The evolution of slime

Chapter 103 The Eastern Xia Empress

Chapter 103 The Eastern Xia Empress
There is no imperial palace in Eastern Xia, and many people once persuaded the Empress of Eastern Xia to build one for the image of the Eastern Xia Empire, but they were all rejected by the Empress. The palace was replaced by a bamboo forest, but the area of ​​this bamboo forest was a bit exaggerated.

Fang Te, Chen Wenqin and other ten talents walked into the bamboo forest under the leadership of Luo Luo. Under the clear light of the red moon, a few squirrels jumped back and forth among the bamboo forests, and a few snow-white foxes on the side of the road scratched the bamboo forest with their hind feet. holding his chin.

These darlings in the bamboo forest saw Fangte and his party not only not afraid, but approached curiously, rubbing Fangte's trousers.
Except for Fang Te who kept chatting with Chen Wenqin like a normal person, the rest of the people were as stable as old dogs on the outside, panicked inside.

After all, how many people can see the Eastern Xia Empress, even the ministers of the Eastern Xia Kingdom can hardly see it. Anything to be conveyed is conveyed by the Empress's personal maid, and the Empress almost never shows up.

Anyway, no matter what the result of today's banquet is, no matter whether the empress appreciates it or not, as long as I see the empress of Dongxia today, it will be enough for me to boast for a lifetime. When I have a grandson, tell my grandson, your grandfather and I were the empress's entry Guest!Only 10 meters away from the Empress!

As for Fangte, the Eastern Xia Empress is actually a bit complicated. Gu Fangte's guess, whether it is Chinese characters or ancient Chinese clothing, proves that the Eastern Xia Empress came from another world.

When he was in Lantern Garden, Fang Te not only wrote poems to meet the empress, but he also used very famous and popular poems, hoping to make the empress realize that she still has a fellow villager.

But here comes the problem!She came 400 years earlier than me!

What dynasty was it 400 years ago? It seems to be the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it seems to be the Ming Dynasty!
What the hell!

Fellow Ming Dynasty!
So Fangte was very happy when he first found out about the Eastern Xia empress, but now he is very panicked, because Fangte later realized that this empress might not recognize himself as a fellow villager, after all, it is said that there is a gap between ten years and one generation. , It has been 400 years, this is not a generation gap, but the distance of a sea.

Moreover, Fangte's philosophy after modern education is different from the feudal thinking of the Ming Dynasty. If there is any conflict of ideas at that time, it will be troublesome.

But no matter what, even if there is a 400-year generation gap, this empress should have tears in her eyes when she sees her fellow countryman, right?
Even if there are no teary eyes, then this empress will at least reveal some things about her and her background to herself. After all, the origin of this empress has been kept in her heart and no one knows it. One may be the only fellow from the village, she should be able to confide a little bit of her heart.

Unknowingly, Fangte and his team had already reached the depths of the bamboo forest, the sound of the ding-dong of the clear spring came slowly, the night breeze carried a little fragrance of flowers and the natural fragrance of the soil, looking forward, a The bamboo courtyard is located in front of everyone.

"Little girl welcomes all distinguished guests."

In front of the bamboo courtyard, four women with good faces and graceful figures stood apart, bowing their knees to salute, and Luo Luo also turned around and stood in front of them to salute.
"Little girl welcomes all distinguished guests."

Su Qin, Dong Xue, Xia He, Qiu Ruo, Chun Ya.

All of a sudden, except for Fang Te, everyone was stunned, and the five personal maids of the Empress appeared together.

In Dong Xia, Su Qin, Dong Xue, and Xia He represented the empress in various matters, so many people had seen these three girls on some important occasions, so they were recognized in the Lantern Garden.

But the two maids named Qiu Ruo and Chun Ya are different. Dong Xia Kingdom has only heard of their names, but has never seen them.

What surprised them even more was that the water pavilion oiran who was born half a year ago turned out to be Miss Qiuruo!You know, I have seen Miss Qiuruo's dance music, what an honor it is!

But for Fang Te, his mood was not shock, but complicated, especially when he saw Luo Luo and Yaya appeared together.

Qiuruo, Chunya... Luoluo... Yaya...

Fang Te couldn't help but sighed, the pronunciation was the same, just a word difference...

"Please also invite everyone inside."

After the eldest Yaya's tone was soft, Fante and his party returned their salutes, and then they stepped into this sacred bamboo courtyard with anxiety, excitement and happiness.

"Please wait a moment, the master is dressing up." Yaya said in a low voice after bringing everyone into the Zhuju guest room.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Everyone said quickly, their voices were already a little trembling, and they felt their hearts beating very fast!After all, I am about to meet this legendary empress.

Seeing their nervous and happy looks, Fang Te couldn't help rolling his eyes, thinking that none of you in the top ten in the country have ever seen your emperor?Then you are too failed!
"Brother Chen, how many drinks?"

The waiting time is the most boring. When you are bored, Fangte wants to drink, and Dongxia's wine is that kind of rice wine, which tastes very good and seems to be very healthy.

"Brother Fang! It's not suitable to drink alcohol at this moment." Chen Wenqin patted the back of Fang Te's hand and said in a low voice.

"Then I can drink it myself." Fang Te muttered, picked up the wine glass, but was quickly pressed down by Chen Wenqin.

After the competition in the Lantern Garden and the play and drinking after the Lantern Garden, Chen Wenqin has already regarded Fang Te as his friend, especially when Fang Te confided his heart when he was drunk, Chen Wenqin has already regarded Fang Te as his bosom friend up.

I'm going to see the Empress later, what if my friend gets drunk while drinking?
"Don't worry, I drink very well." Fang Te naturally knew that Chen Wenqin was thinking of himself.

"Brother Fang, please bear with me for the time being. Although the good wine in Zhuyuan is brewed by the empress and five maids and is known as the best wine, it is really not suitable to drink too much at this moment."

Originally, Fang Te gave up the idea of ​​drinking a little bit, and it would be a big deal not to drink, but after Chen Wenqin's unintentional commentary and flattery!Fante wanted to drink even more.

Just when Fangte wanted to secretly pick up the wine glass for a few drinks, the surrounding magical elements suddenly quieted down. Even the extremely irritable fire element was as docile and obedient as if he was about to meet his own mother.

When I saw Anthony back then, the magic elements around him were also in the same situation, but they just surrendered!That is magic's recognition of this archmage!
But at this moment!The magic element actually had an affinity for her like a biological mother!
Fantawild's eyes were half lost!He knew that the legendary empress, the youngest legendary mage in the world was coming!
A graceful figure slowly appeared, and a clear voice was like the sound of heaven:
"I am honored to meet you young masters, and I have kept you waiting for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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