Chapter 109 Bet
Fang Te was a little dazed by the empress' eyes. What's the matter with the tender eyes? How did he make himself look like a heartless person?
"Your Majesty, if Fang Te offends His Majesty in any way, please tell Your Majesty clearly, otherwise, I'm a little panicked."

Fang Te's half-joking and half-serious words made the empress startled for a moment, then she covered her mouth and chuckled. For so many years, no one has said to herself "a little panic" whether in the previous life or in this world.

"Your Excellency Fangte, you unify the orc tribe, and recently you want to unify Ainia. Are you trying to win the position of the new god?"

"Yes." Fang Te was also very straightforward. To be honest, Fang Te was really not used to the bureaucratic talk of Eastern Xia Kingdom and the nobles of various countries going around and playing Tai Chi with each other just not getting into the theme.

"Why?" asked the Empress.

Why?Fang Te was taken aback!Why!I don't know why, I can't tell you that I was held hostage by the system, if I don't become the new king of the world and become a new god!I will be destroyed, right? !

Moreover!Even if I tell you, you and she won't believe it!I don't even believe it myself!And isn't it normal for a person to have ambition and desire?
"Why do the gods dominate everything? Why do the angels and phantoms look straight at Qinggao and treat other races like playthings? Why are the demons lawless but no one controls them? Why do the sea dwellers monopolize the ocean and prevent other races from entering the sea? And why are the elves always Is it meddling in other countries to cause wars, but I am arrogant and elegant? And why are the mechanical species capable of changing the world but do nothing, and why are the giant orcs always looked down upon and called aliens? The human species is too ambitious, how many alien races have been destroyed? "

Fang Te said seriously!This guy directly copied Chen Wenqin's world philosophy!And he spoke righteously and righteously!A pair of who but me!If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?
"So you want to build a world where all races coexist, regardless of each other?"

The Empress said with a smile.

Fang Te was taken aback, did he grasp the main idea?
"Uh...! That's right! I just want to build a peaceful world." Fang Te borrowed the slope to get off the donkey.

The empress didn't speak, but picked up the jasper wine glass on the stone table, took a sip, and poured another cup for Fangte. After a long time, the empress spoke slowly, with a tone of reprimand:
"Your Excellency Fangte, do you know the hardships of this road? Not to mention the gods, the grievances and grievances of the other nine races have accumulated for tens of millions of years! Could it be that you can do what you want? And, don't tell me you are really not good at being a god?" Does it exist?"

"If you don't do it, how will you know?"

Fangte looked straight into the eyes of the empress. He meant what he said. In his previous life, Fangte was a heavy gamer. No matter what kind of game, Fangte wanted to play the best and clear all the levels. It has become Fangte's obsession.

Maybe Fangte said that he wanted to conquer the world with a joking attitude at the beginning, but when the system released the task, Fangte became a little serious. Until now, Fantawild has become a game player, in one of the largest games in the world. player.

Many games are difficult to pass?But how do you know if you don't try?
Looking into Fang Te's eyes, there is even a trace of trance in the eyes of this unprecedented and graceful empress!There were also slight ripples in those eyes that were as calm as the emerald green lake water.

"What do you think of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, Your Excellency Fangte?" After a momentary trance, the Empress calmed down again.

"Although I and Your Majesty are 400 years apart, it can be said that I come from the same country and have been influenced by ancient traditional culture, so I also yearn for the ancients. Dongxia Kingdom is indeed a very good place." Fangte is indeed be honest.

"Then what do you think of Su Qin, Xia He, Dong Xue, Luo Luo, and Ya Ya?"

Fangte frowned?How do you ask me?Four of these five girls used to be undercover by my side, and they all have psychological shadows. For a period of time, everyone looked like a spy. How about you ask me?
"The five girls are peerless! They are gentle and considerate! Whoever marries one of them will definitely be the blessing of that man's three lives." Fang Te said, Fang Te was right in the first few sentences, but the last sentence is A little against my will, I really don't know if it's a blessing or not.

"If Your Excellency Fangte gives up becoming a new god and Ainia to join Dongxia, I would like to give them to Your Excellency together." The Empress said calmly.

Give it to me together?You seem to be teasing me!Although the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is peerless and charming!But who doesn't know that desire is also very strong in that respect, aren't you trying to squeeze me dry?
Well, just kidding, you want to give me five relatives of the nine-tailed fox!Even if you dare to give it away, I dare not accept it!Who knows what you're up to?Just to make me give up becoming a new god?wrong!Absolutely fraudulent!
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. I have been married for a long time."

"A marriage in name but not in reality?" The empress glanced lightly at Fang Te.

You also know this?
Fang Te was speechless for a while.

"Why does Your Majesty want me to join Dongxia? Does Your Majesty want me to assist? Your Majesty also has the desire to compete in the world?"

"The world of competition? This world? Whether it's this world or the last world, what's the point?" the empress said lightly.

It's not interesting, then why are you targeting me!I didn't want to fight Dong Xia again!
Fangte was still complaining in his heart.

"Your Majesty didn't kill me and wanted me to stay in Dongxia, which means that His Majesty and I don't have any deep hatred. If so, how can Your Majesty let me go?"

Fangte really didn't understand. They said that women have needles in their hearts. It seems that this sentence is true. Regarding this century-old empress, Fangte has no idea what she is doing, so he should explain everything clearly.

"Your Excellency Fangte wants to leave, that's fine, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

"In my bamboo forest, there is a cave that I spent a hundred years transforming. If Your Excellency Fangte can walk out of the cave within three days, I will personally escort you out."

"What if not?"

"If you don't come out within three days, please settle down in Dongxia. My concubine will spread rumors that you have died in Dongxia. I believe that it is still very difficult for Dongxia to deal with two women and the leaderless Ainia." simple."

The Empress said lightly.

"Do you agree?"

Fangte was half-obsessed, staring at the Empress, and was silent for a long time...

"I promise you!"

(End of this chapter)

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