Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 216 Sasuke With Many Questions

Chapter 216 Sasuke With Many Questions

Can't you say...

In this village, even news about Orochimaru can be told, but that mysterious Tanglong can't tell...

Kakashi's gaze was a little dignified.

This time it's complicated.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Junmalu where the old god was present, and thought for a while before asking his second question.

"Okay, so now I want to talk about my second question, it's not about Tanglong, nor about Dashewan."

"Please tell me." Jun Ma Lu was very calm.

Kakashi looked serious.

"Why can you tell us all the information about your village, except for Tanglong's? Aren't you afraid that someone will attack you through this information?"

Hearing this, before Jun Malu said anything, the village chief sitting in the main seat laughed, and he said directly.

"Hahaha, this Konoha ninja. The information you speak of is nothing important to us at all."

"Even if I tell you all the information about our village, you won't be interested, and you might even call us fools."

Kakashi was a little embarrassed to hear this, but he still scratched his head and asked for advice.

"Hahaha, it's actually nothing." The village head became kind and explained with a smile.

After thinking for a while, the village head still sighed before speaking.

"Our village used to be called Stone Village. There were not many people in the village before, and most of them were old people and children. Even bandits didn't want to come to our poor little village."

"The young people in the village were either killed by the battle, or they went out to the city and never came back, or they were killed on the way back."

"So our village was on the verge of death before Lord Orochimaru and Lord Tanglong came."

Speaking of this, the old village chief couldn't help but sighed, he really didn't want to recall the pain of that time.

But then he laughed, sincerely and happily.

"But later, Master Tanglong came, and he stayed with us for a few days. Then, within a few days, Master Orochimaru also came, and brought us a lot of food and meat."

"I remember that the day they came, it was a hard-won full meal that our village hadn't enjoyed for a long time!"

As he spoke, the village chief smacked his lips, as if recalling the food that day, and after recollecting it, he continued.

"At first we thought that was our last meal, and then we were going to die for some unknown reason."

"But we didn't run away, because we knew we couldn't escape in front of the ninja-sama, and we haven't had enough food for a long time, let alone meat."

"So we decided to finish this meal no matter what, even if our heads will be separated from our bodies in the next moment."

Speaking of this, the village chief's expression suddenly became excited!He widened his eyes and looked at Kakashi and the others excitedly!
"But do you know that we are not dead!"

Hearing this, Kakashi and the others rolled their eyes in unison.

Are you talking nonsense, if you die, now we will be ghosts.

But the village chief didn't care what they were thinking, he continued to speak with excitement.

"Not only did we not die, those ninja masters also helped us rebuild the village, and even used ninjutsu to help us farm and hunt!"

Having said that, Kakashi interrupted the village chief.

"Then the village chief...don't you feel scared?"

The village head stared at Kakashi like an idiot and said.

"Nonsense, can you not be afraid, that's Mr. Ninja, can we bear it if Mr. Ninja helps me with farm work?"

"But then I got used to it."

"Oh? Why is that?"

Kakashi was puzzled, and Sasuke and the others were also puzzled.

Seeing that they didn't understand, the village chief stood up from the chair inscrutablely, and walked to the window pretending to be profound, looking at the villagers who were working outside, enjoying themselves, whether they were ninjas or ordinary people.

He smiled and said lightly.

"Because Master Tanglong said that no matter who he is, he has his value in this world."

"Whether it's a ninja, a samurai, or even an ordinary person, they all have their value."

"Do you think that history is written by those powerful figures?"

"No, it's not!"

"History, and everything else, is created by ordinary people in their positions!"

Speaking of this, the village chief's eyes appeared extremely yearning, as if thinking of Tanglong was like meeting their true gods!
"Master Tanglong said, in his eyes, no matter what his occupation is, it doesn't matter whether he uses Chakra or not."

"After all, in this big world, we are all so small. But it is because of such small us that the world becomes so colorful and interesting, isn't it?"

At this time, a beam of sunlight happened to fall from the window and shine on the village chief.

The village chief turned his head and smiled at Kakashi and the others.

Hearing what the village chief said, Kakashi and the others seemed to think that Tanglong looked like a magic stick.

But don't talk about Tanglong, just talk about the words of the village chief, if you throw away his patched clothes and his missing teeth, plus this sunshine, this person is really a bit sacred .

But Kakashi complained in his heart.

Old man, does what you said have anything to do with our problem? Let's get down to business.

At this time, Sasuke beside Kakashi said lightly.

"Hey, old man. Hurry up and get down to business. We don't want to hear your stories. Tell us why your village's information is not afraid of leaking out. We are very busy and don't have time to spend here."

Well done Sasuke *3!

Hearing this, the village chief scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry."

"When people are old, they tend to talk too much."

"Well, in fact, the things here, including the information you are talking about, Mr. Tanglong has already said it directly. He allowed us to spread it to the outside world. His lord said that this way can save many people who are desperate like us."

"No matter what their status is, as long as they abide by the rules of the village, they can live here."

"Let him pass everything outside, and just start a new life here."

Talking a bit too much, the village head took a sip of the tea on the table and continued.

"That's the reason why I'm not afraid of you inquiring, and even want you to promote this place."

"As long as we don't want to disturb our peaceful life, we can live here until we die and never go out."

After saying this, the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

Kakashi wasn't afraid that someone would spit in the tea, so he just took a sip of it.

But at this moment, Sasuke beside him spoke.

He glanced at Jun Malu, then looked at the village chief and asked.

"Old man, if someone doesn't want you to live in peace here and wants to destroy it, what will you do?"

"There are no powerful ninjas here..."

After Sasuke said this, everyone was shocked.

At this time, two different voices appeared in the hearts of the two people.

Kakashi: Sasuke, I just praised you, you really will find work for the teacher...

Kimomaro: As expected of Eddie-sama's nephew, he really has a future!
(End of this chapter)

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