The evolution of slime

Chapter 114 Di Xin

Chapter 114 Di Xin
What's this?Holographic projection?Movie blockbuster?
Fang Te extinguished the crumbling flame in his hand, looked at the scene in front of him, then looked at his feet, and finally looked behind him, Fang Te was stunned.

Because at this moment, all the caves disappeared, replaced by various three-dimensional images.

Fang Te felt that this might be a spiritual illusion, and touched the side, only to find that the stone wall was gone!In other words, this is not an illusion, but a small space,

Fang decided to concentrate and looked at the various scenes in this small space.

At this time, it was night in the space, and the sky was dotted with stars. The first thing Fang Te noticed was the full moon hanging high in the night sky!Unlike the red full moon of this world, the moon is bright yellowish!It is the moon as seen from the earth.

Looking at the ground, you are stepping on a street paved with stone slabs, surrounded by ancient Chinese dwellings, square buildings, shacks and earthen houses. The style of these houses seems to be too old!It looks very similar to the Shang Dynasty architecture I saw in TV dramas.

And I don't know why, the streets are extremely deserted, every house is closed, the small carts of street vendors are thrown everywhere, some gadgets are broken on the ground, no one takes care of them, the atmosphere of the whole ancient city is extremely chilling.

Raising his head and looking up, there is a huge high attic platform located in the center of the city, looking at everything in the city, Fang Te suddenly thought of King Wu.
A group of soldiers in armor and holding spears rushed towards Fangte from the street!Fangte concentrated his mind and was ready to fight at any time.

It's just that this group of soldiers passed by Fangte directly as if they didn't see Fangte, treating Fangte as air. They spoke a language that Fangte was unfamiliar with, but Fangte understood.

When Fangte became more and more confused, Fangte decided to go to the high platform to have a look!
He didn't step on the void, because Fangte found that all magic was forbidden here, that is to say, this is also a world of nothingness, and the place he is in is just an image.

Walking on the long street, looking at the dilapidated and desolate scene around him, Fang Te couldn't help feeling nervous and sad.

Shaking his head, Fang Te got rid of this inexplicable sadness and walked towards the high platform step by step.

There are no soldiers guarding under the high platform. In fact, it is okay even if there are soldiers guarding. Anyway, Fangte is just a passenger at this time. No one will notice him, and he can't interfere with anything.

Climb the high steps!Fangte finally reached the high platform!

Gaotaizhong is a palace!
The majestic golden couch, various small objects made of gold leaf, the window pavilion like a panoramic room, the flame on the bronze pillar of the faucet, the window screen made of gold thread, and various exquisite bronze utensils placed In it, all the facilities are made to the highest standard!The whole palace room is full of kingly aura.


There were footsteps coming from the stairs of the high platform, Fang Te immediately felt a little guilty, and wanted to find a place to hide, but soon he calmed down:
"Others can't see me, Dad! Why should I panic, Dad?"

Fangte calmly picked a padded cushion and sat down cross-legged, propped his chin and looked at what was going on in front of him and what was about to happen.

The footsteps became more and more clear. From the footsteps, Fang Te could hear two people, one of them was a man and the other was a woman.

Sure enough, a man and a woman walked into the hall on the high platform.

The man looks handsome, with sharp edges and corners, and the domineering air between his brows is not angry and majestic, that kind of aura that is the pride of the sky and the only one who respects me can't be concealed.

But Fangte is not gay, and he is not interested in men, especially men who are taller than himself, Fangte is even less interested.

But when Fang Te saw the woman in the man's arms, Fang Te was stunned!I can't stay anymore!
Fuck! "

Fuck Fangte blurted out twice!It's not just because the appearance of the woman in the arms of a heroic man is really a disaster for the country and the people!It's that the appearance of this woman is exactly the same as that of the Eastern Xia Empress!
At this moment, Fangte's head hurts.

But Fangte's head hadn't hurt for long, and through the almost panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, Fangte saw the faint light of fire in the town!Then came loud shouts and heavy footsteps!

Since the sound of footsteps can be heard tens of meters above the tall building, it is enough to see the large number of people.

The next moment, through the moonlight and firelight, Fang Te saw the armored soldiers surrounding the high platform.

"Are you afraid?" The heroic man put his arms around the delicate woman in his arms and smiled, looking at the dark place under the high platform.

The woman shook her head, and buried her head deeper into the man's arms.

"With the king here, Daji is not afraid." The woman said softly, her eyes were as soft as silk, and her slender hands gently rested on the man's broad chest.


Isn't this heroic and handsome guy King Zhou?
its not right!Didn't King Zhou in the history books have a beer belly?Is there such a handsome one?
Fang Te was startled, and did not recover for a long time.

"Hahaha, I'm fatuous and ruthless? King Wu is doing justice for the heavens? It's really nice to hear, tell me, if that kid Ji Fa didn't see your face, wouldn't he be rebellious?"

King Zhou held Daji's slender hand and patted her thin shoulder lightly.

"Since Ji Fa came here for Daji, why didn't the king hand over Daji?"

Daji, or the empress of Dongxia smiled slightly in the arms of King Zhou. This smile is different from the charming smile when the empress of Dongxia received her, but it is the most sincere love with her little daughter. The most beautiful smile of a loved one.

For a moment, Fang Te was stunned. To be honest, even if he saw this smile, he would probably not think about it day and night, and it would be hard not to be rebellious.

"Hand it over? Hahaha"

King Zhou walked with the woman in his arms on the edge of the hall on the high platform. The night wind blew over the clothes of the most famous emperor and woman in history. The stars twinkle in the sky, forming a most beautiful picture.

King Zhou looked at the black armored army under the high platform. The archers were already in place, the arrow feathers were lit with raging flames, and the bowstring was fully drawn!

"Ji Fa Xiao Er! This king! Di Xin! Here! Even if this king dies! For thousands of generations! I will never be able to get around this king!"

Shang Zhou Dynasty shouted under the high platform, the voice was like the roar of a dragon, shaking people's hearts, Fang Te couldn't help admiring him!
"Shang Wangdi Xin! Faintness! I, Ji Fa, will act for the heavens tonight!" Wu Wang Ji Fa roared, even though it was nearly a hundred meters away, Fang Te could still feel his eyes on Daji, but The woman just raised her head in the arms of King Zhou of Shang and looked at him quietly.
"Fire arrows!"

Ji issued an order, and the sky rained rockets on the high platform.
(End of this chapter)

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