Chapter 115
The high towers all over the sky were destroyed in the flames, and Fang Te watched Shang Zhou King like an outsider——Di Xin and the woman who had been passed down for thousands of years in the history books disappeared into the flames together.

After the fire, Shang has changed to Zhou, and the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty——Di Xin was given the posthumous title of "Zhou" and was known as King Zhou of Shang in history!
A few days later, King Wu of Zhou ascended the throne!Hundreds of ministers worshiped and granted!The sound of bells came out of the palace and echoed in the city for a long time
Fang Te stood outside the city, a woman wearing a plain scarf and a white dress silently looked at the city wall, her long black hair fluttering in the wind, if there is a fairy in the world, I am afraid that if you see her, will be ashamed of itself.

"I will wait for you"

These were the last words spoken by the woman, and Fang Te stood behind her like an observer.

She turned around and passed Fang Te
Do not know why!Fante felt his chest throbbing!As if pierced by thousands of silver needles, he turned into a human species, and stretched out his hand to keep her!But her hair slowly passed through her fingertips without leaving any trace...

The scene slowly shattered and dissipated. After a few breaths, Fang Te returned to the dark cave, but the mood was different from before. Fang Te felt very heavy in his heart, as if he had broken up with his girlfriend (although He has been single since birth.)
"Damn it! No way! It's so touching! I didn't expect that the Empress of Dongxia would be Daji! And the purpose of King Wu's rebellion was for women in the first place! Damn it! It's so shocking! This can't be true! "

Fangte recovered from the "movie" just now, but he was still shocked!This is completely different from what I know in history!And Fangte felt that if it was changed into a script!Absolutely bloody!

Fangte seemed to be ignoring something on purpose, calmed down his emotion a little bit, and then continued to walk forward.

Just didn't take a few steps!Fangte entered a space again!
Fangte, who was once acquainted with the second time, was not overly surprised, but observed the surrounding environment first.

The scene in this space is completely different from the one just now.

At this time, Fangte is on the city wall, and there are many things around it that are used to burn the beacon fire.

etc? !war?Um? ?The lords of Fenghuo opera?Fuck!No way!

Just when Fangte felt that he had guessed something, a middle-aged man walked up to the beacon tower with a beautiful woman in his arms!
"Father Guo Shi presides over the government and holds great power in his hands! Exploiting the people! Fame is worthless! But the widow is powerless! Shen Hou united with the state of Zang, and will soon attack the Western Zhou Dynasty! I have arranged cronies and made preparations. You will leave in three days!"

"Where the king is, Baosi will be there. Baosi belongs to the king, and Baosi will always be with the king."

"Hahaha, the widow is the lord of a country! Even if you want to die, you will die on the battlefield. How can you let a woman accompany you!"

"Your Majesty!"

"You don't need to say any more, I've made up my mind!" King Zhou You interrupted Bao Si's words, and Fang Te, who was watching the play at the side, was fascinated by it, only popcorn and Coke were missing!

"Everyone is mortal, so don't be sad, you are a widow's woman! How can you love your sons and daughters." King Zhou You held Bao Si's slender hand and looked at her, with a tenderness in his eyes that was completely different from his status and aura.

"The treacherous officials rebelled against the party! Manipulating the power of the court! Treat the widows like puppets on strings! Since they tease the widows! Why can't the widows tease them?" King Zhou You took Baosi's hand and walked to the beacon tower, and said with a smile, "Come on, my widow Show you something fun!"

"Your Majesty?"

"Come here! Light the beacon fire! Play with the princes!"

"Your Majesty! No!" Bao Si put his arms around King Zhou You's waist, and pressed his perfect face against his chest to dissuade him.

"Hahaha, since our country is about to perish! Why not!? Come! My concubine! Watch these so-called princes with me!"

As recorded in the history books, upon receiving the news of the beacon fire, the nearby princes rushed over, but, unlike what Fangte knew in history, their speed of coming was not the "hurry" described in the book, but rather Casual, like an outing, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these princes don't want to come, but they have to.

After the princes learned that it was King Zhou You's tease, they all showed anger, cursed secretly and left one after another, but soon, they didn't halfway, and saw the beacon fire again!

no way!They still have to go!

Come and go, go and come again, back and forth a total of five times!

Seeing the appearance of these so-called princes, King Zhou You smiled happily, because his beloved laughed, and the woman in his arms also smiled happily.

But Fang Te felt the deep sorrow buried in the king's heart!A way to eradicate treacherous ministers and save the country!But it hurts helplessly!

The sun and the moon rotate, time flows, and half a day has passed in the blink of an eye!
Marquis Shen joined forces with the state of Zan and the Xiyi dog army to attack King Zhou You. King Zhou You personally put on armor and went into battle, fighting with his few remaining soldiers under Mount Li!A total of more than a dozen slashes on the body, and three arrow feathers pierced through the body!In the end, he was exhausted, but he stood with his sword!Die but not fall!
Fang Te approached King Zhou You, who was standing dead, and unconsciously wanted to touch the long bronze sword. Although he couldn't touch it, the blade was trembling and trembling slightly!
The scene is broken!If it is said that after experiencing the first scene, Fangte was only moved, and he could complain about it a few more times, but after experiencing the two scenes that seemed to be experienced personally, Fangte's mood was already a little heavy, and there was a feeling that he was getting more and more excited. The feeling of becoming more and more familiar invades Fantawild's heart!
Fangte subconsciously ignored and resisted this feeling from the beginning, but now, Fangte seems to be unable to escape anymore.

Back to the cave!Fangte continued to walk forward, he could feel it!This cave is like a long river of history!And his own swimming in this long river is only a short distance away.

Taking a deep breath, Fangte extinguished the fireball, walked forward with his feeling, the space changed, and the next scene appeared again.

What is the scene this time?
Fangte already felt a little uneasy!It was obviously someone else's experience, it was obviously someone else's story, but he found that he was a little afraid to go on!

It seems that if this continues, Fangte will lose himself.

However, Fang Te has come here, he can't back up, even if he stands still, all changes in the scene will not stop
"His Majesty."

A soft cry woke up the thoughtful Fangte, and when he came back to his senses, a middle-aged man passed through him and walked towards the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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