The evolution of slime

Chapter 102 Invitation

Chapter 102 Invitation
"East Xia Kingdom is relatively stable. Although it is powerful, it is only a corner compared to the whole world. After all, the empress is only a woman, so it is difficult for Dongxia Kingdom to realize my ideas." Chen Wenqin said seriously.

"Then what does Brother Chen want to do? Go to the empire of the human species? With Brother Chen's talent, it is absolutely no problem to have an official position, but if you want to realize the talent and ambition in Brother Chen's heart, one official position is absolutely no problem." Probably not enough."

Fang Te's tone is also very serious.

Chen Wenqin took a sip of wine, his face was sad, the fact is true, as a human race, Chen Wenqin, it is almost impossible to get to the top in other intelligent races, but even if you go to the human race, what can you do if you get to the top?
As long as it is not the kind of prime minister position where one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, there will be countless nobles and ministers involved in whatever you want to do.

And most importantly, the local aristocrats will let you, a foreign kid, get into the upper echelons?

"I'm dissatisfied with Brother Fang! In fact, I am."

Before Chen Wenqin finished speaking, there was a thunderous sound in the audience. Fang Te and Chen Wenqin raised their heads and looked up on the high platform. For a moment!Both of them were stunned!
A woman with snow-white long hair is dancing on the bright red stage. The plain white ankle-length skirt is like a lily swaying in the wind. The woman's steps are light and lively, and every smile hits people's hearts.

The two long cuffs are rolled out, and a pair of slender feet stepping on the white cloth shoes jumps up from time to time. Every turning and dancing, every burst of stillness gives people a full sense of beauty. But the dance with the unique power of women is simply a fairyland!
After a dance, the applause sounded again!Unlike Chen Wenqin who was captivated by the woman's beauty, Fang Te has raised his vigilance!
Because the person dancing on the high platform is Luoluo!A girl from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan!

The voices of countless big rewards sounded from under the high platform. The amount of the big rewards was at least in the unit of "silver coins", and those famous talents picked up their pens to write poems and gave them away!For a while, the people in the audience were in a hurry!

"Brother Fang doesn't know, this Miss Luoluo comes from the largest Yanju in the central area - Shuige, a dance that Miss Luoluo appeared out of thin air half a year ago amazed the audience, usually spending thousands of dollars to watch Miss Luoluo dance Even a single dance is even more difficult, so we are lucky to see it this time."

Chen Wenqin explained, forgetting what he was going to say, Fang Te could see that he also admired Luoluo.

Different from other places, the oirans of Yanju in the Eastern Xia Empire are all virgins, and they are all extremely elegant, they only sell their skills but not their bodies.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, Oiran is the only one of Yanju's signature characters!And men are the kind of animals that the more they can't get it, the more they like it. If any oiran is contaminated, how many people will flock to it?Willing to spend thousands or hundreds of silver coins just to watch a dance?
But Gu Fangte understands that the water pavilion belongs to the official Yanju, which is the property of the Empress of Dongxia, and all the activities in it are elegant silk and bamboo orchestral music, and there is no physical transaction.

Even, I heard that every oiran in the water pavilion has been personally trained by the empress of Dongxia.

It can be said that every man in Dongxia thinks that he is proud to marry the oiran of Shuige.

"Brother Fang, won't you give me a poem?" Chen Wenqin saw that Fang Te was still in a daze. He thought that Fang Te was also moved, but he didn't know that he was thinking about other things.

"Oh, no, no, I won't make a fool of myself, Brother Chen, please, I believe Miss Luoluo will be very happy to get Brother Chen's poem."

Fang Te came back to his senses and said, secretly blocked and checked all the magic power again in his heart to ensure that no magic power leaked out. After all, the sensitivity of the fantasy Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is terrifying!And it's a woman!

"If that's the case! Then show your shame." Chen Wenqin took the attendant's pen, and wrote down a good poem. Although Fang Te didn't know the quality of the poem, but just by reading it, Fang Te knew the poem Should be good.

"Mr. Wenqin presents a poem - "Snow Rhyme""

As soon as the number one talent in Eastern Xia presented a poem, the attendants shouted loudly. After all, Chen Wenqin was too famous.

Luo Luo put her hands in front of her body, with a slight smile on her face, she walked slowly in front of Fang Te and Chen Wenqin with less than three feet of lotus steps, and bowed her knees, her etiquette was perfect and impeccable.

At this time, Fang Te had turned around and sat on the chair. He was not worried about his identity being exposed, but it would be best if he could be a little bit safer.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for the poem." Each word, like a spring breeze, blows into everyone's heart, "Little girl, give me a toast."

After toasting with a glass of wine, Fang Te thought she was going to leave, but he didn't expect Chen Wenqin's next words to be so friendly
"Miss Luoluo, this is Wenqin's friend, her literary talent is much higher than Wenqin's. The first time I saw Miss Luoluo, I was overwhelmed by her dancing."

For the first time, Fang Te didn't want to hear others praise him so much, so he turned around and bowed his hands together: "Xiaosheng Fang Wenshan."

"It seems that the little girl's performance is not enough to satisfy Mr. Fang. The little girl is ashamed." Luo Luo nodded and apologized, meaning: My dance is not good enough in your opinion, and I didn't even write a poem for you. I.

"No, it's just that the young student has little talent and learning, and I'm afraid that he will lose the girl's demeanor."

"Brother Fang is more talented than me. According to what Brother Fang said, wouldn't my poems humiliate the beauty of the girl Luoluo?" Chen Wenqin was still setting up the stage for Fang Te on the other side!He thought Fangte was being modest, but Fangte really couldn't write poems in this place to cause public outrage.

"Hehehe, my little girl was just joking, please don't worry about it, my lord." Seeing Fang Te's embarrassment, Luo Luo, who is an oiran, naturally knew how to deal with it.

"Thank you for your understanding, miss." Fante cupped his hands in thanks.

"However, there is an invitation here, little girl, Mr. Fang can't refuse."

After finishing speaking, Luo Luo showed her white lotus arms, took out two invitation cards from her sleeves, and handed them to Fang Te and Chen Wenqin with both hands.

"The poems of the two in the Lantern Garden have already been sung, especially Mr. Fang's poem about red beans and the topic of lights, which made the little girl admire her. I also invite the two gentlemen to go to the Lantern Garden in half an hour (an hour) Go to the meeting, the master is waiting for ten young masters there."

The water pavilion was directly under the Empress Dongxia, and the oiran was trained by the Empress Dongxia herself, so no one thought it was strange that Luoluo sent the invitation.

On the contrary, almost everyone looked at the two invitations eagerly, and Chen Wenqin felt very honored. After all, the invitations for talented scholars are sent by beautiful women. What could be more romantic than this?
Chen Wenqin and Fang Te accepted the invitation at the same time, but Fang Te's mood was slightly different.

(End of this chapter)

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