Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 306 I Zhan Taowan said it was not unpleasant

Chapter 306 I Zhan Taowan said it was not unpleasant

"There are a lot of pirates gathered, and it may be almost a hundred now. If these people all become the subordinates of the Straw Hat Boy, then it will be a big deal."

Chambord Islands, No.40 No. [-] area.

At this moment, a navy man in a hat and cape was reporting something to someone with a phone bug.

"Okay, we will send support there soon, please be careful."

"Well, please send support from the headquarters as soon as possible, otherwise the situation may get out of control if these pirates gather again!"

However, just as the navy was talking to the headquarters on the phone, suddenly there was a strong explosion on the apparently peaceful ground!
Shen Luo Tianzheng!

Then there was a bang!
The distance was too far, and the navy monitoring the gathered pirates didn't hear the name of the move, but the powerful explosion, and the powerful storm that erupted because of the move!
The navy exclaimed, and the huge explosion from over there directly made the naval headquarters tense up!
"Hey, what's wrong?"

Looking at the shocked expression on the phone bug and the huge explosion sound from there, the Navy Headquarters, who is in charge of this mission, asked anxiously.

"That is..."


"It's Lieutenant General Eddie!"


The expression on the phone bug in the navy's hand immediately became shocked, and then there was a loud roar!
"What are you talking about, Lieutenant General Eddie?!!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Eddie."

The navy seemed to be frightened by the current scene, swallowed blankly, and then spoke.

"It can't be wrong. It must be Lieutenant General Eddie. If the general didn't do it himself, then Lieutenant General Eddie must be the only one who can cause this level of damage."

Haijun poked his head out from behind the broken wall and looked at the ruined place in front of him, as well as the figure floating in the air.

As expected, Lieutenant General Eddie was right!
Eddie, who came over from Luffy, has been eyeing this place and these pirates for a long time.

What a great place, what a great person, so that I can help Luffy and the others attract firepower with peace of mind, so that the navy can focus on dealing with this place.

I'm just here as an insurance. Luffy and the others have the aura of the protagonist, so they will be fine.

Looking at the miscellaneous soldiers who had been killed by him, Eddie, who was floating in the air, still felt that many living pirates were just buried in the soil by him.

Shenluo Tianzheng is not a powerful move, but it is very easy to clean the ground and clear the miscellaneous soldiers.

Feeling the breath of living people inside the ground, Eddie glanced at the navy hiding behind the broken wall and smiled at him.The navy did look at Eddie flying in the air, but he couldn't see the expression on Eddie's face.

But when he turned around, he screamed!

I. . .

How is this going!

How can I fly! !

Watching his body float up little by little, the navy must be lying when he said he wasn't afraid.

But when he saw his body floating towards Eddie, his fearful appearance suddenly calmed down.

"Lieutenant General Eddie?"

"Is this Lieutenant General Eddie's ability?"

Eddie brought the navy in front of him, and they both fell to the ground.Then Eddie reached out to him.

But the navy seemed to have fallen into some kind of abnormal excitement, and his face seemed to be flushed with excitement.

"Phone bug."

But the Marine still seemed very excited, as if he didn't notice that Eddie was talking to him.

As a last resort, he had to take it himself.

"Hey Moses Moses~"

"I'm Eddie, has the support been sent now?"

Lieutenant General Eddie?



"Lieutenant General Eddie, the reinforcements have already passed!"

Listening to the voice in the phone bug, Eddie opened up his perception.


It's so fast, I'm still an acquaintance.

Zhan Taowan and those personal weapons!

Eddie said yes, hung up the phone and threw the phone bug at the marine.

The support came too late, now I can only help him collect the body.

Maybe not yet, these dead people are not impossible to deal with, and they can be treated without pollution.

And at this moment, there was a little movement in the big pit blasted out by Shenluo Tianzheng.




"Is this the bloody dragon..."

The pirates who crawled out of the ground still had dirt on them, but all the living pirates looked at Eddie with fearful eyes.

"This terrifying strength..."

"Is this the strength of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!"

Of course Eddie knew that those pirates had crawled out, but he didn't care about those things at all.

It's just rubbish, something that can be solved at will.

But I have to say that the so-called new stars of this year's Pirates are really bad, and they only have this strength. Compared with the impression given by Luffy and the others two years ago, this year's newcomers are simply chickens and dogs.

Eddie ignored them, and those who were still seeing Eddie ignored them, of course they were going to run away!
Although Eddie didn't pay much attention to them, but when one of them wanted to escape, a sharp piece of wood protruded directly from the ground, directly stabbing the pirate who wanted to escape!
There were about a hundred pirates present, but after Eddie hit Shenluo Tianzheng, there were only seven or eight left in the messy place, and the unlucky one who ran the fastest was directly killed by Eddie, and now only There are seven people.

But when the seven people saw that the fastest runner died faster, they didn't dare to move at all.

The ghost knows if the bloody dragon will kill them together when they take another step, suddenly a huge voice suddenly fell beside Eddie!

Then there are more huge bodies!
Boom boom boom! !

This is…

"The human weapon of the navy!!"

The few remaining pirates looked at the weapons that suddenly appeared with serious expressions, but to be honest, the threat of these human weapons was far inferior to the oppression Eddie gave them in their eyes.

And at this moment, a slightly hoarse voice came from behind Eddie.

"Many, so the pirates here have been dealt with?"

"It's really fast, as expected of Eddie."

Hearing the laughing voice, Eddie looked back, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, it's Zhan Taowan, long time no see."

And Eddie smiled and said when he saw the navy cloak behind Zhan Taomaru.

"I heard that you have been transferred from the Science Department to the Navy. I have been very busy recently, but I didn't see you. How about we go out and have a drink with the headquarters later."

Zhan Taowan also smiled and nodded when he heard the words, "Let's talk about it when we go back, let's deal with these pirates first."

"But Eddie, you didn't kill all these pirates this time, it's really not like you."

Eddie said with some embarrassment.

"Ham, it's not that my nickname is too ugly..."

But before Eddie finished speaking, Zhan Taowan said with glowing eyes.

"How can it be ugly!"

"A bloody dragon that specializes in slaughtering pirates!"

"How handsome!"

(End of this chapter)

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