The evolution of slime

Chapter 111 Shirley

Chapter 111 Shirley


In the original city lord's mansion in Sheka City, Yuelu and Ryan saw this breathtakingly beautiful silver-haired woman.

The woman's delicate and delicate face seems to be able to drip water, especially the woman's silver-white long hair, which contrasts with the woman's black short skirt. The snow-skinned silver-haired black dress coordinates with each other, and it has a different kind of beauty .

From Yuelu and Ryan's point of view, maybe only such a woman can become the partner of a talented person like the teacher (if Fang Te knows they think so, this guy will probably be so happy, and he will be so happy.)
As for the title of mistress, there is also a certain emphasis. Originally, they also called Emilia the teacher and Her Majesty the Queen, but it seems that she only likes the title of "mistress".

"I've heard everything, Yuelu, you are not to blame for the battle in Shima City."

Emilia said lightly, although she was the same girl as always, her tone was extremely soft, even softer than Geng Fangte's, and she could feel that she wanted to comfort Yuelu.

"Master! The last night attack was due to Yuelu's poor consideration! Next time Yuelu will definitely not make such a mistake again!"

"Master! The responsibility is not on Yuelu, I am responsible for the information in the army! The appearance of the Twilight Dragon is my negligence! It was my work that caused the defeat of our army! Please don't blame Yuelu! "

Ryan quickly took the responsibility on himself.

Emilia shook her head, Yuelu and Ryan's hearts sank. From their point of view, this big defeat has already disappointed the teacher. It seems that they are going back to Luoyang, and they should be replaced by Brother Tan or Fei Teren Brother came to take his place.

But what Emilia said next surprised Yuelu and Ryan!
"That dragon of twilight is called Neltharion. You are not responsible for his appearance. To be honest, I was also surprised that he would appear in Ania." Emilia said slowly, but in her There are many complex expressions in the eyes.

"Nesalion? The eldest son of the land lord of Twilight?" Ryan asked in surprise.

Emilia nodded.

"As for this matter, I will take care of it. I will meet Nesario alone tomorrow, but just in case, I have asked Captain Li Yunlong to rush over. He should arrive tomorrow. By then He will assist you. Ryan, I know that your father has a problem with Captain Li Yunlong, but I hope you can cooperate well."

"Yes! The student understands!" Ryan said, "It's just that the student insists on disapproving of the teacher's wife going to see Nelthario alone! It's too dangerous! I believe the teacher will not agree if he is here."

"Yuelu is also opposed to the teacher going to see the Twilight Dragon alone!"

Emilia shook her head again:

"Even if your teacher stops me, I will still stick to my own way, and don't worry, I will be fine."


Just when Yuelu returned to Ryan and wanted to persuade his mistress again, a dragon chant spread over the sky of Sheka City!Immediately, the cry of the Kongying tribe cut through the sky, not afraid of the fantasy dragon tribe at all!
Emilia frowned slightly, stepped on the void, and disappeared into the room the next moment.

Above the night sky!The warriors of the Kongying tribe confronted the oriental-looking giant dragon covered with stars that broke into the sky above Sheka City alone. The battle was imminent, and the leader of the Kongying tribe had secretly issued an order!When necessary, you can bleed three times.

All the fighters of the Kongying clan are ready to fight to the death, and the fighters of the Vulture clan are also rushing over.

"Beastmen are beastmen. No matter what race they are, they are all so rude and barbaric. That's why dragons won't associate with these things. What do you think?"

Neltharion turned his head to look at the void, and a moment later, a silver-haired girl walked out of the void!
The breeze brushed over the girl's skirt and silver hair, and a wisp of light fragrance wafted in the air.

"Master!" The leader of the Kongying tribe was shocked when he saw Emilia, and then quickly stood in front of Emilia, "Master, please go back first! Just leave it to the third battalion of the Air Force." .”

"The majestic fantasy species needs the protection of the vulgar and disgusting orc species? This is really strange."

Nelthario said sarcastically, the power of the stars around him unconsciously formed a great coercion.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot. What kind of empress are you now? How should I call you, Your Majesty? Empress? Or the name you used—Emilia?"

Emilia was still expressionless, but the leader of the Kongying tribe beside her could clearly feel that her breathing was heavier. If the night was brighter, her face could be seen to be a little pale.

"What are you doing here? Why are you joining forces with the eastern clans of Aenia?"

"What? Of course it's for you, the girl I love..." Nelthario said with a smile, looking around, "But, do you really want to talk here?"

Emilia bit her lower lip subconsciously, the natural and pure charm was natural.

"Your Excellency Battalion Commander, please tell General Yuelu, I will be back soon, please don't worry!"


Before the leader of the Kongying Clan could stop her, Emilia stepped into the void again and left the sky above Sheka City, and Nesario also left freely without any hindrance.

"Now you can say what you're here for!"

At a height of more than a thousand meters, Emilia and Nelthario stood a hundred meters apart.

At this time, Nelthario has turned into a human form, with a handsome face, long light blue hair, a pair of beautiful eyes like sapphires, especially that elegant and slightly evil temperament!have to say!He is really handsome!It's the type that a little girl will fall in love with as soon as she sees it.

If Fangte met him, he would definitely not make friends with him, because he is too handsome!Is there any reason? !

"Xiaoxue, you are really cold, but we have a marriage contract."

Nelthario approached Emilia as if walking on flat ground, but Emilia quickly took a few steps back!The distance was opened again.

"That's just a joke between the elders! I don't like you!" Emilia said calmly.

"Oh? Then you like the scum of the phantom species—the slime family? But if you really like him, why didn't you even tell him his real name? Why did you call yourself Ai to him? What about Milia?"

"Why is that, Shirley?"

Nelthario's words slowly floated in the air, and each word hit the heart of the black dragon girl named Emilia like a heavy blow.

(End of this chapter)

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