Chapter 307 Fake?kill it
Handsome ass!
You know how much I hate that title!
Bloody Dragon, how can this title, which sounds like a pirate, be used by the righteous navy, and I am still so powerful!

Eddie is very upset, Tanglong is so nice.

And this one, the bloody dragon.

What bloody dragon, I obviously think that this should be the title of a bad guy, but now everyone in the sea seems to know it, and they seem to recognize this title, it seems that the title of lieutenant general that really belongs to me seems to be less so It's the same.

Eddie was very gloomy, his face seemed to be dripping with gloom, and now he really wanted to find some good thieves to vent out.

Thinking this way in his heart, he couldn't help looking at the few pirates who were not daring to move now, revealing a very dangerous look in his eyes.

And those pirates who have been paying attention to Eddie felt bad when they saw his face and expression.

This look. . .

Is the Bloody Dragon going to kill someone?
The bloody dragon is worthy of being the bloody dragon. I originally thought that the title of the bloody dragon was just thrown out by the navy, but now it seems that this is not the case!
This navy is really brutal and really bloody!
He thought in his mind that there seemed to be rumors that the title of the bloody dragon was given by a certain big pirate among the pirates, but what kind of people are the pirates!
They are all bosses, and I am the second guy. Even the pirates despise each other and attack each other. I have the idea that as long as the "four emperors" are brave enough, they can be dragged into the water by me. How could it be possible for a navy to be so violent? title.

In one person's words, isn't this just raising the ambitions of others and destroying one's own prestige?

but now.

Seeing that Eddie seemed to be hitting casually, he didn't even bother to use the second move like this. It seems that this 'Blood Dragon' is no longer as simple as having two brushes, but really terrifying!
It was so terrifying that after seeing Eddie's attack, they didn't even have the idea of ​​​​resisting. They just thought that it was great luck to survive.

But how could Eddie give them a chance to survive!

He is in a very bad mood now, how can he be satisfied if he doesn't find a 'lucky guy'!
So now, his eyes are looking at the few pirates who are still alive, and he chooses the lucky one he has chosen!

This look is very scary in the eyes of the pirate, and he can't help but fight coldly.

Eddie's eyes, the way the bloody dragon looked at them didn't want to be looking at people.

Do not!
With that look, he is not looking at people!

That kind of look is like a carnivore in a zoo picking its own food!
Although the food is still bouncing around, it will be dead sooner or later.

Do meat eaters look any other way at food?

If there is, it is roughly one more kind of trickery, and there can be no more.

Zhan Taomaru, who was behind Eddie, looked at him, looking at the eyes as if he was picking something, his plump but strong body couldn't help but shiver.

Eddie's look. . .

It's terrifying.

It's almost like a high-ranking person looking at an edible animal.

Gathering his mind, Zhan Taomaru, who was standing behind Eddie, whispered to Eddie from behind.


"Are you going to kill these pirates?"

Hearing the voice behind him, Eddie seemed to have recovered from that state, and his eyes no longer had that condescending look, but turned his head and asked in doubt.

"Of course they are going to be killed." Eddie looked at Zhan Taowan, with a sudden expression of understanding on his face.

"Oh, by the way, you are also here this time to encircle and suppress these pirates."

"I can't let you have no actual combat experience, um, then I'll leave these pirates to you."

Looking at Eddie's eyes that seemed to know everything, Zhan Taomaru showed an expression of 'Eddie, you are really smart'.

But what did Zhantaowan mean, he looked at Eddie and said.

"Lieutenant General Eddie, that's not what I meant."

"The weapons of the world have been verified in actual combat. At the time of the top war, I mean that if you don't deal with these pirates, you can only lock them in the city of advancement."

"So if you want to deal with them, hurry up, and it's better not to be so bloody."

Hearing this, Eddie regained his spirits, it would have been better if you had said no earlier.

However, just when Eddie was about to make a move, he suddenly realized that Zhan Taowan seemed to tell him to 'hurry up'.

so he asked.

"Zhan Taowan, did you just tell me to hurry up, is there any mission in the headquarters?"

Zhan Taowan nodded, and said with a serious face.

"Well, it is indeed the task of the headquarters."

"What is it, what is the mission of the headquarters."

"Catch the Straw Hats and deal with the gathered pirates."

Zhan Taomaru looked at Eddie and continued.

"Now that this mission is complete, we're going to capture the Straw Hats."

As we all know, the youngest lieutenant general Tanglong Eddie and the straw hat Luffy are brothers, and the naval hero Garp is the grandfather of the two.Therefore, Zhan Taowan didn't know what to think, and suddenly asked this question.

"Speaking of Lieutenant General Eddie..."

"Did you find them a party?"

Eddie froze when he heard this.

Then nodded, then shook his head again.

"I haven't seen the real Luffy, but the fake one has a trick, do you want it?"


Hearing this, Zhan Momomaru was taken aback, what was the matter with the fake straw hat.

Seeing Zhan Taomaru's confused face, Eddie began to explain to him what happened after he came over, of course skipping Luffy and the others.

"So that's how things are. The reason these pirates gathered is because of the fake Luffy." As he spoke, Eddie continued to talk while digging his booger like the old man.

"These guys are stupid enough. Pirates with such a high bounty don't know each other and want to join, and they don't even look at whether their pig brains are worthy."

"I don't even think about it, with their strength, they haven't even passed the new world..."

"Besides, with Luffy's brain, he can think of so much? It's funny."

As he said that, Eddie seemed to have thought of something interesting, with a relaxed smile on his face, and Zhan Taomaru next to him had a black line on his face.

Brother, I know that you and that kid are brothers, but can you restrain yourself a little bit. . .

At this time, Eddie suddenly realized that something was wrong, the person next to him seemed to be trying to arrest Luffy.So he coughed twice, and turned serious.

"Okay, let's not talk about straw hats."

"I haven't seen the real straw hats. As for the fake ones, I have a set, but I have already killed more than half of the fake ones. Do you want a few more?"

Hearing Eddie's words, what else could Zhan Taowan say, he had no choice but to say to Eddie.

"Forget it, fake ones are useless, it's better to kill them directly..."

(End of this chapter)

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