high!
Now Sasuke is waiting for when to see Itachi, and then press him against the wall to question him.

If that's what he guessed to be true, though Itachi couldn't get away with it.

But in the village, Konoha is the real murderer.

In other words, the 'killed murderer' that Uncle Eddie said was the real murderer!

Sasuke you are a fucking genius.

If Eddie knew this, he would definitely praise Zuozhu severely.

But Eddie didn't know at this time, and Sasuke certainly wouldn't tell him.

The results of Sasuke's own investigation, his investigation method is very covert, Sasuke is sure that no one knows that he is investigating what happened back then!
Thinking of this, Sasuke's eyes became more and more scorching.

Seeing Sasuke's eyes, Jun Malu secretly admired him, although he was calm on the surface.

As expected of Lord Eddie's nephew, does he already have worship for Lord Eddie's bravery?
(End of this chapter)

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