The evolution of slime

Chapter 110 The Lost Girl

Chapter 110 The Lost Girl

Ainia East Territory, Snake City!

Sheka City is the second largest city in the east of Ainia!It is in the hands of a snake-human race in the east (the snake-human race is similar to the sea-dwelling species. When they are minors, they have a human body with a snake tail, and when they become adults, the snake tail can degenerate into two feet).

But now, this snake tribe has sworn allegiance and submission to the orc tribe, and Snakeka City is in Yuelu's hands.

Opposite to Sheka City is the largest city in the east of Ainia—Shima City. Calgary is less than 4000 meters apart, and a not deep and not shallow Luoshui is placed in the middle of the two.

The cat-human girl was sitting on a hilltop in Sheka City. She took off her armor and wore a pink princess dress. Her small hands kept pulling out the innocent withered grass around her. Ryan stood beside him, and he didn't know How to comfort her.

It happened a few days ago.

A few days ago, the Ainia Eastern Alliance, which was dying to fight, was already dying. Yuelu had already planned everything, and all the generals in the army were fully prepared to attack Shima City at night, so as not to prevent the people from the horse race. Any opportunity for a natural cavalry to charge!

In all eyes!This is a war to be won!But unexpectedly, it was during the night raid that night!A fantasy dragon appeared on the battlefield!

The whole body of this giant dragon is transparent, and thousands of stars seem to be engraved on his body!There are several star-like yellow spheres around him, and the faint blue fluorescent light on his body is a symbol of the leakage of magic power. The stars seem to flicker more than usual under the influence of magic power.

This is an adult Twilight Dragon!

But if it's just a twilight dragon, it won't change anything. After all, as long as you pay the price of a thousand orc warriors, you can still encircle and suppress this twilight dragon that appeared out of thin air!

But what I didn't expect was!This twilight dragon actually opened the void with its own talent!
A twilight army of tens of thousands (product of magic! created by modifying the original bodies of various races! good at magic and close combat) appeared in Shima City!
With the sudden addition of foreign forces, the unprepared Yuelu's side suffered extremely heavy losses. If it weren't for Yuelu's decisive orders to issue, the entire army of Yuelu might be wiped out.


"Lian, tell me, will the teacher be disappointed with me?" Yuelu sat on the top of the hill, looking at Shekacheng with her chin propped up.

"You have done a good job. No one would have thought that the Twilight Dragon, who considers himself extremely noble, would help the Eastern Alliance." Ryan looked at the girl's slender and weak back, and his heart trembled involuntarily.

"The teacher once said: A soldier should think inside and outside, take into account the overall situation, control the whole situation, and understand people's hearts. I have not fulfilled the teacher's request." Yuelu's tone was a little low.

"The teacher really won't blame you." Ryan comforted.

Yuelu bent her knees, hugged her slender "manga legs" with her lotus root arms, buried her small head in her thighs, and the hem of her skirt was gently stroked by the night wind.

"The teacher is so gentle, he really won't scold me, but if the teacher scolds Yuelu, Yuelu will feel better." Yuelu raised her head and looked at the blue sky, "Ryan, the current battle situation, if It's the teacher, what do you think the teacher will do?"

Seeing the sad and sad look of the girl, the young man named Ryan Lion Clan couldn't help being moved by the sadness. In the war between the orc tribe and the allied forces of humans, after his father died in Shi Nuo City, the girl was his most precious. people.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would protect her well!But now, seeing the woman's sadness, but he was powerless, Ryan felt a little powerless.

It would be great if the teacher could show up now, as long as the teacher comes, all problems can be solved, even if they can't be solved for a while, as long as Yuelu sees the teacher, she will be very happy.

Thinking of this, the young lion-human teenager didn't feel any jealousy or jealousy towards his teacher. For him, as long as the delicate girl in front of him could be happy, everything was worth it.

Neither of them spoke.

The girl looked at the starry sky silently, and the lion-human boy looked at her quietly. The red moonlight cast a faint light, and everything under the starry sky had a hazy color. Everything seemed so beautiful. This is the lion-human tribe. Young Ryan has never seen the beauty.

At this moment, the pure lion-human young man had some small thoughts in his heart. He thought, if he didn't stop at this moment, it would be fine for the two of them to stay together like this. And he heard that the teacher and the master's wife were in a month We are together in the next night, and now I am also in a beautiful night, will it
The lion-human youth simply thought.

However, just so unintentionally, Ryan set a flag, and soon, Yuelu's personal guard - a cat-human girl quietly appeared beside the two of them.

"General, lieutenant general! The master is here!" the cat-human girl said slowly.

Both Yuelu and Ryan couldn't help being surprised!In the orc tribe, everyone called Fang Te Your Excellency, because Fang Te did not take any official position in the orc tribe, but no one dared to despise Fang Te.

But to be called master!There is only one person!That's Emilia!

"Master is here?!" Yuelu stood up all of a sudden, her delicate face was slightly flushed.

Emilia has also taught Yuelu and others, so she is not only a simple mistress, but also a teacher, and this mistress is beautiful, generous, gentle and kind, almost the idol of the girls of the orc tribe,

So Yuelu not only respects this teacher, but also has a lot of yearning, but Yuelu has a little love for her teacher, so she is a little shy in front of her teacher.

But because the orcs don't have the tradition of monogamy, Yuelu also has a different kind of kindness towards this teacher's wife.

"The master is already waiting for the two of you in the city." The cat-human girl said lightly, with a natural chill unique to members of the Dark Cat Pavilion.

"Let's go right away!"

After all, Yuelu took Ryan by the hand and hurried down the mountain.

Being held by Yuelu's little hand, the soft feeling made Ryan, who is used to the battlefield, blush for the first time.

However, Ryan also felt the slight trembling of Yuelu's little hand. At the same time, her eyes were not only filled with excitement and joy, but also with the self-blame of being an army general.

Ryan squeezed her little hand tightly with a little effort.

"Thank you."

Yuelu felt the strength in his hands, and when she turned her head, she knew he was encouraging her.

(End of this chapter)

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